

The school day ended with another ring of the bell. Students poured outside in waves rushing to get out of the school building. At the back of the crowd, the trio of Dylan, Harry, and Peter walked fast, bypassing the crowd of students. Once they were out of the vicinity of the school, Harry turned to Dylan.

"Hey, so now that school's over now can we go to your 'place' you've been telling us about?" Harry said mockingly.

"Shut up, Harry!" Peter said, looking from side to side.

"We can go today if you're up for it?" Dylan suggested.

"Yeah, let's go!" Harry said with a fire burning in his eyes. Peter shook his head in exasperation.

"Okay, I'm down, just let me call Aunt May. I don't want her to be worried after what... happened to Uncle Ben." Peter said, sadly.

They fell into an awkward silence as Harry gave Peter his phone. Peter walked over to a secluded spot, as Harry and Dylan looked at each other. Dylan had filled in Harry on what happened to Uncle Ben over the weekend.

"...How's Ben?" Harry asked, hesitantly.

"He was shot in the knee, so they've put him in a wheelchair. He'll be stuck in it for the rest of his life." Dylan said self-loathingly.

"Dylan... it wasn't your fault."

"Yes, Harry, it was! I should have been faster, maybe then-"

"Dylan, you did enough! If it wasn't for you, Uncle Ben wouldn't be alive!" Peter interrupted heatedly.

Dylan looked down and clenched his fists. He let out a sigh, before looking up at Peter with a dull stare.

"... Fine. did your Aunt say you can come with us?"

"Yeah. At first, she was hesitant but when I mentioned that you and Harry were coming she was fine with it."

Harry nodded, as Dylan gestured the others to follow him. They waited at the bus stop before the bus pulled up. Harry paid for their tickets as Dylan told him their destination. They sat down in a row as the bus began to drive again. Peter was at the window seat, Dylan in the middle, ANd Harry at the edge. Harry turned to Dylan.

"Hey, so did you come up with any suit ideas?"

Dylan's eyes widened before he turned and scrambled through his backpack.

"As a matter of fact... there it is, I did!"

Pulling out a worn big black notebook, Dylan opened up and began flipping through it. Stopping at a page, he then showed the two pages spread to Harry and Peter. Their eyes slowly widened at Dylan's drawings.

On the pages were countless drawings of different suit designs. Dylan had drawn and colored, to the best of his ability, most of the Spider-Man suits from various media. Dylan smirked at their reactions.

"All in all, this whole thing took me the whole weekend. So which one do you guys like the-"

Dylan was interrupted by Peter snatching the notebook from his hand and taking out a red highlighter. After a few minutes of Peter drawing something in the book, he passed it to Harry with a green highlighter.

'Isn't that ironic. Red and green.'

Harry circled his ones and passed the book to Dylan who observed it.

'So they've circled the ones they like the most, huh? They even numbered them! So for Peter, it's the... Advanced Suit from the PS4 game, the Raimi suit, the classic suit, the new red and black MCU suit, and the Ben Reilly suit. And for Harry... it's the Superior suit, the Kaine's suit, the Iron Spider suit, the Big Time suit, and the Anti-Ock suit from the PS4 game. Interesting choices...'

"Hey, dude if you want to make any of these we'll need a lot of money." Dylan looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

Harry looked around before speaking.

"Don't worry. Dear Ol' dad's got a private fund for me filled with almost a million dollars. I'm sure we can manage with that." Harry said mockingly.

Dylan shook his head before turning to Peter.

"What do you think, Pete?"

"Those are some good drawings, you're a good artist. But how are we gonna... like, actually make the suits? I mean do you have any experience in making suits?"

"Well, I-"

'Kid, I have an idea.' Klyn cut him off.

'Klyn, what's up?'

'I've been observing your... predicament, and I've got a solution. I've got well.... two spawn seeds.'

'That's sounds... kinda weird.'

'Shut up! Okay, so you ask them what suit do they like the most and then, I'll make the suit! And then, you attach the spawn seed on to them. They'll have a symbiote just like you, with most of the same abilities.'

'That sounds good-'

"Dylan! You good?" Peter interrupted him.

"Yeah, I was just thinking. Hey Harry, I don't think we'll need that million, I've got the suit thing covered."

"Hm, oh cool."

The bus finally stopped, as the tires squealed. The trio stood up and got out of the bus. Dylan began to walk, as Peter and Harry followed him. Soon they reached an abandoned building with a fence.

"Follow me."

Dylan proceeded to crawl through an open spot in the fence, as the other two followed him. They went over to the back of the building, which was facing the docks.

"Hey Harry, have you practiced any of your powers?" Dylan inquired.

"Only the wall-sticking one."

"That's good. It makes getting into this place less of a hassle."

With a jump, Dylan began to quickly crawl up the building. Peter and Harry look at each other before jumping on the building themselves and crawling up. When they reach the roof, Dylan opens the latch of the roof door and jumped inside, with Peter and Harry following.

When they landed on the ground, Dylan went over to the wall and flipped the light switch. The room was revealed to the trio.

"Woah, this is... actually, really nice!"

"Yeah, this is actually really convenient for training."

'Like you wouldn't believe.'

"So... Who wants to go first?"


"What I mean is, who wants to spar with me first? When you spar with me I'll evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and help you guys to improve them."

Peter and Harry looked between each other before Peter stepped up. Dylan smirked as his suit formed over him, making him Venom. Peter went into a crude fighting stance.

Venom than rushed at the teen, aiming for a quick jab. Instinctively Peter went for the block but was punched in the gut by Venom's other hand.

Peter was launched back, before landing into on his back. Slowly lifting himself up, Peter began to feel a strong spark in his mind and leaned forward.

Kicking back, he heard a grunt. Before he could capitalize on this, Venom grabbed his foot and threw him into a stray punching bag.

On the side, Harry winced.

Venom then jumped at Peter's fallen form, but suddenly twisted his body to the side to avoid the punch coated in blue bio-electricity. Peter then began to attack Venom with an almost beast-like manner, no thought put into his attacks.

'It's almost as if... he's reverted to the spiders more... primal instincts! I have to end the spar or things'll go out of hand!' Venom thought to himself while dodging.

Peter attempted a feint, (from one of the countless wrestling matches he saw with his uncle), as Venom reacted by moving his head to the side. Moving fast, Peter slammed his right arm into Venom's face, the bio-electricity temporarily stunning the hero. Attempting a followup, Peter tried to hit Venom with a gut punch.

Shaking himself out of his stunning, Venom grabbed Peter's bare forearm and kicked him up into the air before using his webs to slam the teen onto the ground. Peter spat out spit and flakes of blood, as the bio-electricity fizzled out. Walking up to Peter's downed form, he held out his hand.

Peter smiled and took it, lifting himself up.

"Damn, you really pack a punch!" Dylan stated, the suit retracting of his face.

"I-I really didn't expect that myself, to be truthful. It was like it was... ingrained in my mind."

"So you have.... what was it... Electrokinesis?" Harry chimed in.

"Yeah, don't you remember what Dr. Kafka said. The spider I was bitten by used an electric discharge to stun prey, while your spider-"

"Yeah, it used the stingers to kill its prey. So I guess it's my turn to spar, huh?"

"Go right ahead, it's your call chief," Dylan said as his symbiote slithered back onto his face.

Harry walked forward and fell into a fighting stance. He then lunged at Venom with his arms wide open and his hands in a clawed position. Jumping over Harry's attempt at hitting him, Venom fell into a roll and swept Harry's legs from underneath him.

'Harry's using wide attacks and lunges to attack me. He's subconsciously taking these traits from his spider.'

Harry fell forwards, but suddenly slammed his hands on the ground and went into a handspring. Landing on the ground, he seemed shocked but steeled himself and ran at Venom. He started a barrage of blows at the hero, Venom dodging everyone.

Harry was getting visibly angry, the more blows that he missed. With a roar of rage, Harry clenched his fists before two dull grey stingers burst out of his forearms. With renewed vigor, he began to attack Venom at a faster pace. Venom blocked his first attack, ducked under the second, and attempted another sweep. Noticing this, Harry jumped up in an identical fashion to Venom.

'Did.. did he just copy me? That's the exact thing I did to avoid his first attack!'

Seeing an opportunity, Harry kicked at Venom's head. Leaning back, the hero's lenses widened as another stinger burst through Harry's shoe. He leaned back, but it did not stop from the stinger from slicing through his symbiote mat on his cheek. Harry had a victorious look on his face.

"Ha! How was that!" he said with a cheeky smile.

The symbiote knitted itself back together, as Venom eyes lenses narrowed.

"Good, but..."

His hand shot out and grabbed Harry's leg. Harry's eyes widened before Venom judo threw him onto the ground, making the dust fly from the impact. Harry moaned as he slumped with metaphorical swirls in his eyes. Venom crouched over him.

"... how was that?"

Harry moaned, as in the background Peter's laughter could be heard bouncing off the walls.

"Oh shut up..." Harry halfheartedly mumbled.

I want you guys to decide Peter and Harry's suits. The suit's I mentioned in the story is just an indicator of what the two like. Harry is more inclined towards the armored or "darker" armors, while Peter is more inclined towards the classic and 'lighter' suits.

You can pick any suits you guys like, but I'll choose the majority pick. Like for example:

Peter: Advanced Suit: (Lighter).

Harry: Anti-Ock Suit: (Darker).

Arashicreators' thoughts