

The most beautiful girl who fades every girl's beauty wherever she goes looks for true love but all in vain. Every man around her wants to just have a taste of her and dump her saying that peerless beautiful girls are never marriage material and could never stick with one person in a relationship. Anna suffers alot of rejection from her female neighbors accusing her of whoring around with their boyfriends and husbands. Her dream was to get a true boyfriend who would genuinely love as a person not her beauty. She wanted a person to satisfy her sexual starvation. She sees a handsome guy and immediately crush on him but he never like her. While other men died to talk to her, her crush never even spared a single glance. But one day, crush drops her home and sees his photo in nice on her coffee table, 'MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND, MY LIFE AND DEATH' where the words written on the photo. " Are you sure about this" Liam asked, " Did you mean this?" Anna gulped, all her body trembled in anticipation of getting rejected by her long time lover. " DO. YOU. LOVE. ME?" Liam asked impatient,. "Yes or no" He raised his voice on her. "Yes," Anna blurted nervously but the next thing Liam did shocked her, his warm tasty lips was on hers. " For how long?" Anna closed her eyes as she calculated in her head, " Nine months, three weeks and four days" Liam chuckled, " And that's how long all put together?" " All most a year..." Unfortunately, when Anna starts living her dream life, she accidentally gets shot in the head and Liam swears that if she dies he dies too.....

MwizaSharon · Urban
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54 Chs

Ex boyfriend?

".... jeez, I for sure still feel like I'm in heavens." Fiona said, laughing merrily. "When my mom comes next week, I will show her all videos and photos. I'm sure she will give you all her blessings for making her baby happy."

"Oh! She's coming?" Anna asked surprised. "I'm sure I've never seen her."

"You've never because she had never visited me ever since I left home. She's coming to escort me in hospital during the surgery. I'm not so brave to face my husband's other wives and their children alone. I should be with a family member mostly, a parent or maybe an aunty." Fiona said.

Anna held her hand, "You'll be fine, okay? I would've come with you too but I got to meet Liam's family in the same weekend."

"It's okay, I know that you care. Wow!" Fiona exclaimed, "It's so beautiful. It's built by glasses instead of bricks?"

Anna giggled, "It's only the front view that is displayed with glasses. The rest of the building is built by bricks and mortar."

"I'm sure you enjoyed working here everyday, look at those classy people sitting inside. This is where you found Liam, right?" Fiona asked as they got in.

"Yes, he would sit right there" Anna said pointing at the place as she led Fiona beyond the main parlor.

"I can tell he could come everyday to see yo...." Fiona halted midway when her eyes met a person she dreaded to see all her life.

Anna frowned confused of what had happened to her. She looked at Fiona's narrowed angry eyes then at shocked Paul she was staring at.

"Do you know each other?" Anna asked but neither of the two responded to her or avert their eyes from eachother. But judging at their unspoken emotions. Something popped in her head.

"Is he your ex? Your baby daddy you told me about?" Anna asked and Fiona gave her a small nod. "Heck no."

Anger and grudge filled Anna's heart that her chest started heaving in rage. She glared at Paul for some split seconds before nearing him.

Slap. Slap.

Anna gave Paul two resounding hot slaps on the same cheek. "So it's you who impregnated my friend and then you and your filthy parents vomited that you can't impregnate any girl? Look at your whole useless height, good for nothing piece of shit. I used to think you have some senses in that watermelon empty head. I pray that you never ever get another child all your life."

Anna grabbed Fiona's hand and walked away not before kneeing Paul's balls leaving him grunting painfully on the ground. She led them to the rooftop bar ignoring gasps from her former colleagues.

Fiona giggled so proud, "Aye soldier. What would I have done without you, my love?"

Anna's nose flared up in furry, "I'm not satisfied yet. As you were there suffering with unending traumas he caused you, he's here happily fucking good-looking girls. Do you know how that hurts?"

Fiona giggled again, "I'm good-looking too all thanks to you and Liam. Do you remember what you told me days back that what if my ex sees me? My heart is at peace for that at least."

Anna looked at Fiona closely, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"The truth is, I hadn't gotten over him for the past five years till a few minutes ago. He's as hopeless as me, anyway. To the person who lied to everybody that he's studying, he's here washing plates. He's got no future."

"Rubbish" Anna said pacing back and forth. "He doesn't deserve you at all and the day the thought of getting back to him crosses your mind, I will kill you myself. You're not as hopeless as him, my dear. At least, you have your husband who's okay with you even without giving him a kid. It's rare to find such men. Never would you underestimate his parental love for you."

Fiona nodded, seeing Anna getting so serious about her life made her happy. She was giving big sister vibes. She was about to say something when a girl came shouting diverting all Anna's attention.

"What in the hell happened to your phone, Anna?" Comfort asked, "Do you know what happened in your absence? Or do you know how almost the whole world is looking for you? I tried calling you but I couldn't get you."

"My phone got some issues but Laim took it for repair." Anna said, "What happened?"

Comfort held her waist, "A lot, just sit down and I start from the beginning to the current situation."

"I filmed you and your two identical twin boyfriends" Comfort said, "I edited to thirty seconds but the whole world went berserk. Look, it has 187milions views, 20.9m likes, 500.4k comments, 4m favourites, 9m shares, 2.6k duets"

Anna held her mouth in astonishment, "I've never seen this, it's only been five days since the incidence and all this? What amused the netizens the most?"

"First of all, your boyfriend's brother is a famous blogger. Girl, he's verified on every platform. Those who knew him kept tagging him in comment section. Secondly, the resemblance between the two and how you were trapped between them killed everybody, watch the video." Comfort said and played the video.

Anna watched as she was telling something to Lewis smilling cheekily then Liam grabbed her by the waist in a second, her shocked face looking at the two brothers repeatedly in slow motion then Liam taking her away with an angry face but Lewis remained happily murmuring something. She rewatched the video over and over again.

"Many people were criticising you and the other twin for having secret affairs till he dueted and cleared the air. Here's the video" Comfort said.

The viral video first played then Lewis single smiling face came into view. He first kept quiet for some seconds then laughed out loud.

"Before I say anything, I want to thank the person who filmed this moment. I have a huge gift for you, just DM me." Lewis paused, "To those who don't know me, my name is Lewis Salvatore. I have a twin brother who is called Liam Salvatore. To those who follow my account, they pretty well know my brother's personalities. He's the kind of a person who can take three days without talking to anybody except only our baby brother and sometimes mom. Mind you, we stay under the same roof. If he's not in his bedroom, he's probably in the gym or glueing his eyes on his phone or laptop whenever he's at home. He hates cameras with passion and that's why I have less videos of him.

He had never dated or shown us any girl to the extent all of us started questioning his sexual orientation or sexual health. So, when that girl came up to me telling me their dirty bedroom things definitely thinking I'm my brother, I was so shocked to react. As no body; including us his family members would intrude Liam's personal space like the way that girl did, I right away knew that they were an item. And that's when he came in.

I don't even know her name much less have sexual affairs with her, I love my brother much more than any other person alive to betray him. Besides, I have a girlfriend I'm madly in love with, to cheat on her. I tried to look for that mysterious girl at that same place to just know more about her but she was no where to be found. As I speak, our parents are on his neck demanding him to bring her at home for everybody to see her. He's currently out of country and I'm suspecting that he took her with him but do not worry y'all. I will keep you updated when he comes back."

Lewis continued, "This goes to you my dear future sister-in-law. You're most welcome. The Salvatore family doors are wide open for you, dear, everybody's eagerly waiting for you. I don't know why you don't have an account but whoever is using your content deserves my follow. Thank y'all."

Anna sighed. 'His sexual health? Are you kidding me, the guy who can't let me rest?'

"That's not all." Comfort said, "His girlfriend also made a video for you personally. Mind you, she's our President's daughter. Gosh, I don't know how much God blessed you with such wealthy and popular people."

A very pretty girl that Anna admired at the first glance applauded even before saying anything.

"That's for my man, Liam, for finally maturing up. I've known Liam for years as we study at the same university and in the same class. Many girls including my friends would pay me cash to ship them with him but Liam was never interested in any. And I was so shocked when Lewis told me that he's dating. Girl, you just won rotary. He's a good guy only that I'm just wondering if you guys ever talk when you're together." She giggled.

"As a first daughter-in-law in Salvatore family, I welcome you with open hands. You're worth him 'cause you're so pretty. Just make sure that you don't break his heart 'cause I will break your ass myself. His endurance deserves better."

Anna laughed.

"From 10.3k followers to 2.1m followers. But they are all now annoyingly demanding for your point of view every passing minute, just know I charge my phone thrice a day." Comfort said excitedly, "Gues what? Lewis bought a new camera and a laptop for me as a gift."

Anna shook her head confused of where to start from. "Bring it. I will respond to your people."

Comfort jumped in excitement and ran to bring the camera.

"Anna you mean Liam is a twin or it's one person just using camera tricks?" Fiona asked.

Anna laughed, "Your so naïve my dear friend. You heard him say that he's Lewis and his twin brother is Liam"

"He's accent couldn't let me understand everything he said. They look so much alike." Fiona said.

"I know" Anna sadly said. "And that's why I'm so mad at that dick's head for tarnishing your future. You wouldn't have been degrading yourself everytime. Try watching untranslated movies with subtitles, you will improve on your English...."

"Anna!" Christine called holding her phone, "Liam"

Anna got the phone and walked on the side to talk to Liam in private.

"Hey babe" Liam said from the other end.

"Hey! Big daddy."

"Don't start, Belle. I'm not so far from where you are." Liam warned.

"What would you do, sir?" Anna asked cheekily.

"We're on somebody else's phone, behave!." He said, "Lewis wants us to go to his club tonight. Else, he's threatening me to tell mom and dad about the school's incident."

Anna gasped, "You told him?"

"No, he used his sources to get all news, so nosy!"

"Well, didn't he freak out? Won't it cause conflicts between you as brothers? He said he loves you much more than anybody else which means he will side with you"

"That's not the problem at hand, I don't want my parents to have heart attacks because of their son's greed."

"Hmm!" Anna hummed sympathetically, "I'm in, should I mobilise all my girlfriends?"

"It's okay, Gab will pick you up in the evening. I will find you there. Your phone is fine now."

"Thank you. See you then, love you"

"Love you too, bye!" Liam said and hang up.