
Knight's Tale : the Dark Knight

Ari is a farmer who has been orphaned by his parents and siblings. Despite this, he decides to continue his life as a farmer and becomes quite successful. However, a memory suddenly emerges in his mind about a child playing a video game. The child idolizes a knight character who is the final enemy of the character he is playing. The sense of wonder and admiration in that memory then becomes a driving force for Ari to change his life path, leaving the farm behind and enrolling in the Knight Academy. But, did Ari make the right decision? Should he just continue his life as a farmer? And what should he do if he not only wants to become just a knight, but desires to become an evil knight suitable to be the Final Boss like in the game?

Northsouth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

ch 16. Evil Character (translated)

After the incident in Ari's dorm room, the atmosphere at the academy's teacher was abuzz with speculation and discussion surrounding the clash between Ari and the four senior cadets. It quickly became evident that the Academy Head's words on Ari's first day were meant as a cautionary tale about the dangers of conflict, rather than an invitation to engage in it. The teachers began digging into the backgrounds of the four seniors involved, trying to uncover their motives and any potential wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, Ari found himself isolated in a quiet classroom, facing intense questioning from the teacher. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he realized the impact of his actions on the academy community.

"Let's try this one more time, young cadet."

"You said that your roommate, a noble descendant, brought four senior cadets and ordered them to attack you. Is that right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well. Then you managed to defeat the four seniors and intentionally injured them quite severely. Is this correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay. then the reason you injured the four senior cadets was because they tried to attack you, which judging from the evidence in your dorm room, their attempt seems to have failed and it was you who attacked them helplessly. is this correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then now that they've all been taken to the healer and proven to have serious injuries, you don't regret your actions at all?"

"No, sir."

The teacher that questioning Ari could only shake his head in resignation at Ari's response. There was not a hint of doubt or regret in the way Ari answered, nor in his facial expression. It was as if Ari had knowingly committed all those horrific acts of violence and morally did not feel they were wrong. The lack of remorse or acknowledgment of wrongdoing was unsettling to the teacher, who struggled to comprehend Ari's apparent indifference to the gravity of his actions. The instructor's sense of unease was palpable as he grappled with the implications of Ari's disturbing demeanor.

"Alright, cadet. Now I want to ask you as a fellow human being, not a teacher or an investigative officer. "

"Why did you wound the heads of the four of them?"

"Because they wanted to attack me, sir."

"I already know that answer, what I want to know is why you had to injure them like that."

"Judging from the results of your fights, you could have defeated them without causing them too serious injuries."

The teacher observed Ari carefully as he seemed to be contemplating his response. This moment of contemplation brought a sense of relief to the teacher, who believed that as long as Ari was willing to think through his answer, he was not exhibiting signs of mental health issues. It was a reassuring sign that Ari was taking the time to consider his thoughts before responding, indicating a level of cognitive functioning that put the teacher at ease.

"hmmm because the knightly figure I want to achieve requires me to act like that."

"Cruel, decisive, and brutal. After this incident, I'm sure they won't dare to come back to me."

Ari's demeanor was surprisingly composed as he expressed his thoughts to the teacher. Despite his calm and even happy appearance, the teacher found himself at a loss on how to address Ari's concerns. Recognizing the complexity of the situation, the teacher made a mental note to reach out to the Knight Academy for assistance from someone with expertise in mental health and emotional well-being. It was clear that a deeper understanding of Ari's mental and emotional struggles was needed to provide the support and guidance he required.

"Alright cadet, you may return to your dormitory."

"Thank you, sir."

Ari exited the classroom with a stoic expression, maintaining his composure with a slight smile. The teacher promptly closed his notebook and hurried to the Teacher's Room to deliver the findings of his inquiry to the academy head.

Upon entering the Headmaster's office, the teacher observed him seated on the couch, savoring a steaming cup of coffee. Approaching the Headmaster, the teacher presented his notes for review.

"Did you finish questioning him? That was fast."

"It didn't take long to question that cadet. He was so honest that it sounded a little scary."

"What did he tell you?"

"The cadet said that he intentionally committed the assault. His only goal was to make sure that the four seniors would not come to him again."

"Wow... what an amazing young man."

"This isn't the first time we've had a case like this. Can you stop making appeals like you did on the first day of the academy?"

"Of course not. hahaha"

"I want this academy to produce strong and outstanding warriors. So strong that they forget their human aspects and become god-like figures."

"You're just as crazy as the crazy knights out there."

"True! But I got bored there, so I decided to come back here and try to nurture the seeds of new strongmen who might be even crazier than me.

Isn't it interesting?"

The teacher made a conscious decision to avert his gaze and depart from the head teacher's office. His primary goal for the Knight Academy was to cultivate individuals capable of sustained growth and development, rather than fostering individuals who were solely focused on achieving greatness at all costs. This deliberate choice reflected his commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals who valued the process of learning and personal growth above all else.

"I wonder what the king was thinking when he appointed this madman as the head of the academy."


After finishing his last class of the day, Ari quickly walked back to his dorm room. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of his roommates, Leon and Alma, sitting at the common area table with Flowy, their pet cat, looking upset between them. Flowy's fur was puffed up and her tail was twitching, indicating her displeasure. 

Upon seeing Ari enter the room, Flowy stood up and walked over to him, her eyes narrowed and her body language tense. It was clear that she was trying to assert her dominance over him. The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension as Flowy seemed determined to establish her authority. 

Ari could feel the weight of Flowy's gaze on him as he tried to navigate the situation. He knew he had to tread carefully to avoid escalating the conflict with their feline roommate. Leon and Alma watched the interaction with curiosity, unsure of how it would play out. The dorm room suddenly felt smaller as the power struggle between Ari and Flowy unfolded before their eyes.

"Ari! I can't believe it! How could you hi- ouch!!!"

Ari's expression remained stoic as she briefly glanced at Flowy before completely disregarding her presence. To Ari, Flowy was like a gentle breeze in a vast room, easily overlooked and unimportant. Flowy's feeble attempt to block Ari's path did not deter him as he continued on his way, causing Flowy to stumble and fall to the ground. Without skipping a beat, Ari motioned for his concerned friends to follow him to his room. Once inside, he firmly shut the door with a resounding click, sending a clear message to Flowy to keep her distance. As he let out a sigh of relief, Ari finally allowed himself to relax in the comforting company of his two loyal friends. The tension in the air dissipated as Ari basked in his sanctuary's safety, grateful for his companions' unwavering support.

"FIUUUHHHHHHHHH.... so tired of having to play such an evil role."

"Ari... are you... normal?"

"I've always been normal Alma. I've always been normal so far."

"Then... what you did... and those four senior cadets..."

"Them? ah, I was just playing the role of an evil character. hehe."

"Role? Dude, you just punctured the heads of four seniors!"

"ahh.. yes that's unfortunate.. but do you think it should be my head that got wounded?"

"It's not that Ari, Alma is just worried about you. Your incident today might trigger a dispute between the new cadets and the old cadets."

"ahh... yes that might happen... but you guys are going to help me right?"

"Help you? hahahah you should have asked me earlier!"

"Alma! you can't be like that!"

Leon's reaction to Alma's answer was one of frustration and annoyance, evident in the harsh sentences she directed toward him. It became clear that Leon's feelings towards Alma went beyond a mere friendship, as her special concern for him was palpable. This shift in their dynamic hinted at a deeper connection between the two, one that was not simply based on casual interactions. Leon's words and tone conveyed a sense of intensity and emotion, suggesting that there was more to their relationship than initially met the eye.

"mmmmm Leon... did you know that the four senior cadets were sent by Flowy?"

Leon stopped ranting, looking Ari in the eye so sharply that it made Ari shudder slightly in horror.

"In the next fight, make sure you bring me along Ari. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"hahahahaha Leon, if it's about Flowy, you want to come too huh?"

"Shut up you skinny Alma!"

After Alma and Leon finished their lengthy conversation, they decided to put the durability of the mattress frame to the test by sitting on it together. Much to their surprise, the frame held their weight without a single crack. Meanwhile, Ari opted to sit on the floor in front of them, eager to continue their discussion.

As the day began to wind down, Ari, Alma, and Leon gathered around to enjoy a meal together. Despite Flowy's attempts to grab their attention, they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice. Conversely, Flowy was seen sitting with the senior cadets that Ari had previously defeated. It appeared as though they were engaged in a quiet conversation, but then fell silent as soon as Ari made eye contact with them. The tension around them was palpable as they waited to see what Ari's next move would be.


The next day, the cadets joined Teacher Carl's class again. today's topic was about rings.

"Do you still have the ring you got with your exam pass letter?"

"yes, we have, sir!"

"Good, keep it well because it is an important ring."

"The ring is a sign that you have been accepted as a cadet of the Mountframe Knight Academy. At the same time, it also has magic embedded in it."

"The function of the magic is still a secret to you at the moment. But I advise you to start getting used to using the ring."

The cadets eagerly engaged in conversation, speculating on the potential magical abilities embedded within their rings. Teacher Carl observed their discussions for a moment before resuming his explanation. The atmosphere was charged with curiosity and anticipation as the cadets eagerly awaited further insights into the mysterious powers that lay dormant within their inkstone rings.

"for your information, the ring is also proof that you are a member of the special class. so please take good care of it because if you lose it, no one can prove that you belong to this special class."

During the lesson, Teacher Carl went in-depth on a variety of topics related to the daily life of a knight, which led to some lively discussions with the cadets. While this was happening, Ari seemed to be lost in thought, fixated on his ring as he carefully examined the intricate runes carved into its surface. Among the symbols, Ari couldn't help but notice one that looked strikingly similar to the emblem of the Knight's Headquarters. This particular rune featured a sword, a mountain, and a small gemstone at its center.

Intrigued by this discovery, Ari decided to try and trace the rune with his fingernail, hoping to unlock some sort of unique response from the ring. However, much to his surprise, his fingernail simply glided over the rune without leaving a mark. This only served to deepen Ari's fascination with the mysterious properties of his newfound possession, leaving him eager to uncover more about its origins and significance.

"This ring is more interesting than what Teacher Carl described."