
the next day; meeting him

jared venditti ``alfred shouted,what dad jared replied with a saercastic tone .what's with that tone albert said sternly ,get ready were going to your inlaws house he continued, at the top of his voice . jared was dressing when he suddenly got a call from his secret investigator. sir the investigator said ,still the same no news . then continue looking jared replied angrily then he hung up.let's get going albert shouted .when they reached randy's house he welcomed then warmly . and lisa setteld them in the living room. tea she asked no thanks jared and albert replied . lisa went upstairs to fetch amara ,young miss are you ready lisa said while entering the room,she gasped `` miss aren't you ready lisa said . they are waiting for you lisa continued . i don't want to marry him amara said while crying . don't cry miss you'll ruin your makeup,lisa said while wiping under her eye. amara stopped wityh the tears and prepared herself and went downstairs.

you have a very beautiful daughter albert exclaimed. runs in the family randy replied when amara saw jared face she froze .she remembered the hot and steany night she had with him some days ago . but somehow jared had forgotten that night.

is something wrong albert asked but amara kept silent as teats treaked down from her eyes . she quickly stumbled towards him and said and dragged him to the kitchen. which left her dad shocked to the core . hey jared said once they reached the kitchen amara just ignored and locked the door behind them.

i know you aren't ready for this marriage amara said . who told you so jared replied coldly . i guessed amara replied cuz no one want's to get married to someone they barely know .just let this marriage work amara continued. ok but don't fall inlove with me . don't worry amara said you're not my type .

whaat jared exclaimed silently i,m everyone's type he said. and he went out with amara trailing slowly behind him wondering if she is in trouble . when they reached the living room jared said to randy . i wish to make your daughter mine on next week saturday. amara gasped in shock . when jared was leaving he gave amara a file and randy also gave amara a file to give to jared .when amara retired to her room later that day . she decided to open the file jared gave her . inside the file was every thing she needs to know about him. meanwhile jared never bothered to open her file instead he kept it in his safe thinking it will one day come in handy.

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