
Kkangpae and I

All Joon ever wanted was the freedom to do what he wants and how he wants. But being apart of one of the top families, that seemed impossible, especially when he was the main heir. Escaping seemed to be the only answer but how could he when his parents watched his every move? Somehow, he managed the impossible and escaped to America with the help of his friends that he left back in South Korea. He wanted to experience new things while in America but he sure it wouldn't be love. That was until he saw Yandy Brown slam some chick head into the cement pavement. Was it love at first sight for him? Who knows? He just knew something about her set her apart from the others and he knew he had to have her. Yandy Brown was in her last year of college when her world got thrown into a loop. When a random 6'1 Korean claimed her as his girlfriend she got attention that she never wanted from the campus. That didn't shake her at all, because she wasn't the one to cross and a few already knew that. She was going to deny it from the start until she met Joon and went along with it. Why? To pass time maybe? Who knows? She just wanted to see how this would pan out. As the months went by and feelings grew, neither thought they would fall for the other but they did. From breakups to makeups, cultural differences, crazy friends, and opposing family members, will their love be stable or fall apart? Well, who knows? You'll have to read to find out.

DeondraJaye · Urban
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Chapter 26

Yandy: 12.27.15

I’ve enjoyed this time that I spent with my family, I really did but damn did they get on my nerves. Always asking for a ride, always, always nitpicking my school choices, and etc. Then my aunts kept ganging up on me and Joon. It doesn't help because he keeps blushing every time. At first I found it cute but now I’ma little annoyed. I’m so over this charade but I like the way he blushes so I think I can ride it for a while.

We went to church this morning with gran gran and pop and half the congregation was staring at us. I mean, they usually stare because I would have my Afro or Sandy would have something wild on but it was for a different reason this time. Long story short, at the end of service the pastor asked were there any visitors and everyone looked back at us. After church was over I had to introduce Joon and Hae-In to almost everyone. But as soon as I saw a familiar face, I grabbed them and fled to Joon’s car.

Now it was two o’clock on the dot and boring. There was nothing to do. Sandy, Danica, Diamond, Tonya and I were lounging around the living room watching Love and Hip Hop on Netflix because there wasn't much to do. Most of the family left yesterday or this morning and we were all that was left. I think my dad, Uncle Chris and Uncle Roy took San, Hae-In, Lamar and Joon out to do some land work. Mom, Aunt Janet and Aunt Pam went to Auburn to do something.

We were two episodes in on Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta when I felt someone staring at me so I looked away from the TV and saw Danica staring at me curiously.

I stared back, “Yes?” I asked then started reaching for my drink.

I took a sip, “How's Joon dick game?” I spit my drink out.

I heard everyone laugh.

“It's that bomb?” Diamond teased “He got you out here chokin, huh?” She cackled.

I rolled my eyes “No, it’s not-”

Danica scrunched her face “His game weak then?” She asked.

I swirled my drink around and sighed “It’s not that-” Danica and Tonya shared a confused look.

Diamond sat up with a raised eyebrow “The fuck does that mean-”

“We haven't had sex.” I blurted. They all turned their attention to me. Fuck, I thought as I sat my drink down.

“You haven't climbed that like a pole yet?” She exclaimed, sitting up.

I clenched my fist “You think I haven’t tried?” I shot back at her.

“Obviously” Tonya started “you don't know how to seduce a man.” She stated before taking a sip of her drink.

Danica raised both her eyebrows and looked between us “Ouh.” She hummed with her hand over her heart.

“Well,” I started as I crossed my legs “since I have morals and all” I side eyed her as I picked my phone up “I’m not going to force myself on someone like a certain somebody.” I said dryly, without looking at her.

“Uoh.” Diamond hummed as she covered her mouth and looked at the others. I took a glance at Tonya and saw that she fixed her mouth to say something but stopped, smirk, and flipped her braids over her shoulder.

After that it quieted down and we continued watching Love and HipHop. Diamond got bored of watching the show and suggested a board game. Sandy went and came back with Monopoly. Not ten minutes into the game and Tonya owned half the board, I had my little corner by luck, Danica was in jail, Sandy was nearly in debt, and Diamond was in debt. Every time we play monopoly it ends the same way, Diamond flipping the board over.

“Fuck this game!” Diamond yelled as she flipped the board over. I glanced over at Sandy, glad she got it on camera this time.

Tonya gave her a smug smirk as she fold her arms “I don't know why you insist on playing this game when you always end like this.”

Diamond narrowed her eyes at Tonya “How bout-”

“Lets watch Katt Williams on Netflix.” Sandy suggested as she got up. We all agreed and got into our seats. I heard a couple of car door close and guessed that ma and my aunts got back from wherever they went. Imagine my surprise when I heard my dad voice.

“Ya’ll done, Unc?” Tonya yelled out.

“Yeah.” He called out from the hallway “Me, Roy, and Chris gone go back out dere to fish fa tonights dinner.” He added.

We all muttered alright then his footsteps were gone, we heard a multiple of footsteps come in next along with a lot of groans. Sandy turned the TV up to drown them out when they got closer into the room. I glanced from the TV and to the noise but did a double take because of Joon. He had on nothing special but a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and work boots; it's just he had the dirty look going on. His t-shirt and jeans had a few stains but he was glistening like a glazed donut. I watched as he went to sit next to me, he gave me a quick smile as he shook his hair with his hand.

I turned away to compose myself and caught a glance at Tonya. She was staring at Joon like he was the last piece of meat at Thanksgiving. Oh fuck no, we not doin this again, I thought as I sat up. I pretend to watch TV again and come up with a way to remind her that he mines, I stared at his face and scrunch my face when sweat dripped off his chin.

His sweat!

I smiled inwardly as I turned to him then took his towel from his lap and wiped sweat from his forehead gently. My actions made him stop mid-sentence and look at me, his stare was burning my eyes to the point where I stopped and bucked at him a bit.

He took the towel out of my hand and threw it on my face. The fuck?

I snatched it off “Wh-”

He cut me off with a quick kiss. My mind didn't process what happened until I heard the Ouh’s around us. I ignored the heat to my cheeks and bit my bottom lip. He leaned his whole body on mine until he became dead weight, I tried to sit him up straight but he's very heavy.

I grunted “You stink.” I scrunch my face up and start to push him away “Go take a shower.”

He sniffed himself as he sat up right “Is there another bathroom?” He asked as he stood up.

“It's one by the hallway closet.” Sandy answered as she grabbed the controller.

He nodded and turned to leave the room. When he passed by San, San flinched lightly which caused me to furrow my eyebrows. Sandy and I noticed how San has been acting lately but then again I too would act differently after getting my ass kicked. What caused us to be curious about it was how he acted around Hae-In and Joon. He would glance at them nervously or move away from them altogether.

At first we thought he felt bad about getting them involved in his fight but the more we saw his actions it wasn't that he felt bad, it was like he was scared of them.

What did he see that night? I wondered as I naw on my finger. I’ll ask later, I thought as I focused back on the TV. Sandy picked a TV show that caused San to complain which made her say a slick comment then they started arguing. I got my snapchat ready because every time they argued, Sandy would throw something at him. Next thing I know I see a remote headed to San, he dodges it but he didn't see the second one coming for him. It hit him right in the cheek and he nearly fell out of the chair. I stopped the video, made a caption and posted it.

“What the hell wrong with you!” San yelped at her as he rubbed his face.

She side eyed him “You, being born.”

“Anyway.” Tonya waved them off “What y'all want to do today?”

Hae-In scratch his face “What is there to do?” He asked as he looked at each of us.

That had us all stumped, it really wasn't anything left to do here but go to the next town over.

“Board game?” Diamond asked.

Danica turned to her “Monopoly?” She asked with a smirk.

Diamond glared at her “Fuck no.” She gritted.

Lamar looked up at her from his spot on the floor “You still shit at monopoly?” He asked.

“Shut up.” She grunted.

San smirked as he turned to her “You flip the board again?” She rolled her eyes.

“Check my snap.” Sandy smirked as she typed on her phone. All three guys took out their phone and watched Sandy’s snap, I heard the same yell from moments ago one after another. They all looked at Diamond and busted out laughing.

Her face turned into a scowling pout “Shut the hell up!” She snarled.