

Drake's POV....

Ayesha, I want you right now...

He gazed at me with unshakable anticipation.. My breath got hotter due to his intense look.The passion that is sparking from his aura...which has also ignited the fire and lust in my body for him....

I also want you...

Then there are no shackles keeping us away.Promptly, he pulled my hair behind and kissed the sweet spot of my throat making me quiver.I grip his neck strongly... Drake,you always do that...

I do it because you always turn me on.You give me hard time resisting you.Whenever I see you, I only want to make love to you and engross myself in you.....Is that so?..... Then catch me if you can.I run away from him....I run around the beach and he is chasing after me...I swear on God come to me right now.Otherwise, I'll tie you up today.No,darling,my almighty lover, first you have to catch me.

You are so childish.....

I enjoy teasing him as he always teases me first.