
Knight's Road

The growth history of bottom officer Locke, comply with the general trend of promotion, incarnate invaders, began the knight journey of wizard mainland.

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18 Chs

Chapter 14 Meeting

The Great Wind Army and the Eagle Army took the provincial capitals of Ellis and Entel, and the Ace Lion Army headed straight for Otis, King Charlotte. Odysseus is in the center of the two provinces, and the Lions are facing the greatest resistance. So the Lions and Eagles will help to destroy the King of Charlotte.

The attack on Frans was only a springboard, and the other brigades of the Second Regiment had almost cleared out and occupied the surrounding towns, and word came from the Regiment headquarters that we were to meet as soon as possible in Bemore, "continued the baron."

Bimore City … There was a whisper in the tent, and everyone seemed familiar with the city, the capital of an earl and the last hindrance for the second regiment to join the rest of the Eagle.

"Have you been so anxious? Not two months … "First Squadron Captain Monte Carlo said. Their brigade was a great distance from Moore, and there were at least three or four towns on the way, and, as a central city of the count, the count would have gathered a great deal of arms, had his brain not been broken, and Mont did not wish to fight so soon. I don't think the baron wants to.

The baron looked at him, then at the rest of the camp, tapped on the table, whispered, and everyone looked at him. The baron was silent for a long time. Frowning, he finally said, "The country can't hold out any longer. We must end the war as soon as possible." Everyone frowned and thought.

Baron Kedoche had people in the King. Naturally, it was clear that although the drought had ended more than a year ago, there was a serious shortage of labor in the country. Especially among the young and middle-aged, the ratio of men to women was approaching 1: 3. Although the fields were cultivated by women and children who were old and weak. Although they were barely able to support themselves, the army was no longer able to sustain its consumption. On the one hand, the loss of population, the loss of the war, and the huge amount of foreign debt were all the problems.

Now that the Baron had told the truth, Mont, the Baron's brain trust, echoed the words, "In that case, we must take France as soon as possible."

Frans, at least, is a baronet's territory, and I am afraid it will not be easy to take it without a thorough preparation, 'said the men in the room, who had decided to take it. Besides, our battalion is still incomplete, isn't it?

The main content of the meeting is to determine the two squadron captain candidates, discussed for so long, finally discussed the business. But this involves the replacement of officials, they are just squadron captain, not qualified to decide, only to obey the baron's appointment.

Yes, the battalion is still short of two squadrons. Do you have any recommendations? @ asked the baron, with his head slightly lowered. This issue has been discussed many times before, but each time there is no final decision, this time must be decided.

I think it's a good idea to take this guy from Rome. It was the squadron leader of the 3rd Squadron who spoke. What he recommended was also a squadron leader of his squadron. His squadron had been beaten up the last time, and the vice squadron leader had all died. The squadron leader he had chosen this time was, unexpectedly, a replacement for his squadron, and he hoped even more for a person who knew what was going on and who could lead.

"How about Jelson, five years of veterans, strong leadership." This time speaking of the 4th Squadron's vice squadron leader, their squadron even worse, the battle of the Fairmer Grand Canyon survived less than a third of the squadron leader directly killed, he is acting squadron leader. Now most of their squadrons were new recruits, and he was in urgent need of a veteran to take them with him.He was recommending people from the first squadron, not from his own. He also wanted to remove the word "agent". If other squadrons came to his squadron as a deputy squadron captain, he was not afraid of being divided. Their squadrons now were all his surviving brothers.

What about Virginia, a strong boy … "" Gibb, this guy is a veteran and has a role … "


In the camp six squad leaders have put forward their favorite candidate, Yorkshire, of course, or mention of Locke, his evaluation of Locke is doing things calm, energetic.

Just be quiet. Baron Kedozzi, the first, rubbed his eyebrows and tapped his forefinger on the table. Sure enough, this was the scene again, and the last few times it was the same. "This time we will vote."

Sure enough, a few people in the room glanced at each other tacitly, and every time a disagreement arose in the barracks, or an important event occurred, if the Baron did not decide for himself and the rest did not agree, the Baron would vote. This is said to be the parliamentary voting system that barons learned when they studied abroad in the Omer Empire as young men.

A gang of barons did not read the fairness and justice of the system, only that the baron did so humanely, without the airs of other nobles, and that all the people in the camp were quite convinced of the baron.

So from the baron left side of the Knights of Will began to vote, six squadron captain proposed a total of six squadron leader candidates, two of them lucky to be promoted. The favourites were Rome and Jerson, who were chosen by the commander of the 34th Squadron after all. Those who knew each other well at the table had to give face, and others were not without opportunities. Gibb and Locke also had plenty of support.

The Knights of Will, as always, abstained from voting, almost always to avoid suspicion, because Knights of Will was also an aristocrat. He was a baronet knighthood.

The Kedochee Baron family did not disappoint the Weill family either, making it a hereditary noble knight. Early know Forstans Kingdom in order to prevent the great aristocratic separatism, the provisions of the upper aristocracy can only be enfeoffed under the two classes of the aristocracy, and only one quota. That is to say, only barons are eligible for enfeoffment in the nobility, even though they are the lowest knights. By analogy, a viscount may be conferred a lord, a count a baron, and a marquis a viscount. Moreover by the big aristocrat enfeoffment aristocratic domain, needs the big aristocrat to expend. So we can see that the Knights of Will won the trust of the Baron Kedochee family.

As for the Duke, the Kingdom of Forstans had no Dukes. Hundreds of years ago the Kingdom of Forstans was still a small Duchy, and the ancestors of the present King were only Dukes. So the Royal Family was well aware of the Duke's ability and influence.

The Knights of Will were supported by the Barons of Kadozzi. Almost every generation of the Knights of Will was born in the Knights of Medieval Rank.

After the Knights of Will, it was Captain Mont who voted, in turn, to the right, Vice Captain of the 4th Squadron. As for Master Sauron, most of the people present routinely ignored him, because Sauron, like the baron, rarely took part in this type of voting.

Locke, proposed by Joachim, the second squadron leader, was in the middle of the six as the third voter.