

Hazel scoffed when she watched how Gaia became so nervous that Jaxon was here. She was panicking because she had not yet taken a bath or dressed properly.

In that case, she shouldn't have come to see Hazel first thing in the morning and instead, taken care of herself. What a ridiculous thing to do.

"What should I do? Why did he come so early? I have not put on any make up yet!" Gaia panicked. She looked at Ella, asking her mother for help, as if she could pull some magic trick and make her look great in a matter of seconds.

"You don't need to do anything, Jaxon Ashdown is not here to see you anyway," Hazel scowled. She giggled when she saw how Gaia's face turned red. She didn't know that she would develop this bad habit of getting on her nerves, but she enjoyed moments like this. "Don't look surprised, you know that. You don't even need to come out, because he will not look for you."