
A Fist of Rage! Hell Verse!!

The blond-haired man smiled when he saw Akasan approaching him. "Did you think I'd let him go?! Demihumans are beasts! Monsters! All they're good for is being a worthless chunk of meat!! Who cares what we do to them?! I've worked here for three years now! I've beat them, slapped them, violated them, defiled them, ruined them!! They're like playthings!! That we can do whatever we want with!!"

Akasan continued walking forward, listening to the cruel words this man spoke.

"You're new here, so why don't I help you? What's your type, hm? You want a reptilian girl, or maybe a bird-type? They're really light and easy to throw around! If you prefer something on the heavier side I can set you up with a bovine... your choice!"

Akasan stopped when he stood face-to-face with the man. His eyes stopped glowing. "What's your name...?"

"My name is Vasil! Have you decided yet?!"

Akasan looked directly into his eyes. "I'm about to kill you."