
Knb Reincarnation as a giant (old suckie version)

updated 1-2 a week because im also doing a one piece fanfic

WarmongeringMaster · Sports
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6 Chs

My power and the system

Leo Pov

the ding was a system notification telling me "welcome to the Basketball Giant system" .

i replied with "what exactly is the goal of the giant system?"

" i was made to make you into a player stronger faster and bigger than shaq."

"okay" i replied

Doctors Pov

"how in the living hell can a baby be this big it weighs 20 pounds and is already 3 feet in length."

the parents heard my statment and immediately asked questions like "will he be alright?" and "is it natural?" and of course i replied with "it is totally natural it is just i belive he is going to be a ginormous human being so you are gonna run through a shit load of food."

the parents proceded to ask more questions just in case but nothing i can't handle.

Leo pov

while that was all happebing i was figuring out all the stuff about the system but there was one big problem everything was locked besides status until he was at least 7 so inside his mind he was yelling "fucccckkkkkking hell." of course he then proceeded to check his status



strength: 4 (average adult male 10)

speed: 4


vertical: 0 (can't walk yet)

iq: 120

health: healthy


mostrous physique(passive)

gives the user the absolute highest potential in all physical stats)

basketball genius (passive)

allows the user to learn anything related to basketball 2x faster than the greates basketball genius ever

blessed eyes (passive) (locked)

the user has been blessed to have amazing defensive and offensive court vision

defensive monster (passive) (locked)

the user was give this by god which allows every part of defense and rebounding to be his domain where the user is given the best possible defensive iq and talent.

whooo, i said because these abilities are so incredibly op i can't imagine what the shop will be like.