

A paranormal romance between two natural-born enemies that blossoms when their lips accidentally crash together.

PIXIE3600 · Fantasy
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20 Chs


As the clock ticks by, I feel sweat form over my body, and nervously tap my foot against the floor. My eyes never leave the clock until the moment I have dreaded comes. The beep, beep, beep of the alarm chimes.

I throw my case into my bag and prepare to finish it later. With hurried steps, I rush to Quincy's side, "Are you alright?" She grins, "G, you know me. His weak ass hits have no effect on me." I sigh, "Next time just stay quiet, please." She shakes her head, "No can do. You know me, I never leave a man behind." Maxwell and Jamison approach us, and both seem nervous. "Thanks for that, Quincy; you saved our butts with Harvey," Jamison speaks for the both of them, but Maxwell nods in agreement. Quincy nods, "No problem; I'll just need you both to declare your undying loyalty in exchange." Their eyes widen. "She's kidding!" I add. They breathe a sigh of relief, "Don't worry about it. We all have to look out for each other."

"Yeah, well thanks for that," Jamison whispers before he shuffles out the door with Maxwell right behind him. I sigh anxiously and wait for Quincy to finish packing her things. "You shouldn't have done that."

She pauses her movements, "I know you wanted to do it too." I did. "Yes, but the difference is I didn't. Quincy you don't want to be on the teacher's list for being disobedient. They'll hurt you worse than this, eventually." She turns to look at me, "I know but, I would want someone to do the same for me."

"The difference is no one ever will. We know what disloyalty looks like. We may be students now, but no one will risk becoming one of the reaped." She looks at me sadly, "You would, in the end, if it's me." I shake my head, "I'm not so sure." Her face grows serious, "I am."

I don't know whether her confidence in me is warranted, but it feels good that she has that kind of faith in me. "Well, on the bright side, it's hardly noticeable," I mention as I glance over at her cheek. She looks around, "Don't worry about me, I plan to say a hex tonight that he'll get gonorrhea or shingles."

I give her a pity smile, "Quincy, you always know what to say to make me feel better." "What are best friends for? Besides, he's always had a stick up his ass. About the time I stood up to him. Now come on, Dmitri texted me that there's supposed to be some big reveal. In case my expression changes, I don't want to be forced to sit in front. That's just asking for a punishment."

"Dmitri texted you, huh? Did you give him his pesos or maybe some other kind of payment," I give her a look. She rolls her eyes, "It's never going to happen, so take that idea and throw it out the window. The boy has the looks, but he's too full of himself. Besides, we're worlds apart. I'm Africa. He's Antarctica." She moves ahead of me, as I trail behind.

The halls quickly crowded with people as they try to get outside to the field, word seems to have spread fast about our mystery guest. Two girls gossip in front of me, "I hear he looks even hotter than when he went to school here," Phoebe remarks. "I don't think that is possible he was a God," Dana looks away dreamily. They giggle and slip outside. Quincy leads me along the path to sit on some outdoor bleachers. They quickly fill with students and faculty, and whispers and gossip spread like wildfire. Two teachers stand near each set of bleachers as they watch the students with hawk-like stares. In their hands, they have punishment cards. Given out at any sign of weakness during the ceremony.

Professor Maycomb walks onto the field, and everyone falls silent. He's a very old, scary man who can silence anyone with a simple look. He has these hard dark eyes that look into the dead soul of someone who has seen too much. Eventually, all hunters' eyes begin to look like that. As he approaches the podium, he inspects the crowd. To ensure everyone is in order.

After inspection, he finally addresses us, "Welcome everyone; as is our tradition today is the seventeenth. As such I will hand over matters that pertain to The Reaping to Dean Tremaine." He steps away and a new man takes his place. Dean Tremaine is dressed in an expensive black suit. He has his hair slicked back. He's in his late thirties and has a look about him that screams that he can kill you.

Dean Tremaine clears his throat, "Today the Council of The Eye has deemed that an individual is guilty of consorting with a vampire. Please bring the sacrifice forward." Two guards drag a woman in her late twenties towards a metal pole. The pole is charred from previous Reapings. Everyone in the crowd goes straight-faced. They know what has to be done, to watch, and to not be able to look away or interfere.

The next part is worse, where the Dean will announce her name and anyone that's related to her here will have to watch their family member die. "Margaret Thompson, you have been convicted and shall be burned to purge this world of you and your sins." Her mouth is covered and her hands are tied behind her back. Tears race down her face as black mascara smudges her cheeks. She lets out muffled moans as she knows what's to come.

A guard steps forward and douses her in lighter fluid. "As per our rules, sinners do not deserve final words. You may light the fuse and reap this betrayer to the cause." Without a second thought, the guard lights a match and tosses it toward the woman. Her clothes catch fire and then her skin. I look straight ahead and fix my gaze in her direction. I use a tactic I learned to stay calm. The grass is green. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. I repeat the words to myself over and over again. As I attempt to block out her muffled screams. The flames burn high and the sky becomes filled with blackened smoke.

After what feels like an eternity, the screams stop. The fire dies down and Dean Tremaine hands the mic back over to Principal Macomb. Principal Macomb looks out at all of us, "On this day I am pleased to inform you all that we have a new teacher that has joined our staff. He was once one of this school's finest pupils, and now he shall prove as a role model and representation that all of you should strive to be. Everyone, please join me in welcoming E. R. Fletcher." Without hesitation, the crowd erupts in applause. I hesitate as Professor Maycomb's words register with me. It looks like I'm going to have to get used to seeing Fletcher around campus.

He steps up to the stage and looks more put together than he did when he was last at Infiniteye. His hair is short, a considerable difference from what it used to be. His face has three new scars along one side. They go from under his eye to his chin. He's dressed in a finely tailored suit.

"I wonder how he got those," Quincy asks as she brings my attention out of my head. I turn to find her mid-bite of a powdered donut. "How did you?" I give her a look of disbelief. "What? You know how I get when my blood sugar runs low."

I turn my attention back to Fletcher, "Thank you, Professor; it's truly an honor to be back here, among my peers. I just wanted to say how excited I am to join the Infiniteye College staff," he says with steady vocals. "I will be teaching Stakes and Daggers Class, an expert-level course for Juniors and Seniors," he adds. Lucky me, he'll be my teacher.

Professor Maycomb takes the microphone back from Fletcher, "Alright, everyone, time to go to your next class. If you have any questions, Professor Fletcher and I will stay after for a few minutes." Everyone stands up, to get away from the field. Except for a few choice girls who have decided to take their chances with Maycomb to get to Fletcher. That and the stench of burnt flesh lingers in the air.

"Come on, G, let's get changed for class," Quincy drags me along, I glance back one last time towards the metal pole where the remains of the girl lay in a heap. I do what I always do and turn away.

The locker room is like most, where everyone is assigned a locker that happens to match the workout uniforms. We wear blue shorts and maroon shirts.

Professor Dayton, one of the few professors at Infiniteye that isn't an older man, waits for us outside on the training grounds.

The large field has obstacle courses that range from beginner to expert. With sheds all around that carry various weapons and protections. A large portion is designated for shooting practice with several targets. A large black fence surrounds the whole of the Academy that electrifies at night with several lights. It also has sensors that detect movement on the grounds. At night, it looks like a prison. With guards that look for anyone that tries to escape, or in our case, anyone that tries to get inside. "All right, you bunch of degenerates pair up," Professor Dayton orders.

Quincy and I quickly step beside each other. "No way, Knightly, I want you with Blake. You need a challenge, and no way you will be at full potential when you're all worried about your poor sweet little friend," Professor Dayton yells. "Hurtful," Quincy whispers as she moves to stand beside Savanna's partner Beatrice. Savanna looks at me wickedly, "Well, looks like it's just you and me, Knightly."

I roll my eyes and look away. Dmitri has two of his followers remove Beatrice from her place in front of Quincy, where he takes her spot. Beatrice kicks and screams her way through it only to end up across from Hudson. She goes silent.

Quincy huffs and turns away to avoid giving Dmitri the satisfaction of seeing her smile. It's only a matter of time before he breaks through Quincy's walls and charges into her heart. "Are we doing this or what?" Savanna huffs, as she draws my attention back to her. She holds up her fists. I mimic her movements, we're like two cities at war. She swings her left fist at me, followed by the right—one towards my face, the other toward my abdomen.

I dodge her hits as one misses my face and another grazes my stomach. My body goes through the motions as my mind wanders. It takes little time to get acquainted with the routine as a wave of boredom hits me. She throws a lazy punch and I slam my elbow toward her face. She barely manages to dodge my attack and looks fazed as she sends sloppy hits my way. She tries to use her nails to claw me.

I swing my leg out and hook it around hers. She goes down. I let her pull me down with her. She hits the ground first and takes the impact on her back. I fall and give her time to recover. She brings her arm down towards my face, I roll away with ease. We stand, and she circles me.

My eyes follow her every movement, as I predict her next move. I can see in her eyes that she thinks she has won. That she has the upper hand. That's how I like my opponents. Professor Dayton blows her whistle, a signal to pause all the hand-to-hand combat. my attention draws away from Savanna for a split second. Thankful for an end to this back-and-forth match.

My head shifts to the side as a fist collides with the side of my face. The hit burns just right below my right eye. Pain sparks all across my face. The slap from Professor Harvey was like a whisper of pain compared to this. Don't react, don't kill her. I try to reel in my rage.

"Blake, what the hell was that? You know the rules; whistle blows; all fighting stops," Professor Dayton yells from across the field as she races over. Savanna does her best to look guilty, but it comes out more as a smirk, "Sorry, it was an accident." I take a deep breath as my hands tighten into fists. My anger burns; an almost unstoppable urge to punch someone fills me. "You all right, Knightly?" Professor Dayton's voice cuts through my murderous thoughts.

I look up, calm down, and nod. "Good now, everyone, get to lunch," she looks at Savanna in disapproval "Except you, Blake, we're going to talk."

Savanna looks back at me, "Gemma, tell her it was an accident. I would never hit you on purpose. Isn't that right?" she feigns. The innocent schoolgirl will never fit her no matter how well she tries to play the part. "G don't," Quincy shakes her head. With a slightly bowed head, "It was an accident." I lie. Professor Dayton turns her head to the side, as she inspects me, "Are you sure Knightly?"

"I am." She lets Savanna go, and she gives her a warned expression. "Be more careful next time, Blake. That mean streak of yours will come back to get you one day." Savanna glares at me, as she brushes past. Professor Dayton looks at me in wonder, "You know I can't decide whether your flare for mercy is commendable or stupid. I guess only time will tell." She leaves me with her words and charges back towards the College.

Quincy comes to my side, and examines my eye, "You all right? It looks like that's going to bruise. Do you want me to get revenge? I could hit her in the face with a bag of dicks?"

"Where would you get a bag of...that?"

"I know people." I shake my head, "I'm fine. I'm just going to go get an ice pack from the Med Bay." Quincy sighs, "G, you really should stick up for yourself one day. Savanna deserved what was coming to her." I shake my head, "She's not worth the trouble." I walk away from the training field and towards the nurse's office. Here at Infiniteye punishment equals discipline and pain is strength.

Savanna has always had it in for me since I'm a Knightly. My family is one of the hunters' oldest lines, and hers is only a few generations. She thinks she needs to be cruel to prove something. I know she's good, and I respect that, but I can't stand a hunter without integrity. I wish that Savanna wouldn't be so intent to be on top. There are some things that even I won't do in the name of The Eye.

Nurse Louvier smiles as she sees, "Ahh, Miss Knightly, I see you've gotten into another tussle." Nurse Louvier is a short woman with curly white hair and always has on a pair of bright red square glasses. She reminds me of Estelle from Golden Girls. She moves to the freezer and pulls out an ice pack, and hands it over.

"Thanks," I move the pack over my eye, in an attempt to keep the swelling down. Several cots line the walls. Each wall of the room has a first aid kit. "You remind me so much of your Father. I remember when he used to fight three people at once just to see if he could take them. He came here with fewer injuries each time. But, of course, that all stopped when he met your Mother. She was the light of his life," Nurse Louvier has worked at Infiniteye for almost forty years and has seen many hunters do great things, but she has also lived to see many pass on from this life.

"Well, I'm sure he always gave his opponents a run for their money. I'm still trying to keep a school bully from beating me up." I sigh and sit down. She smiles, "I'm sure you gave her a run for her money too."

She moves the ice pack away from my face to look at the bruise, "It will probably take a week to go away fully. Here's some aspirin for the pain," she hands me a cup of water and pills. I swallow them and stand up to go to the door, "Thanks, Nurse Louvier, for the aspirin and for what you said about my parents. Most people think it's easier not to mention them."

"My pleasure, if that eye starts to give you any trouble, you come to see me ya hear," she looks at me pointedly. I nod in agreement and head toward my class. As I round the corner to Anatomy of Vampires class, I catch sight of E.R. Fletcher. I fight the urge to run as anxiety fills me. An unpleasant prickle in my stomach. Don't panic! I try to tell myself. The last I saw him he had his hands on his crotch as tears streamed down his face. Literal sobs left his mouth. Not a pretty sight.

He stands next to Principal Macomb, as they whisper. I can't quite catch their words. My hair acts as a shield as I move around them. This may be the most embarrassing moment, no scratch, the second most uncomfortable day of my life. The first still goes to the day that I set the kitchen on fire after I tried to bake a cake and got banned from using the oven ever again. I shudder at the mere thought of that unspoken day.

I scurry past them, but my name stops me dead in my tracks, and my stomach sinks. "Miss Knightly, Professor Dayton informed me of the unfortunate event between you and Miss Blake this afternoon. Don't let it happen again, you're stronger than that." Principal Macomb looks at me disapprovingly. "Yes, sir." I avoid eye contact with Fletcher, but I can see him as he watches me out of the corner of his eye.

Principal Macomb looks at me; I think he understands Savanna's need to be the best, to compensate for her family's low status among hunters. "Good, now get to class." I nod and move around them, "Miss Knightly may I have a word?" Fletcher Stops me dead in my tracks. Oh no!

I fight the urge to run. Which I fiercely want to do. I plaster a smile on my face while Principal Macomb watches. "Of course Professor," I wait for him as he whispers a few last words and approaches me. Principal Macomb looks at Fletcher with distaste, before he leaves us alone. Fletcher clears his throat and looks around uncomfortably before he makes eye contact with me. I fidget with my hair, I look away to turn anywhere he isn't.

"Listen, I know we haven't spoken since that night, and I meant to. But, unfortunately, with graduation and being sent on missions, I never got the chance to tell you that I'm sorry if I ever did something that made you uncomfortable or hurt you somehow," he says, in an attempt to apologize.

"Yeah, I kind of panicked. I'm sorry about the whole kneeing you thing. Can we pretend that it never happened?" I say, and try to escape as quickly as possible. He sighs, relieved, "Of course, completely blocked out." I sigh, "Great, so you and I are cool?" He nods, "Yes, completely; I didn't want things to be awkward now that I'm one of your teachers and we have to see each other every day."

"No won't be awkward at all," I do my best to try and convince him and myself. "Great," he mutters and looks away. "Great," I repeat. "So I should get to class," I look in the direction of my next stop.

"Yeah yeah, of course, go ahead," he heads in the opposite direction as I finally make it to class. Quincy has kindly saved me a seat, she moves her bag as she sees me. As I sit down, my expression gives me away.

"What?" She asks, confused. "I think Fletcher and I just made up," I say, almost not believing my own words. I'm in shock that it ended civilly and not with me being wholly mortified. Quincy looks at me, surprised, "Tell me everything. I want every dirty, sexy detail." So I do, as much as I can fit in before Professor Rafeson comes in.