
Knight and Death

This is the era of Knight and Death. Ancient virtues are buried in the dust of history, and civilizations and traditions are burned to ashes. Struggle and slaughter are everywhere, the old order is buried in blood. But Maetos, a man riding a dark horse, and he said, 'I came not to send peace, but a sword.'. A new immortality begins here.

leede_belatia · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Monster Meat

Squires don't want to lose their lives by suddenly being attacked while they are sleeping or in the middle of training. This wonderful world had only just shown in a tiny fraction to them and they did not want to die so early.

The roar of dozens of Squire's soon caused a commotion throughout the Tulip Manor. It was not long before a group of cavalrymen appeared in the street, charging from a distance.

They didn't even dare to intervene in the face of the enraged Squires, but simply guarded both sides of the street carefully to prevent any possible sneak attackers from lurking in the way of another attack.

Maetos didn't give a damn about any of this, he just narrowed his eyes and took a good look at the burning house.

According to his estimation, there was not much wooden furniture in the house that could have burned for so long. But now, so much time had passed and the burning flames were only slightly smaller, but still not extinguished.

Under his careful observation, he surprisingly found that some of the stones on the windowsill had started to burn.

"What a powerful thing, who on earth is trying to kill me?" Maetos pondered uneasily, one moment he remembered the clash with the other people in the knight's manor back in the day, and the next he remembered all the things he had seen on the road, and in this situation his mind was surprisingly confused in a perverse way.

The excessive confusion was not something he was used to and he shook his head anxiously before taking his battle axe and slashing it hard against the door of a house to one side.

The heavy wooden door was easily torn in half by his battle axe, "Who wants to kill me?" Maetos wielded his battle axe and roared in all directions.

"Squire, keep your mouth shut and quiet." A gruff voice rang out from the north side of the street. The horsemen guarding the street parted left and right and a tall man in heavy armour approached.

The man was about two metres two and a half tall, with a heavy armour covering his body, a helmet in his left hand and a long sword in his right.

The sound of heavy footsteps walking down the street surprisingly drowned out the sound of all the growling Squires. "You each go back to your rest, I'll take care of things here."

Looking at the visitor, Maetos felt a sense of danger in him, a sense of danger that he had only ever felt in the old knight.

"As the person in question, I think I am in a position to know exactly what is going on, and I want to know why, under the protection of your Tulip Manor, it is being attacked." Maetos grinned dismissively, "And I don't think any of the Squires that live here would approve of your words."

"Anyone who doesn't approve of my words? Then step forward and let me take a good look at you." The heavily-armored warrior slowly placed his helmet on his head, then gently waved the knight's longsword in his hand. A layer of white, hazy, hoary light flickered on the longsword for a moment before it was hidden from view again.

"I do not approve of your words." The red-haired Squire, all armed, had long since gone to the stables and ridden over on his own warhorse, carrying his knight's lance in his hand and staring viciously around at the men belonging to Tulip Manor, exclaimed, "We have travelled thousands of miles to support the Governor here to hang the mob, yet before it had all begun, we were surprised to be attacked here by a sneak attack, now let us leave here and your own people deal with this sneak attack, could it be that you want to take the opportunity to cover up something?"

The other Squires all stepped forward as well, glaring angrily at the heavily armoured warrior. The Squires who lived here were all grumpy people. Those who were able to stay here for a long time were much more powerful than the average Squires.

As dozens of Squires stared at him viciously, the heavy-armoured warrior's heart was filled with both anger and worry.

He was angry because these Squires did not regard him as a warrior at all, and he was worried because he was afraid that these Squires would interfere with his next plan.

"Damn it." After a few breaths of time between the two sides, the heavily armored warrior's spirit was somewhat overwhelmed. Every one of the dozens of Squires had killed someone, and their aura of murder was incomparably thick. Under this kind of stare, he was under quite a bit more mental pressure than even the more powerful warriors were giving.

A drop of sweat trickled down his forehead and across his eyes, but the heavily armoured warrior didn't dare to wipe it off at all, instead gripping his knight's longsword in his hand and swinging it hard once more.

He knew that if he got it right this time, he would be able to get help from that mysterious man and thus become a knight, unlike now when he could only take the knight's longsword and get by, and had to endure the taunts and disdain of the knights in the manor when he met them.

"Get out of here or you will be beheaded for gathering a crowd to storm the manor. I think you should think it over, and as a warrior I will deal with this matter fairly and justly." The heavily armored warrior once again tightened his grip on the longsword in his hand, and he felt so much sweat coming out of his palms that his entire gauntlet was wet with his sweat.

"Fair and just? How ridiculous." Maetos laughed coldly as he dragged his Oxhorn axe forward and said loudly, "In the Kastur region, even a knight would not have the thought of fairness and justice out, let alone you, a warrior. Don't think you are a warrior to threaten us like that, I think if the master of Tulip Manor knew of such behaviour he would hang you from the gallows in a rage, tighten your neck with a rope and hang you in mid air."

"That's enough, all of you, stop arguing." Just then, a voice came from the roof. Along with that voice, a thin man wrapped in a black robe jumped down from the roof.

He tossed a token engraved with a tulip to the crowd for them to examine one by one. When the token returned to his hand, the thin man in black robes sneered and said, "The matter has been clarified. The explosion just now was caused by a scroll made by the mages, and the servant who used the scroll had long been swapped by an assassin."

"Get ready, everyone! You will be marching in three days, and I hope that when you get to the battlefield you will still be as energetic as you are today." The man in the black robes said in a hoarse voice.

"Your name is Maetos?Very well! The lord of the manor has reduced that servant's entire family to slavery, and this is a little compensation for you. As for the real murderer, I'm sorry, but right now, in response to a series of orders from the Lord Governor, we are not in a position to apprehend. If you are not willing to do so, you can seek revenge in the future by going to a member of the so-called 'San Brotherhood'. They planned this attack."

"San Brotherhood?" Hearing this name, Maetos couldn't help but rub his bald head, he was extremely unfamiliar with the name and had no idea what it stood for.

And just as he was about to pursue the matter in detail, the black-robed man surprisingly jumped back onto the houses and moved quickly from roof to roof, quickly disappearing from sight. The cavalrymen, on the other hand, led by the heavily-armored warrior, also left quickly.

Maetos couldn't help but smile as he looked into the resentful eyes of the heavily armoured warrior before he left. "Is it resentment against me? Oh!"

"Damn it, this is how it's going to work out? Is this even the result of the assassination? I'm going to smash that boy's head in." The big fat man carrying the gothic chain hammer on the side growled loudly. That wasn't the outcome he wanted, he wanted to know if he would encounter such dangerous assassinations again in the days to come.

"If you can jump off the roof here without any change of posture, if you can easily jump onto the roof here, then go and smash his head in with the chain hammer in your hand, if you can't, then stop talking about it, if he hears you, he might kill you."

Maetos laughed as he listened. He was actually very stifled in his heart, but he knew that the black-robed man was more powerful than all of them, so he did not dare to go up and say anything else. As for the heavily-armored warrior, if it came to a real fight, he could have taken him down by himself, which is why he said what he said.

Maetos once again had a place to stay, led by a servant. Perhaps it was to compensate him, or perhaps it was just the situation here. The servants of the manor brought Maetos twice the food he needed.

Beef, dairy products, wine, honey and even a small piece of monster meat, a small pot of bone broth made from monster bones.

"I didn't think this place would offer such good food." After swallowing the piece of monster meat in one gulp, Maetos smiled with extreme satisfaction.

From the teachings of the old knights, he knew that these monster meat was very powerful in helping their knights. Eating it for a long time would not only slowly improve their physique, but would also slowly repair the dark wounds left behind by their brutal training.

Three days passed in a flash, and at each meal, the Maetos received a small piece of monster meat and a small jar of bone broth. With the help of this precious food, he continued to improve his training in order to become a knight as soon as possible. Only then could he feel more secure.

Early on the fourth morning, after breakfast, Maetos put on his half-armour and left his house. A servant with a horse was already standing at his door in the street, waiting for its owner to appear.

By the time Maetos had mounted his warhorse, he found the other Squires coming out in scattered groups. When the last Squire had mounted his horse, a Squire emerged from the corner of a house shadow.

This Squire is also half-armoured, except that his armour depicts a white tulip. This also signified that he was a Squire attached to the Tulip Manor.

"Gentlemen, the army is gathering outside the manor, as ordered, I will lead you to the gathering of the army." The young Squire gave a salute and, without waiting for Maetos to ask, turned his horse's head and headed north of the manor.