
What I Left Behind

"It's only been 2 months since you come here, we're going to miss you..."

There aren't many people here in the church. Just 6 children, 2 sisters, and a priest. They have been my family for the past 2 months. It is a really short time, but I already close with most of the people here. I'm going to miss them so much.

"Don't worry. I will visit a lot and write a lot." I hold Emily's hands as she's crying pretty loudly. She's the closest one to me in this church. I'm going to miss seeing her frizzy hair every morning.

"You have to! If we didn't get anything, we'll follow you there, y'know." Another one of my friends, Tom, pointing his finger at me.

Before I could say something to him, a big hand touched my shoulder.

"It's time to go, miss." This man, he introduced himself as Xavier, is going to take me to my new family. I don't know much about them. All I know is, they are my family from my mother's side.

Reluctantly, I let go of Emily's hands. She tries to keep holding my hands but Tom stopped her. The other children are happy for me. It is one of many dreams that the children here have. To have a real family. Not that the live within the church is horrible, but it's different than having a real mom and dad. I wonder if my new family would treat me like their own child or am I just going to be a burden. I wonder if... Everything would be the same again.

I don't remember anything about mother's family. My mother never talk much about it, even if I asked, she would change the topic. All I know is, my mother came from a strong family. I don't know what kind of strong it is though. Maybe a mecenary family? My mother is amazing at swordmanship.

Well, I will know when I got there.

"Be careful there, okay?" Said one of the sister as I hop on to the carriage that will take me away. Getting into this carriage made me finally realize I'm going to leave this place for real. I don't trust my voice to come out clearly, so I just nodded at sister's voice.

"You have to eat all your vegetables." I nodded again, "Don't sneak out at night." and again.

The carriage's door closed by Xavier. It getting hard to see all of them outside. This is probably my last time seeing all of them for a long time. I could see sister's face look at me with worry while the other sister still have her strict face as always. The priest is smiling while waving at me, I'm so grateful to him for letting me stay in his church.

Emily's still crying and Tom holding Emily's hand, they are the people who get close to me here, but I don't think I ever repayed them for kindness. I remember I often ignored them, I'm sorry. I definitely will write to both of you.

The other children are here too, ah no, one of them seems to be is missing. I'm not close, or rather don't know, the other kids that well. Two of them, who are here now, are much younger than me. While the other one likes to run off somewhere by himself.

"Are you ready miss?" Asked Xavier, a hint of worry appears on his face. I took another good 5 seconds to look at the people who took care of me for these past couple of months before saying yes.

Xavier told the person controlling the horses outside to start moving. Slowly the church become smaller.


My chest hurts, I feel sad for leaving them. But not a single tear came out from my eyes. Rather I'm smiling. Maybe the fact that I will see something that has connection to my mother made me excited. Too excited to cry.

From now on, I will be called Felicity Chevalier.