

'No!' Hazel was panicking. She thrashed her body and tried to kick him, because she couldn't use her hands, but his body simply didn't budge. She wanted to scream, but there was no sound that came from her throat, her desperate scream was left unheard.

Fear gripped her heart, especially when she heard his comment after he found out she was pregnant.

"You shouldn't be pregnant. You will only ruin the plan like before," Xavier mumbled to himself, as he stared at her stomach. There was a deep crease between his eyebrows as he looked at her. He looked like he was disappointed. "This is not right. You shouldn't be pregnant around this time."

Xavier shook his head in disagreement.

Just like Micah, he was also frowning upon the fact that she was pregnant out of the timeline from the previous life.

"You can't help me if you are in this condition," he muttered to himself. "But, I am already here."