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Chapter 15: The lucky thing in a dress

Black basket of this teenager is very lazy Pai Lao Da 2022-06-27

Midorima Shintaro walked up to Miyazaki

"Hello, Miyazaki-kun."

"Oh...oh! Hello," Miyazaki froze as the green hair suddenly appeared in front of him

What is this costume again?

Hey, hey, hey! Why is holding a doll in a flowery dress what the hell? Miyazaki looked at the pupils became bean-eyed

His eyes kept wandering between him and the doll he was holding

Midorima Shintaro frowned when he didn't say anything

It's not that Miyazaki didn't say anything, Miyazaki saw that Midorima Shintaro holding the doll with the flowery dress was very strange! slowly Miyazaki look at Midorima Shintaro eyes become more and more strange

quietly turned his head and carefully asked the side and his own close to the eyes of Aomine Dahui also kept staring at Midori Mamoru, as if very afraid of Midori Mamoru want to do something to him

Miyazaki whispered to Aomine Ohtori, "Aomine, who is this? And also take the dress doll" before the voice of Aomori Daigai, Miyazaki himself in the mind flashed some of the images of Midorama Shintaro take the dress doll to do some strange things, the mind a shock, immediately with a perverted look at him, but also nervous to stare at Midorama Shintaro this pervert afraid of what he did to himself, and God said to Aomori Daigai "He does not like to do some strange pervert to this doll?"

"Pfft hahahahahahahahaha!" Aomine Dahui heard this sentence can not help but laugh out of the pig's voice

I thought he was mysteriously trying to tell him something, but I didn't expect it to be this

Miyazaki was so suddenly laughing the whole person a face confused look at the inexplicable laughing Aomine Daigui

What did I say wrong?

When he heard Miyazaki's words, a "well" appeared on his forehead, but he still looked at Miyazaki with a polite smile, if you ignore his dark face.

Miyazaki see Aomine Dahui this idiot did not answer himself, but himself inexplicably in the laughing idiots, and do not expect him to answer, turned his head curiously asked Midorama Shintaro

"You...holding this doll...what for?"

Midorima Shintaro was so angry that he didn't want to talk to this idiot who had just joined the first army

When Miyazaki saw that he wasn't talking to him, he looked at Midorima Shintaro in confusion

At that moment, Aomine Daigai, who had only just recovered, explained to Miyazaki

"This is Midorima's lucky item for today."


"He likes to take some strange things every day."

Miyazaki looked at Atsushi Shibara who was eating something.

"Well, Midori does that every day," Shibara Atsushi responded when he saw Miyazaki looking at him.

And the three of them did not notice the black breath of Midorama Shintaro is eerily staring at the three of them

"It seems to have become cold" Miyazaki rubbed his arms and looked around

"You do not feel it?"

"hot day, how can it be cold, it is your health is cold Miyazaki" said Aomori Daigai brushed off the mouth

When he saw the black breath of Mantaro aside, his brain rushed, "It's over!" Then cry and look at Miyazaki winked at him mission

"You have an eye cramp? Aomine" looked at Aomine Daikai who kept blinking.

When he turned his head, ah! Shintaro Midorama who was surprised by something wrong

Shibara Atsushi also stared at Midori Mantaro, the hands of the things also do not eat, the green boy angry?

"You three idiots, say how you want to die!" Midorima Shintaro looked at the three of them in a strange way, pushed the tip of the nose glasses, two eyes gloomy look

"Hey hey hey, Midori is Miyazaki he said first, not my business ah!" Aomori Daigai has left himself out of the picture and put it all on his best friend Miyazaki

"It's none of my business either" said Atsushi Shibara.

Miyazaki saw Aomine Ohtori and Shibara Atsushi, the two losers, took themselves off the hook, and couldn't help but open their eyes in disbelief, ah hey! Not with you guys like this ah! The head turned to look at the anger of the life of the Midori Mantaro explained the desire to live

"Midoriya students, you listen to my sophistry, oh no ... no, listen to my explanation, not what you think ah!" Panicked explanation

Looking at the approaching Midorima Shintaro, Miyazaki retreated, his hands kept swinging

"You go explain to the King of Hell, bastard!"

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Talking Novel

Chapter 16 beaten

Black Basket of This Teenager is Lazy Pai Lao Da 2022-06-27



"Midori...Midoriya-san, you don't have to do anything, you don't have to do anything, Midoriya-san"


"Gently, gently...ah!"

"Oh yo..." Aomine Dahui looked on with fear and trepidation

" Tear, it really hurts! Feel a little pain in the face, Midoriya is too scary, from now on less mess with Midoriya"

"Green boy is going to kill Saki boy" Shibara Atsushi also said in a leisurely manner, but now the green boy so scary ah!

At the other end, Akashi Shoujuro, who was watching them, frowned, and Hongmura Shuzo exclaimed, "Ha, really active!"

But Akashi Shoujuro did not think so, it seems that the training is not enough!

After warming up, Midorama Shintaro shrugged off his hands, picked up the doll put aside and walked towards the training ground as if nothing had happened, not even glancing at Miyazaki lying half dead on the ground, passing by Aomori Daigai and Shibara Atsushi, looked at them both sharply and pushed his glasses, turned around and left without looking back

"Ha ha... green room strength is really big ha... really big" was so stared at the Aomine Dahui a little shivered and trembled, turned his head to see still lying on the floor of Miyazaki heart a burst of fear.

"Miyazaki, are you okay?" Aomori asked cautiously

"Let me beat you up you try, see if you have anything" Miyazaki bared his teeth along with his arm to stand up, but it was this guy

"Tear, it really hurts, Midoriya students really do not show any mercy, to break the face ah hey!" Miyazaki pressed the corner of the mouth wound

"It's not because Saki deserved it," Atsushi Shibara suddenly said

"Atsushi, you still say, if it wasn't for you and this guy Aomine, I would have been beaten so badly I" Miyazaki can't help but feel aggrieved, at a critical moment betrayed teammates of bad friends


This day can not live! Slamming the table

The day is over ~

"That damned Akashi," Miyazaki angrily recalled just now to be forced to come to training tomorrow

"And, tear, I did not expect Kotaro hit so hard, now the corner of the mouth is still hot and painful," Miyazaki touched the corner of the mouth, ow ~ more pain, go back to roll with ice bars, or really broke the face, and later back, already thinking of the two at home ridiculing eyes

"Who told Saki to call Green pervert, that's why he was beaten" said Shibara Atsushi, who was lazily eating the delicious stick in his hand and pulling a long tone

"Uh-_-...Atsushi can't stop you from eating"


The two of them walked with their backpacks on their hips in the busy streets of the neighborhood, tossing their lips, the sunset slightly shining on their tall backs reflected on the ground for a long time, and occasionally people were shocked by the tallness of these two guys

The camera click ~

"The actual fact is that you can be a lot more than just a little bit of a person. You've been beaten up?" Miyagi's mom froze for a moment when she saw the red lump at the corner of Miyazaki's mouth, and then pointed at him and laughed

Miyazaki's dad also froze

I knew it!

Miyazaki didn't want to care about his mom who was poking him, so he walked back to his room.


"Hey...who's so good that they beat this kid up, hahaha" Miyazaki's mom looked at her son who threw the door open with an unhappy face

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.


still in bed Miyazaki reached out his hand in the side of the bed fumbling, slightly open eyes looking at the phone in his hand, got up violently, the bed a sound

"It's over, it's over"

"Too late"

Hastily put on slippers and panicked and went to the bathroom. As if something had happened

Well, it's true that someone is going to be unlucky today

Thinking back to yesterday's events

"Tomorrow Tuesday morning, don't go to the classroom, come to the training ground, I have already reported to the teachers."


Miyazaki saw that it was none of his business, and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Akashi Shoujuro

"By the way, Miyazaki is coming too" Akashi Shoujuro narrowed his eyes at someone who wanted to leave

"Hey, why? Isn't it my first day to join? Shouldn't we wait for the official training after a day, why do I have to come too?" Miyazaki's face fell at once

"There is no reason," Akashi Shoujuro looked at the reluctant Miyazaki with a sharp face

"Hey, no~" Miyazaki tried to refute this unreasonable request before he was fixed by Akashi Shujuro's eyes

"Finally, tomorrow on time, or else..." instantly a change in aura, threatening to look at him

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Talking Novel

Chapter 17 Ryota Huangse

Black basket of this teenager is very lazy Pai Lao Da 2022-06-28

"It's over, it's over."

In his head was constantly the words of Akashi Shoujuro yesterday!

"Be on time, or else..."

"Or else"

"Or else"

These words kept flashing in his mind instantly Akashi Shujuro became a demonic being

"Ahhh!!! To die, to die ~"

When he came out, he almost collided with Miyazaki's mother who was calling him.

Miyazaki eyes narrowed sharply, rushed to the left to flash, almost the old waist to flash away


"Why are you running so fast?"

"Mom, I'm not talking to you anymore, I'm not eating, I'm leaving" Miyazaki said while taking the backpack hanging on the wall, and left in a flash.

Miyazaki's mother stood in the hall and stared at the door without a figure and wondered

"What's wrong with this kid?"

"Usually lazy bed can be lazy bed to wake up, but now in a hurry! Even breakfast is not eaten, and just now almost gave me a bump, the tip of the heart are to me jumped out"

"This dead child!"

"There should be something urgent at school," said the voice of Miyazaki's father, who was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

And Miyazaki side

"Whew ~ ah! exhausted, the life of the road to run out," outside of Teikou High School Miyazaki dragging his backpack on the ground bent over, panting, hard to look up to see the distance of the basketball gym, almost did not roll his eyes and fell to the ground, can only resign himself to shaking legs to continue

"Ah!!! So handsome!"

"Atom, I decided that this is the male god who just advanced!"

"Uh...you have a lot of male gods, just like fishing in the river, but then again it is really handsome ah!"

"Right, right?"

Surrounded by a group of girls in the middle of the Huangse Ryota awkwardly touched his head, thinking how to escape from here

"Classmate classmate, what's your name! Which class are you in?" A girl with starry eyes asked

"Uh, that, my name is Ryouta Hwangse, I'm in class C of the first year of the country." Although Ryouta Hwangse was surrounded by impatience, he still answered this student politely.

Because of his good looks and his modeling background, his popularity is still quite strong, and he is surrounded every day.

From a distance, a group of female students were crowded together

And the boys around were looking at Ryota Hwangse in the middle with envy

"Damn, this guy is so handsome! Damn it, damn it," suddenly a boy's voice came over, instantly caused a side of nymphomaniac girls, eyes glowing red at the boy


The boy was instantly startled, bowed his head and did not dare to speak feet to speed up the escape from here

At this time, Miyazaki hurriedly ran over, with a backpack floating behind him

"Ah! Flash open flash open, flash open, to collide, to collide," Miyazaki looked at the sudden blockage of a group on the road to rush to shout

The surrounding students looked at the sudden appearance of Miyazaki is rushing over at a speed of 800 meters, rushed to the side, can not flash it? So a big man running over that will not be hit and fly! Even if not dead, must be disabled!

And Ryouta Hwangse looked at the students who inexplicably scattered still did not react, standing in place confused

"The yellow hair in front of you, get out of the way," Miyazaki looked at the middle of a person

Hearing the voice, Ryouta Hose turned his head to see a very tall student in front of him rushing towards him, his eyes could not help but narrow, panicked and leaned to the side, just watching the very tall student run forward without looking back

"I'm sorry" and then heard an apology from Miyazaki who had already run over the head, although the voice arrived, but people did not turn around and continued to run forward, holding the backpack like a kite floating in mid-air, the smoke rolled, a blink of an eye people were gone

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