

Peace and hope... is a fool's dream ever so fickle. A heart encased in nothingness... Poor and alone... Until he heard fate's melody in a form of a girl, making life into something. Giving him peace and hope... until it shattered realising he was living a fool's dream as the mysterious girl was stricken with an illness he couldn't comprehend. Clinging to the pathetic idea of hope, he sold his parent's house hoping to find a way to save his sister. Forced to live in a slum to look for a way to find a cure for his sister, and for once stop his life from turning into nothingness once more. Fate played him like a fool once more and this time not in a form of a melody but in tragedy, as a greedy shop owner sold him fake medicine and tricked all the money he got after selling his parents' house! After realizing his mistake he decided to embrace his calling and enclose himself in nothingness. Looking at the heavens with eyes full of nothingness, he mumbled at the sky towards heaven. "...If I ever have the power, I swear I'll show you the grave mistake you made, exiling me. I'll show you the wrath of your cursed one that you abandoned and DEVOUR YOU!" However, the boy didn't know that this absurd 'decree' would be granted one day by something called the system, and it would also force him to walk on the path of a FALLEN ANGEL! A race and a path despised and loathed by the Heavens themselves!

HuntingMeadows · Fantasy
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3 Chs


[Aurora City, Outer Region, Slum Area]

Inside a small, rundown hut, there was a broken stove, and beside it were two clean clay bowls, and inside them were poorly crafted wooden spoons.

Other than that were some ragged clothes neatly arranged in one of the hut's corners.

Inside this hut were the sounds of slight whimpering, originating from the corner of the hut.

In the corner of the hut enclosed by the darkness due to poor lightning lay a little girl gently wrapped in a cocoon of blankets on the uneven floor, and despite being tightly wrapped in two blankets, she was still shivering as if she lay on a block of ice almost as if she was walking in the middle of a terrible blizzard with scarce clothing.

Since her face hasn't covered with blankets, one could see her adorable features. The little girl looked to be between the ages of seven and eight, with pale bluish-white skin.

Despite her being ill, her face was a feast for the prying eyes. Her face was oval, with a little nose, hollow cheeks, and cherry-like perfect lips. Her eyes were tightly shut and her eyebrows were tightly interwoven together as if she was suffering from a bad dream.

Correspondingly, her complexion was so pale there seemed to be no trace of blood on her cute little face besides the blueish veins slightly appearing on her face, just like a ghost, looking extremely frail.

Suddenly the chipped door belonging to the hut gently creaked open, as a little boy with a height of 1.64 meters entered with quick steps. He was relatively thin and looked extremely weak on his pale face as his check bones were slightly sunken in.

Despite his pale skinny complexion, and his slightly sunken face he looked handsome. Primarily, his dark purple eyes were like the dark starry sky an endless void; as his dirty white messy hair hung slightly in front of his eyes. The boy would be quite the lady's man if not for his tattered clothes and malnourished physique!

He quickly approached the sickly little girl and crouched beside her on his knees. He anxiously examined her condition with his skinny dainty hands.

After checking her condition, his eyebrows tightly frowned, forming dark lines on his pale forehead. He seems to be quite apprehensive at this moment.

He gently lifted the little girl in his embrace and softly whispered in her ear, "Little sis, how are you feeling? Look... big bro, come back with medicine for your cold. The cold will go away this time as soon as little Alice takes the pill!" His voice was feeble slightly quivering, but it was filled with trepidation and love.

As he said that, he hurriedly took out the medicine from his pocket. currently wrapped in rough clothlike packaging. Gently opening the pack, two small black pills came into view. These pills looked similar to black pepper.

Little Alice, who appeared as if she was in front of death's door as her eyelids trembled slightly after hearing her big bro's voice, and she slowly opened her eyes with extreme difficulty. A pair of beautiful, blue watery eyes reveal, but alas, they are dull and blurry at the moment due to her weak condition.

Alice spoke in a trembling and frail voice, "B...b-big B-bro Luc... Lucifer!" Her voice was meek, but there was a hint of love and happiness.

It thrilled Alice to see her big bro holding her in his embrace, but she was so weak at the moment that she could only express herself.

Seeing her like this, Lucifer felt extremely heartbroken and sighed in sorrow as his eyes glowed in hope but deep beneath his gaze hidden behind a curtain was an endless abyss of... nothingness.

Lucifer gently stocked her dull black hair and smiled faintly, he didn't want to show Alice his expression that she never saw not even once an expression that would make the devil itself shiver in fear. Instead, he took one of the small black pills and fed her with extreme care.

After making sure she swallowed the pill, he said faintly with a forced smile, "Little Alice is going to be fine in no time with this alchemy medicine. Just rest and let big bro take care of you until you become healthy again, okay."

Lucifer was reassuring her, or maybe himself. It wouldn't matter since he was anxious about her. She was his only family in this vast world, and he was determined to protect her until he lived!

She was the only thing, the only thread that stopped his descention into nothingness.


[A Couple of years In the Past]

'Lucifer' his parents gave him this unique name because they thought this name sounded good to hear and easy to remember by others or...

He never knew his last name.

Unfortunately, his parents went missing in the wastelands when he was only four years old.

They were low-level Cultivators and hunted beasts in the wasteland for a living. Since they haven't returned for almost a year, the city officials declare them dead.

Little Lucifer lived with his Grandparents due to his parent's profession when he heard the news of his parent's death. He grieved for months after finding out about this heart-shattering news. Seeing him like this, his Grandparents were also very heartbroken.

The shock of his parent's death settled down eventually. He slowly accepted that his Dad and Mom were never coming back, so his grandparents were everything to him, and he cherished them dearly.

However, their living conditions begin to decline after a year of his parent's death. When they were still around, they didn't need to worry about food or clothing, but now that they were gone, things changed quickly.

After three years of his parent's death, little Lucifer tueight years olds when another tragedy occurred. His grandma passed away from an extreme fever. He mourned her with his old grandpa beside him.

After his grandma, his grandpa couldn't take the misery of her departure with his fragile heart. He became ill very fast and passed away four months after her.

That marked Lucifer's descent into nothingness.

In the heartless world, Lucifer was all alone.

His life was everything and nothing as he worked as a dishwasher in the same restaurant where his grandma used to work before her death. The owner took pity on the poor alone little boy, the happy boy that was once Lucifer became nothing. A Hollow shell of nothing life became an illusion, Lucifer being held together by nothingness.

When he watches other children with their parents, he felt nothing, nothing at all. When he looked at the beautiful sky he felt nothing, no matter what he saw he only felt one thing... nothing.

Two years passed in a flash encased in an endless void.

In these two years, Lucifer turned ten and became somewhat tall for his age. His body became malnourished due to the scarcity of food.

He still works as a dishwasher earning a few copper coins, getting by on the meals he was provided here and there.

His eyes held no emotion, not even emotion just nothing; no life, no death, no pity or hate, he seemed to mature despite his young and tender age.

On one freezing night, he was walking home after work when he heard someone's sobbing voice from a dark alley. From the sound of that voice, he could tell it was a child's voice.

Lucifer ignored the sound until he suddenly stopped in his tracks before walking towards the small alley.