
Who The Hell Is That?

Makai's mother was making him breakfast and he asked her a question "why is my name Makai" she sighed and told him that when he was born he constantly wanted water. Thats why she named him Makai because Makai means Towards The Sea he stared at her for a few seconds than smiled "love you mom." Said Makai as he ran out the door trying to catch up to the bus before it took off. Luckily he made it in time " welcome H2O" Said the bus driver. "Im only joking Makai Whitlock." Said the bus driver as he bagan to laugh. Everyone knew him as the boy who loved water so they called him H2O. Makai got in the bus and sat next to his friends Neon Wells and Rai October. "So did your mom finally tell you why she named you Makai." Said Rai. "Ya she said it means Towards The Sea." " did your moms tell you why you guys are named that." Said Makai "Ya mine means strength" Said Neon. "mine means electricity" Said Ray. On there way to school the bus broke down and the driver called a pick up truck in the meantime they listened to the raido. The radio said that there was a fire in Metro City which is were Makai, Rai and Neon live. They described Rai's house but he thought it was a coincidence he went out infront of the bus door and heard the radio say they found a burnt body and an ID it read out "Jasmine October." Rai was speachless he fell to the floor on his knees and his eyes flouded with water. Makai and Neon went out the bus to go comfort him they sat beside him and Neon told him "it was gonna be alright." Rai put his handsome head in Makai's lap and said "i want my mommy." Makai Put his hands threw on Rai's short ruffled hair and told him that he'll see her soon. Neon picked Rai up and put him back on the bus Makai didnt get off from the ground. He just thought about how he'd feel if his mother died Neon came out of the bus and stood behind Makai and put his hands in his pocket. Makai told Neon that if his mother died he would probably be even more devastated than Rai because he loves his mom alot. Neon said he knows how Rai feels because hes dad died when he was 3 and hes mother has never been the same since. Both Makai and Neon went back into the bus and sat besides Rai. Neon punched Ray in the face and said "okay your mother died we get it now get over it dummy!" Rai looked around than fainted than 2 kids from the seat behind confronted them and Makai says "we will tell you the whole story outside." The 2 kids in the back agreed, Neon picked up a fainted Rai and sets him down on the first step and him and Makai sit besides him. Neon placed Rai's head on Makai's lap and the 2 other kids sit on the second step. Neon told the 2 kids the whole story and Rai woke up in the middle of it. At the end of the story Makai asked them if they wanna be friends. Both of them said yes and Rai asked for their name. The first kid respawned with Raymond Whitehall and the other one said Geo Ward.

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