
Kissing Hellfire: Marry Me, Evil Lord

Power comes with a cost... and it was something she was willing to trade her soul for. A few nights before her wedding, Lauren sought a way to break her fourth engagement. Known for her bad reputation as the rebel princess, she was the only lady who had the guts to step foot on the Everston mansion, the house of a notorious warlord, in the middle of the night. She offered him a wicked alliance that the entire kingdom did not see coming: a marriage. A vixen pretending to be a damsel in distress and a man whose crimson eyes screaming for bloodshed. Could something blossom in this treacherous dance of lies and deception? -- "Are you upset?" She eyed him sharply. "Should I be honored that I got tricked by you, milord?" He drank the remaining wine in his glass with one gulp and put it on the wooden table. He stepped in front of her. His hand was on the rail on her side while his other hand grabbed her glass and finished her wine before putting it down. The way his Adam's apple moved with his every violent gulp made her feel a tickling heat around her nape. When he brought his attention back to her, he licked his lips to wipe off the trace of wine. "How shall I make it up to you then?" he asked with his deep voice, like a seductive devil asking his victim how she would like to be killed. Dangerous yet… enthralling. - Note: This is a dark fantasy-romance genre with a lot of gore, family feuds, steamy scenes, twists and turns, and other explicit content (no rape) that will rile you up and might give you a heart attack so basically this is not for soft-hearted ones, so read at your own risk!

macy_mori · Fantasy
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259 Chs

How Shameless

"I admit I was rather dismayed, Alec. You didn't even send us an invitation to your wedding," said Mr. Hendricks while the four of them sat in the tearoom.

Outside, the rain that started as the drizzle had turned into a downpour. The maid who served them tea was very careful with her moves knowing that a single mistake would cost her life.

"My apologies, uncle. Apart from the wedding preparations, I have been busy with work. I'm sure you heard about another lord's death and a massacre that took place in a village recently."

"Yes, I heard about the massacre. The black mages did it?"

Although he believed it wasn't the black mages, Alec didn't like providing unnecessary information to the people who were not directly involved in the case.

"It is what we are suspecting but nothing is sure yet."

"You just arrived, Alec. Does that mean you spent the night working?" Samantha asked meaningfully. It occurred to her that if his cousin didn't even bother to be with his wife on their wedding night, he couldn't be serious about her.

Alec had never been involved with any woman at a deeper level and his relatives knew that. That was why thinking about it now, Samantha believed Alec was just taking advantage of Lauren's title to be part of the royal family and gain more power. But what Samantha couldn't fathom, if he aimed for that why did he not marry one of the Queen's daughters and instead picked the concubine's daughter?

Samantha smiled at Lauren, "You sure are very considerate, Princess Lauren. You didn't mind Alec leaving you on your wedding night."

Putting the teacup down, Lauren replied, "Work is work. Alec is part of the council and the head of the defense ministry. A massacre just took place with the culprits out there still unknown. Protecting innocent lives is more important, so I don't mind."

Lauren might sound so considerate but Alec's observant eyes noticed the subtle glare she gave him. It was what Lauren wanted to avoid. People finding unusual things about their marriage.

"We have so many nights ahead of us. I don't think it is a big deal," Alec said which made Samantha's expression turn sour.

"King Martin didn't let you live in the palace?" Mr. Hendricks' eyebrow raised. His nephew was an elite vampire mage. A warlord. The King would surely want him by his side to take advantage of his capability.

"He did, but I asked him if we could stay in my estate for two weeks since I have some things to take care of."

Mr. Hendricks nodded, wondering if Alec's true motive was to seize the throne. By the looks of it, he didn't think the two shared a special relationship as a married couple.

After having tea, Mr. Hendricks asked Alec if they could continue to talk in private. Lauren was about to excuse herself but Samantha was quick to invite her for another cup of tea.

"I know I was quite rude earlier but as you are already an Everston now, I should try to be considerate. I'm sure you won't mind me taking a bit of your time, Princess Lauren?"

"Of course, who am I to refuse? Let's have another cup of tea then."

Alec was expecting Lauren to make an excuse to leave, but he remembered this was Princess Lauren they were talking about. The young woman may appear gentle and fragile, but she wasn't shallow and stupid. She had her own mischievous ways of dealing with things and could definitely hold her ground.

When the two men had left the tearoom, Samantha took off her mask and said, "For my cousin to marry you, the King must have offered him a great deal. Why else would he choose a cheap woman like you when he can have better."

Samantha's words didn't take Lauren by surprise. She knew the vampiress wouldn't say anything nice now that Alec was nowhere near.

"Since you are Alec's cousin, you must be aware of how smart he is. Why would he choose a woman like me? The answer is simple, Lady Samantha. It's probably because he found no one better than me."

The vampiress snickered, "Don't you think you are being too full of yourself, Princess Lauren? We both know you fall far behind your sisters. You are the black sheep in your family so I don't understand where you got that sickening arrogance of yours."

"If you find my arrogance sickening, I apologize, Lady Samantha. But you must have heard, I play in gambling houses. I must have got it from those arrogant people who always think they could win their games which I rather find silly. In this world, one shouldn't think he always has the upper hand. He might end up messing with the wrong people."

Samantha's eyes narrowed, smirking. "Are you implying that I'm messing with the wrong person right now, Princess Lauren?"

"My, are you putting words in my mouth? You are a pureblooded vampiress and I'm just a lowly mage. How can I even be a match to you, Lady Samantha?"

Samantha held her head high with a sense of pride. "Indeed, you are no match to me. I'm glad you know that."

With a wicked thought coming into her mind, Samantha said, "Now since you acknowledge how inferior you are to me, why don't you do me a favor so I will let you off the hook for offending me."

How shameless, thought Lauren.

"Serve me your blood."

Lauren looked at the vampiress unfazed, "I'm sure your cousin has stored bottles of preserved blood, Lady Samantha. Shall I get you one?"

"Didn't you hear me? I want your blood. Pour me a glass of it and let me know if you are worth my taste buds," Samantha said and asked a maid to bring a wine glass and a knife.