
Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

It started out, yeah. It was a crash landing. [Inner Lunatic] is a fantasy RPG infamous for its extreme difficulty. However, to Yoo Chan, who was diagnosed with a terminal illness at a young age, this game was his entire life and has now become his reality. From now on, Yoo Chan has to survive in this world as Nox von Reinharber, the worst villain in the first act of the game. Will he be able to reach the end of the story safely? . . [This novel does not belong to me; all rights belong to its author. I merely upload it, and translation credits go to: Dursty’sTS.] Original Author: Jeong Melody/정선율 Official Page: https://m.series.naver.com/novel/detail.series?productNo=8519312

Zeom · Fantasy
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150 Chs

Recapturing the Kingdom of Tahalin (2)

"Foolish scum, you don't seem to understand that what you are doing is treason."

Nox began and continued.

"Think about it. When the quarrels with the King and Queen of Tahalin became more frequent, and the distance between the Arkheim Empire and Tahalin slowly grew. All because of Kramsar. Ever since he took root here and became a court wizard."

Nox von Reinhafer's words were a mere rant, but they were enough to raise the voices of countless others in a murmur.

This had more to do with his origin as a direct descendant of Reinhafer than anything else.

That, and his persuasive tone and graceful gestures.

-He, by the way....

-When the Good King told us to distance ourselves from the Arkheim Empire, it also coincided with his arrival… What the hell is this… Ugh!

Among the murmuring voices.

The number of people complaining of headaches suddenly increased.

'The same thing that happened to Kushan and Aria. They're feeling the pain as their brainwashing begins to unravel.'

Now a deep question must be lingering in their minds.

Will the Kramsar they trusted so much not betray them?

The question will bite them in the ass, slowly consuming them.

That was one of the ways Nox had planned it.

It was then.

"Do not be fooled, all of you, by the man who destroyed Tahalin like no other! Do you believe the words of the Reinhafers?!"

Kramsar shouted, not giving up, using his magic to try and brainwash them.

"Nox von Reinhafer, I will no longer respect you, and unless you can provide proof that I am a follower of the devil, I cannot guarantee your life here!"

"Guarantee… that's a funny word."



Nox suddenly takes a step, moving steadily toward the base of the ramparts.

His gray hair, absorbing the light here and there, swallowed red, transparent white, earthy colors, etc., and then vomited them out repeatedly.

"Are you sure?"

He mocks.

The night fell dark in Nox. With his back to the pure white moon, he slowly began to descend the barrier.

The transparent light on his back as he descended the stairwell illuminated his swift strides, and his lack of hesitation made his determination clear.


Some might say it was a discriminatory remark, but at least what Nox was showing now fit the bill perfectly.

"Nox-nim, it's dangerous!"

"Yes, Young Master, there is an enemy below…!"


"Wait, all of you. Don't take a single step. That's an order."

Nox turned away from the urgent shouting and descended the stairs to the lower level, where he met the many eyes of the besiegers of the castle that had gathered around him.

It was as if he was used to being the center of attention, as if he deserved it. There was no discomfort in his behavior.


The others, not daring to point their swords at him, were quick to look from one to the other.

Their behavior also seemed to Nox to be unspeakably sleazy and despicable, so he couldn't help but speak up.

"It's filthy."

Only then did they realize they had been insulted. The ice-cold room began to stir.

-What kind of language is that!

-Yes! The reason we need to hear that from Reinhafer is because....

"Funny, isn't it. I, the wretch whom you have ignored, have come down here alone, and no one has been the first to point a weapon at me. Are those weapons in your hands ornaments?"

The room is silent.

But still, no one steps forward.

Nox von Reinhafer.

His words carry the air of a defeated man, immobilizing them.

"If you hold the sword."

It was the moment.

Nox's hand moved to the hilt of his sword. Black magic surged through him like a blazing fire, and the cold hilt emitted a sharp light.

A snap.

"I assume you came prepared for the Veil."

* * *

First strike.

In fact, I can assure you that there is nothing more important in battle.

Also, if you ask me if I really came down here alone, with no one to watch my back.

'Not to die. Not with two lives....'

Dark gazes fill the shadows I cast.

They belong to the Knights of the Black Sword.

If I'm ever in danger, they'll leap out in unison and raise their weapons in defense of me....

It was safe to say that war would begin immediately.

One might say.

You have to kill them, you can't tell the story without killing them, etc.

But from what I know of the Inner Lunatic, their behavior is set in stone going forward.

Of course, this isn't a game.

It's real life, and if you're asking me if they have any redeeming qualities, I'd say no.


Everyone has one life.

That includes me, and I have no intention of sparing those who point their swords at me. If it is the only way to survive, even if it is morally wrong, I will do it.

'Besides… we can never change this rotten kingdom without killing them. They have rebelled once, and they will rebel again.'

How to save Tahalin.

It begins with the destruction of those within, those who refuse to follow Kushan's will.

I intend to help with that a bit.

The reason is simple.

Kushan's powers have only just blossomed. It's not quite used to killing people yet.

It's fair to say he's not strong enough to cut down his own people.

But there is a way to make him stronger.

It's me stepping up. I will correct his mentality and show him the true nature of his lord.

I won't even give him the chance to hesitate.

-He, he really killed him!

-How dare you… Even if it's Reinhafer, this is unacceptable! Meddling in the affairs of our kingdom…!

"Who was it that pointed a sword at me?"

I laughed.

"And who was it that tried to point a sword at me?"

Gazes again, this time pinpointing Kramsar.

They must be thinking.

This is how Nox von Reinhafer gets involved in a battle?

It would introduce a new variable, and their plans to take the kingdom by storm would be thwarted.

If they did, all the nobles involved would end up on the firing squad.

In other words, they would be forced to do something dangerous: blame Kramsar for dragging them into the rebellion.

"Kushan Adrian."

I say his name softly, but clearly.

His gaze settles on mine.

"Show them that tonight a new king will be born in Tahalin. You must do this with your own hands."

"Yes. I understand, Nox-nim."

The tremor in his voice has already subsided.

Suddenly, the kukri of Kushan, leaping from the ramparts, begins to dance.

Ruddy hair and pupils, slaughtering people with skill.

Daggers that are different from longswords. The allure of curvature is clearly imprinted in their eyes. Of course, the same is true for me.

Those who have seen Kushan's skill are in awe.

It's unfortunate that it's his own people, but it's the best choice he can make now, so no one questions it.

Then, another voice.

"Attack them all!"


A vast number of moderate resistance fighters, brought in by the Elemental Elves, rush forward and begin to attack Kramsar.

Unlike Kramsar's faction of well-fed nobles, these are men who have suffered from their exploits from the bottom up.

Naturally, their anger is heightened.

"Holy… shit!"

At that moment, Kramsar quickly began to unleash his magic.



A blue force field surrounded him, protecting him. A small portal appeared next. It was attempting to transfer Kramser to another dimension.

But it couldn't.


I draw on my magic, interrupting his prearranged plan. The blue portal he's created begins to slowly close.

Kramser can only stare at the scattering shards of magic with vacant eyes.

"…Uh, why the portal!"

"Is that the skill of a court mage you were bragging about?"

I smirked.


That was my first thought when I saw his magic.

His face turned a deep blue.

"Stop, please… Did you dispel it? In that short time… A portal?!"

"It's nothing, thanks to some professor's deadly gambit."

I remembered the professor who had been annoying me and showing me hundreds of magic circles. I remembered Lars. I can't help but cringe when I think of his distraught face.

He's a man crazed with magic.


…Though it's helping me now.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I walked up to him, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, and lifted him up.

Then I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You all want proof that this scum is a demon? I'll show you before you die, if you want."

"That, stop it!"

I focused my magic on my fingertips and began to pour the clean, refined magic into his body.

The blue energy slowly seeped into his body… until, at some point, the cycle stopped.

It suddenly began to flow backwards.



Thick blood spurted from his cough.

Along with violet magic.

This was to be expected.

There are two types of magic in the Inner Lunatic, after all.

The first is the corrupted power of demons, fae, and fiends.

The second is refined magic, used by common wizards and knights.

Naturally, these two have conflicting properties.

At some point, if one becomes too much, it can backfire and hurt you.


In this situation, that violet energy he's spitting out is proof that he's a demon.


His face slowly fades to a blackish-purple color, and his pupils become cloudy.

-What the hell!

-How could Kramsar-nim…?!

A rumbling sound is heard.

Surely, it was the demon's proof.

"Court Mage Kramsar is a demon, a filthy scum. Of course, you are worse scum for following him."

With that declaration, I powered up my sword.

This murderous sensation of cutting someone's breath away. I try not to let myself become addicted to it, but I can't suppress the thrill of the moment.

The blade lands squarely on Kramsar's heart.

"Quaaaaagh! Shit… dare! On the topic of shame in Reinhafer!"


"Yes. I am the disgrace of Reinhafer. What does that have to do with anything?"

At my cold words, Kramsar cries out and grabs my shoulders with both hands. He must have realized that this might be the last time he'd ever see me.

The force of his grip was considerable.

He breathes raggedly.

"Oh… shit. Kehuek, spare me… just once… and I'll… share the power of the Archduke with you… if you do!"


"You think I need that?"

Kramsar's face crumpled ferociously as he spoke. His brow crumpled fiercely, and the words he'd been hiding inside burst forth.

"Do you even know who the devil I serve is? One of the 72 demons, the Archduke himself, [Gremory]! If such a man knew that his loyal servant was dead, you'd be dead in a heartbeat…!"




A gurgle, and blood is vomited.

It was thanks to a little force on Stormbringer and stabbing the sword through his heart. I didn't want to hear any more of his nasty words.

And, it's extremely cold.

He chews as if he's spitting out a tale that a lesser man would have spat out just the same.

"If you had told me not whom you serve, but what kind of a bastard you are and what utility you are worth to me."

Kramsar's two globes suddenly rise upward, and the blood he vomits from the corner of his mouth drenches his entire body.

"You might have had a chance to live."

I let go of my grip on his throat. With a thud, the body of his Kramsar fell to the floor.

His body, devoid of any warmth or magic, began to dissipate as if on fire, enveloped in a mysterious violet glow.

'Archduke… It's Gremory's doing.'


The one who turned him into a demon and started this tragedy.

She is a demon.

And as a demon, in exchange for giving her overwhelming power, she would take the body and soul of her target when they died.

Perhaps it is the same now.

"Finish it."

I coldly directed the removal of the remaining rebel minions.

Kushan bowed his head stiffly.

The indiscriminate slaughter had begun, just as it had two years earlier when the Knights of Reinhafer had been overrun here.

No matter how many nobles' private soldiers there were, it didn't matter much. They have faith in the court wizard Kramsar.

They didn't expect the Resistance to intervene.



'But you should have taken all of that into account when making your judgment.'

My head goes cold. They will pay for their foolishness a little later. I don't feel sorry for them, though.

Maybe that's what Nox was born to do.

My sword continues to cut through the enemies that surround me.



Also, I know.

[You have killed an enemy, your life is increased by 4 hours].

By killing my fellow man, I can live a little longer.

Lowly, filthy....

I'm diseased like a dog.

For a mere four hours.

As I slashed through my enemies in a trance, the dawn began to break.

A pool of blood soaked his graying hair, staining his uniform white shirt a muddy black. Kushan's hair, too, is redder and darker in color.


It was when I looked at him that I finally felt the character of Kushan Adrian was complete.

There is red blood and gore all around, most of it the work of Kushan Adrian, but he has no regrets.

He killed his own people with his own hands, but sometimes that's one of the virtues of being a king, he now realizes.

By him.

With the crack of dawn, the war was over.

Kushan Adrian has now properly placed one knee on the ground, and he bows his head in deference to me.

"Nox von Reinhaber-nim. Please accept my loyalty."

"The King of Tahalin's loyalty to the rascal of Reinhafer... you prepared to endure, even if the people look down on you?"

"It was you who pulled me out of the pit. I, Kushan, no."

Kushan clenched his fists and pounded the ground once.

"I, Kushan Adrian, the new King of Tahalin, do hereby declare that I owe a lifetime of gratitude to you, Nox-nim, not to Reinhafer, and I will uphold that loyalty."

"And so do we, don't we, Princess Arya."

Liese and Arya have become quite close by now.

Arya nodded in agreement.

'Okay. Three units acquired. That's good.'

I smiled inwardly.

And with that, one long episode was complete.

The Kingdom of Tahalin.

And three key units.

This is a great achievement.


Every story has an epilogue.

'There is one more. The 72 demons that corrupted Kramsar. [Gremory]. If she is not defeated, the tragedy will likely repeat itself.'


"From now on, I will organize a small group of elite men to follow me."

I will move to slay the second 72 demons from now on.

Thus, the time for securing longevity has arrived.