
Knight's Journey in Westeros

This will be basic fanfic. meaning I won't stray too far from canon. Far enough but not too far. How far? Go and find out. Anyway my creative juices are at an all time low and decided to create a new fanfic in my alt email. I will be picking those up soon, but not at the moment. This will be fast pased but not too fast that I end up typing 'they fought like legends and then the MC won' no... uhk gross. The only thing legendary about that is how fast it was. There will be no magic on this one. I'll leave those shenanigans to the red priest and wood witches. This will be an OP MC, slapping bitches left and right. he won't be too good or too evil nor will he be a disgusting pig who wants to fuck every pussy he sees. Swords! Spears! Shields and Mailed Fist! Let your steel do the talking! Heavily inspired by 'A knight's tale'. As painful as reading that fanfic is due to the grammar, I still liked it.

Swordbringer · TV
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 20: Gulltown

Uther feels unease. It has been a moon since their arrival at Gulltown. A month since he left his Lord's side. And he could only bemoan his current situation.

He remembered when it started.

He had been eager to return, such is why he immediately ordered the resupplying of the forces under his command. He even sent Morton back to Ironoaks along with the rescuees that belonged there and four hundred men to help protect them.

But things didn't go as smoothly as he had hoped.

Arriving at Gulltown he was immediately besotted by Knights and was arrested alongside his men under the claims of kidnapping the son of one Lady Waynwood.

They have pleaded themselves innocent of the charges put against them but the Lord of Gulltown seems to have a grudge against them. To the point that they were arrested and jailed without warning nor did they bother to hear them out. Their own armors and weapons, gifted to them by their Lords was stripped from them.

Their stay had been unwanted, a sentiment shared by both sides it seems. But despite the obvious hostility, Uther was glad he made contingencies. It has been a month, but if anything it was good news. A trial was meant to be held for him and his men two weeks ago. And the fact that it never came about meant that his rider came through.

The only thing they had to do now was stand together. And that in itself, was easy enough as they were too many and crowded enough that they had to cramp them all into a few cells.

For the duration of their imprisonment, Uther feelt disgust towards these knights. Even his men feels the same.

His Lord Arthas is very different. He couldn't care less whether the person fighting beside him is a man or a woman.

'So long as it is their choice to bear arms. I shall welcome them into battle as my sister.' his Lord said.

And while the men who fell under his command grew to accept their contributions to the battlefield by way of showing their skills. Not everyone is so easily pleased.

He remembers a few days ago when some men tried to grab one of the girls in the cells under the guise of interrogation. Uther heard it a few cells away when it first happened. He felt alarm and then dread, and in complete panic he then shouted.

"Defend your sisters! Defend your brothers! Stand together!"

His shouted prompted the men to rise immediately dragging the women behind their groups and refused to allow a single guard in. The struggle was bloody as the guards were persistent. They pushed and punched against those that tried to force themselves in. They were even poked and bashed by sticks and clubs and yet they refused a single one of theirs be taken.

And then blood was spilled as the guards drew steel. That was the first and last mistake they made as those that drew steels were killed by the very swords they held.

More and more guards and knights died and the clamor of chaos didn't slow not for a second. More men from atop rushed into the cells but by then Uther and the others had already been hammering themselves against the old dingy gates that held them.

With a resounding *BANG!*, chaos ensued the moment a cell door broke off its hinges. Uther joined the frey while more men aided those who were held inprison. The fight was bloody as his meaty hands and fist smashed against faces, chest, groin, shoulders,and heads.

It took some time, but eventually they reached the narrow stairway and succeeded in pushing the knights into a bottle neck.

They rearmed the men with the steels of those who were taken captive by Uther and his men. But before they could rush forward, Uther stoped them.

"Hold!" he said.

"Ser! We have them on the run! Now is our chance to attack!"

"We can't. This bottleneck may hold us here but is also the only thing holding them back. We rush out there now, we will be outnumbered and outarmed. Even if we succeed or fail, in the end we would be labeled as traitors to the realm. Dishonored in death and hunted in life." Uther looked around and waited a moment for his words to sink in.

"I know a life on the run isn't what you wanted. And believe me, for brave men like yourselves, you all deserve better!"


"Which is why we will hold ourselves here, and wait." while they looked confused, they knew him enough to trust his words.

"Wait for what Ser!"

"I had a rider in the far distance in the off chance that we be trapped or stranded. It was a contingency against the tribes men, so that reinforcements may be sent to save us. I didn't think we'd be using it against your own Lords."

They nodded and understood him. And even though they didn't like it one bit, they knew they had to endure. For a better life for themselves.

Still the dissatisfaction remained. Everyone with him wanted a piece of the bastards in this place. Lord Redfort had always been polite, Lord Royce was always boisterous and Lady Waynwood, despite being strict had been as fair as she could. But the men of Gulltown rub them the wrong way.

These are men of Runestone, Redfort and Ironoaks. They are bloodied Knights of The Vale. This act was not going to go unpunished. And Uther was not going to stop them.

They were able to get food and water by holding the knights hostage and traded with Lord Grafton.

They of course tried to force the issue, but in the end, Uther and his men prevailed. They even marched forward with tower shields upfront only for those shields to be ripped from their broken fingers and used against further attacks.

After two whole days, Uther beheaded five men. And then threw them with one warning. "I will kill one man ever hour that food and water is not brought down and I have hundreds of yours."

Though the Lord wanted to starve them to death, something must have happened that made the Lord's decision to change drastically and abided by their demands.

That was their life for a whole week now. Living off their hostages as bargaining tools.

His thoughts were interrupted hearing the clanking of boots against the stone pavement.

"Ser Uther!" yelled Percival.

"What is it Lad?"

"There are more coming Ser."

"That's not uncommon so why don't you tell me why you're really here?"

"Ser, they don't look hostile. A flag of truce is held by one of them."

"Send him in and him alone."

Moments later whispers and greetings broke out. Soon Uther stood immediately in attention as Anya Waynwood stepped into the dungeon herself.

The woman looked pissed but Uther couldn't care less. His charges were his men. Not her reputation.

"You've made quite a mess Ser Uther."

"No my Lady I did not." he refuted firmly. He won't back down knowing if he did, they would use it to pin some blame on him and his men. "If anything I am making sure this doesn't get worst than it already has."

"I've heard." Uther saw a slight bit of disappointment in her eyes further solidifying his belief. "Come. There is much to discuss."

As soon as they stepped out Uther saw the Lord of Gulltown, Lord Grafton scowling as he stood not far away from whom Uther recognized as Horton Redfort who was looking at Grafton with pure anger.

Seeing their liege Lord, the knights of House Redfort immediately said their respects and received a firm nod in return. Then Lord Redfort himself turned back to Lord Grafton but this time, he was sending him looks utter hatred.

Their armors and weapons were seen piled into one place. Seeing this, Uther urged the men and they all begun equipping their own.

While doing so Uther noticed a guard who happen to be wearing Gawain's bracers. He marched to the man and pushed away those that tried to stop him...even ignoring the shouts of Anya and the Lord of Gulltown themselves while he took note that Horton said not a word.

Once he reached the man who appeared cowed the moment Uther stood half a head taller than him, Uther grabbed his bracers and then yanked it off of the man, breaking a few fingers as he resisted. His scream drew everyone's attention. But before anyone could act, Uther showed the insides of his bracer and the one he took.

Inside was a an engraved symbol of a hammer and two cross swords, one on each side right behind a blank shield. It was a touchstamp, a signature. Showing that they were made by the same Blacksmith and in this case...

"A thief...to think the Knights of Gulltown could stoop so low." Uther growled out.

"T-That is mine you stupid barbarian!" .

"Then enlighten us, who made yours, seeing as they had the same signature."

"Some unknown blacksmith! You fool! You know how pretentious this peasants can be with their work!?"

"Fool..." Uther then turned to his personal men. "Show him!" he said.

The men then showed their armor pieces as well showing that they all adorned the same emblem. The same signature. And this was when Uther set the record straight Infront of the three Highborns.

"As you can see boy. They were all made as a set by one person....Arthas Menethil. And he had only forged for his own...no one else. That! Is how I know you were lying."

The people were silenced. And despite the gritted teeth and twisted expression on the Lord Grafton. He could only hold himself back lest he destroy what is little left of his reputation infront of House Redfort of Redfort and Waynwood of Ironoaks.

~~~ Break ~~~

Days passed and the bustling and lively town of Gulltown had turned oppressive. Horton Redfort had ended up executing a total of twenty Knights from House Grafton for their transgressions against his men along with a hefty sum for the men they unjustly killed.

Anya Waynwood on the other hand remained silent. Uther knew then that a deal was made, most definitely in her favor too. But it was Uther that delivered the final nail in the coffin that made people weary of their Knights.

He walked across town, reaching out to the few smiths and merchants informing them of the theft of several armor pieces and a few weapons that had yet to be returned. He even showed them the touchmark and offered a gold coin for each piece returned.

This was how the theft of the Knights of Gulltown spread throughout the town. As the smiths didn't hesitate to sell them off for gold instead of removing the touchmark for a silver stag.

It was then that Lord Grafton has had enough and personally told Uther to leave with his men immediately.

Uther of course stood his ground. His men needs to resupply and should House Grafton prevent them from doing so then he shall inform the High Lord of the Vale and The Crown of his treason, on the grounds of preventing the Knights of The Vale for carrying out their sworn duty.

This confrontation was -sadly for Grafton- public. Right in the middle of the market itself. Surrounded by several Knights of the Three Houses.

A foolish attempt at intimidation that backfired exponentially. Horton Redfort of course was gleeful at the outcome. Another black mark that he can lord over a fellow Lord is always welcome.

Another week. That was how long it took for him to reorganize much to Uther's frustration.

Checking and tightening the straps on his horse, Uther thought about the men instead.

As he expected, most of the Knights were angry and livid at Gulltown. Despite being the most populated location in the Vale, it serves as nothing more than a lesser town in their eyes. The complete unbecoming of it's Knights mixed with the clearly unwelcome looks and thinly veiled insults grated at their nerves.

It was natural that fights broke out. And to their cheers and joy, they always prevailed. To add insult to the place, no man from other houses even so much as greet the Lord of the Land unless addressed. And despite adding to the hostility in the air, Uther did not stop. No, not since Anya Waynwood herself told him not to.

Uther again was alarmed. Lady Waynwood's hostility came from nowhere and it was troubling. Simply cause it meant that something happened in the political arena that House Waynwood wanted Grafton grounded.

That was not good news. Because when Highborns fight, the Lowborns become the casualties.

Uther's thoughts were cut off as Gawain walked towards him with a grim expression. But what caught Uther is the smug look of Grafton in the middle of the scowling Waynwood and Redfort.

"Ser Uther." Gawain said as he handed him a scroll.

Uther read the message and with each word he read, the more cold his expression became.

"Hmm... Very well. Inform the Knights of Redfort and Ironoaks that their pledges have been undone by the HighLord of The Vale." his statement sent a smile on Lord Redfort while surprising both Lady Waynwood and Lord Grafton. "Mordred!" he shouted.

"HERE SIR!" Mordred shouted a short distance away.

"Gather my men! We march as planned!"

"You can't do that!" shouted Grafton.

"And why not Lord Grafton?"

"Lord Arryn's orders are clear. The Knights are to march to the Bloody Gates to be reinforced."

"Yes and to be led by another. You are right of course. There is just one problem."

"And that would be?" asked Anya.

"It says in the message that all Knights of the Vale currently present in Gulltown are the ones to march to the Bloody Gates. Sadly for you Lord Grafton...I am not one of your Knights."

"Take a knee old man." he heard Arthas whisper.

"I charge thee to be sworn to Valour"

"Your heart will know only Virtue"

"Your blade will defend the Helpless"

"Your might will uphold the weak"

"Your words will speak only truth"

"Your wrath will undo the wicked"

"Your knowledge will defeat ignorance" "Your skills will be thought to the willing"

"Your temper will be held by patience"

"You will give aid to those who seek it"

"And will ask for aid when needed"

"Rise a Knight! Uther Lightbringer!"

"I am Uther Lightbringer! By my honor! I shall not abandon those who are giving their lives for the light! Not! if I could help it!"

"Atop those mountains is still three hundred souls that had chosen to hold the line for you! To keep the enemies where they are so that we may find reprieve, recover and return to the fight a new. For the sake of the people of the Vale my Lord had decided to stay in hell so that your men may not have to."

Uther's words slowly gathered a strong crowd hoping to catch his words. "I will not! spit on their sacrifice just so another man may claim glory in combat! He may have it! We could not careless! But we will not sit idly by while your decisions threatened the very peace The Knights of The Vale had bled and died for."

Uther then turned around and returned to his work while Grafton stomped away. It was then when Anya Waynwood decided to speak.

"You have just made an enemy for yourself and your kin."

"Aye I did. And I would do it again if it meant doing the right thing. If it meant saving those in need then yes I would."

"There are other ways to go about it."

"Tell me my lady if your Son had volunteered to stay up in those mountains. Surrounded and outnumbered. Lacking in supplies, facing a constant stream of enemies? Would you and I be having this conversation?"


"It had always been so easy to criticize another for what they do but place in their shoes? They always crumbled. They themselves fell short of their own claims."

"My lady, if I am to be judged. I will be judged by a man who had gone through what I have. A man who knows what I had gone through. Not some unwitting man whos so full of himself, that he believe himself the truth despite being otherwise."

"...All Lords will not like how you think Ser."

"If all Lords are as petty as I described themselves to be. Then we would all be better off dead."

" *sigh*... This is why I prefer to deal with either Lady Cersei or Sif. They seemed to have the right amount of sensibility to deal with such delicate matters."

"Hahaha! That they do. Such is why my Lord trust them so."

"Hmmm...I shall leave you to your preparations. I have some things to do to make sure I don't lose my allies too soon."

Her parting words were filled with so much kindness that it made Uther smile. "Oh! And by the way!"

Uther then turned to the Lady who said. "You need not worry about Lord Grafton. He is, well... let's just say his allegiance had come to light recently and had made far too many enemies to be doing anything against his fewer allies."

Again, Uther was struck with a bit of dread and relief. Politics is a field he always hated.

He suspected as much from them. Highborns don't openly make enemies of each other after all. Their battle field is through words under the banner of truce or peace and their weapons were cloaks and daggers.

The moment he saw Lady Waynwood and Lord Redfort openly making an enemy of Lord Grafton. Uther had suspected then that the Gulltown Lord had fallen far from grace. And so he trusted his instincts and remained bold and resolute in front of the Grafton Lord. But now he knew he did right, he decided to make true of his words.

One hour passed and saw that aside from his own fifty men. A nother two hundred had decided to join him. Each one donning a cloth painted with the crest of Arthas personal touchmark, wrapped around their wrist, denoting their current allegiance.

"Let's go men! We have a Hero to save! For the People! For the Vale!"



And with that they rode off back to battle.

~~~ Break ~~~

Somewhere atop the mountains of the Vale. Clashing steel, blood, flesh, rot and decay filled the air, the ground and the water.

Arthas along with two hundred of his men are fighting in one of the estranged camps of the tribesmen. His sword was but a flash of light before a man fell, or at least pieces of him did.

His clothes is tattered and soaked in blood. Either by his own or his enemies, it was impossible to tell. His armor is scratched, dented and his pauldron is outright cracked and broken. His sword lasted long enough but even he could tell that it was starting to bend adding to the few chips on it's blade.

His broken form is mirrored by the men fighting behind and beside him. Blood soaked and beaten. And yet, the Tribesmen couldn't help but feel fear.

All of them despite their frail forms had eyes filled with nothing but hatred, anger... will, and determination. Each one shining through them in flashes. Their expressions despite ragged and labored is fixed on a resolute stare that completely unnerved them.

These were men ready to die, and they weren't going to die without a fight.

Arthas had held on. Leading the men into ambushes and raids against the camps, groups of tribesmen and even two whole villages. And despite the losses they received, they continued with their duties. Even rescuing a total of 250 civilians.

Arthas had hoped to send them down but sadly, it was not to be. He was soon attacked by a large host of three hundred. And though they won, he had lost a total of fifty men by then.

Hoping to rest, they fortified one of the huts but before they could even rest, they were swarmed once more.

Again they won, but at the cost of twenty more of their comrades.

It has now been three weeks since their struggles against a constant wave of savages. A month and a half since they were left to the hellish Mountains of The Vale.

They had faced a constant stream of demons in human skins and still it showed no signs of stopping. The place is filled with blood staining the ground red. While the corpses of their enemies were thrown into the woods.

As for supplies, they had leather and a nearby well of clean water. And that was enough to sustain them. The promise of reinforcement arriving was all that gave these former captives hope. Hope that seemed to wash away with their cries and tears as Arthas' men died one at a time.

But they held on as that was all they could do. Arthas turned to the edge of the woods once more and from there, more savages walked out, showing themselves to him.

Turning to what they were smiling gleefully at he saw their attention fixed on the small hut behind him and his men. With renewed determination and hatred, he gripped his sword tightly preparing himself for another fight.