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xhnile · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


"Atsushi, quickly ... quickly help me a little" frog jumping five laps after easily walking to the edge of the rest bar stool shed Miyazaki legs trembling voice shivering begging for help is sitting under the bar stool shed eating snacks of Atsushi Shibara

... wait half a day no one came to look up, angry to both ears, only to see someone looking at the side of the wandering and did not forget to take snacks in the hands of the action

Well, can not hear it, then do not blame me

With great effort, he limped over to the side wall

A hand grabbed his hand to get the milkshake

The straw was thrust in, and he sucked it very hard, and his eyes were sparking, and people who didn't know thought the milkshake had a grudge against him.

Shibara Atsushi didn't feel it, he whipped his head around to see that a bottle of milkshake was missing from his chair, and was about to get angry at Micrographics when he looked up and saw that someone had drunk his milkshake.

"What are you looking at, have not seen people drink milk?" Sensing that someone's eyes like a resentful spirit Miyazaki can not help but a gas

"That's mine," Atsushi Shibara watched with eyes wide open

The corners of his mouth kept jumping as he watched Miyazaki's childish antics, while Shintaro Midorama, who was resting on the side, watched.

Akashi Shoujuro saw the forehead jumped, who is that childish idiot

"Xiaoji is simply the devil, I should have known I should not have agreed to his bet, he pitted me," Miyazaki could not help but complain, pounding the weak legs, hiss, really not the usual uncomfortable, no sensation, numb, Miyazaki heart grievances more aggravated

"Ah Hey! What's that look on your face?" See Shibara Atsushi looked at himself with a frightened face, frowned, not just drank his bottle of milkshake, there is such a shock?

"Looks like Miyazaki-kun has a big problem with it."

Hearing the familiar voice, the body can not help but stiffen

The familiar aura of the cold air overflowing, the aura of the terrifying aura is not exactly that old godless Akashi Shoujuro

The damned Atsushi saw this plague and did not tell himself, damn, pig-like teammates

"That can be, Xiaoji, how dare I have a problem, hehehe, this is very useful for my exercise, how can I have a problem? Look what you said, huh~" the goon Miyazaki

The first thing you can do is to take a look at the actual situation.

The first time I saw him, he was looking at a man who was full of horse's ass, and his expression changed.

I was a little flustered by the look, Miyazaki blinked at Akashi Shoujuro

"I'm telling you, I'm done running," Miyazaki said in a panic.

"Idiot" Midorama Shintaro looked at Miyazaki, who was in a foul mood

"Miyazaki-kun seems to be not satisfied with today's training?" Akashi Shoujuro smiled and did not move.

"No, no, no, I'm very satisfied," he said in fear of being punished for running laps again.

"It's better this way"

"Midorima, you come here"

"Well," Midorima Shintaro heard that Akashi had something to follow

"Phew, the gods are finally gone" Miyazaki saw the two people left heart can not help but breathe a sigh of relief

"And, Atsushi why you see them coming not to tell me, so that I was worried about" my sensitive little heart ah. Sooner or later, that guy Akashi will be scared out of his mind!

"Hmph, who told Saki to drink my strawberry milkshake, which I bought with great difficulty, and you drank it."


Okay, you have a point, see him that defiant look really angry by this guy

The other side

"Akashi you really want to call that guy into the first army?" Midorima Shintaro frowned and asked

"He has that ability, doesn't he?" Akashi Shoujuro thought of the scene he saw before he went back, he could imitate other people's skills, he is indeed a talent

"But, Akashi you do not know that that guy Ashizaki every day, never obeyed the discipline, you call him in only afraid ..." Midorama Shintaro thought of the evil full of Ashizaki Xianggo is very headache, but Akashi but let that kind of person to join the depressed


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