

The most beautiful girl who fades every girl's beauty wherever she goes looks for true love but all in vain. Every man around her wants to just have a taste of her and dump her saying that peerless beautiful girls are never marriage material and could never stick with one person in a relationship. Anna suffers alot of rejection from her female neighbors accusing her of whoring around with their boyfriends and husbands. Her dream was to get a true boyfriend who would genuinely love as a person not her beauty. She wanted a person to satisfy her sexual starvation. She sees a handsome guy and immediately crush on him but he never like her. While other men died to talk to her, her crush never even spared a single glance. But one day, crush drops her home and sees his photo in nice on her coffee table, 'MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND, MY LIFE AND DEATH' where the words written on the photo. " Are you sure about this" Liam asked, " Did you mean this?" Anna gulped, all her body trembled in anticipation of getting rejected by her long time lover. " DO. YOU. LOVE. ME?" Liam asked impatient,. "Yes or no" He raised his voice on her. "Yes," Anna blurted nervously but the next thing Liam did shocked her, his warm tasty lips was on hers. " For how long?" Anna closed her eyes as she calculated in her head, " Nine months, three weeks and four days" Liam chuckled, " And that's how long all put together?" " All most a year..." Unfortunately, when Anna starts living her dream life, she accidentally gets shot in the head and Liam swears that if she dies he dies too.....

MwizaSharon · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter twenty-five.

Anna tossed in bed searching Liam for a cuddle but realized that the bed was empty and so was the room. She yawned sleepily and went back to sleep.

By the time she woke up again, it was already 10am. She stretched her body and got off of bed to prepare for work. After all, no body will catch her late when it was her actual boss who had kept her awake all night. She saw a small paper on the table and grabbed it to see what message Liam had left for her.

*Good morning, sleepy head! I'm sorry for ditching you again. Text me asap*

Anna sighed and looked for his number she hadn't saved it yet but to her surprise, Liam had saved it already as 'Imaginary boyfriend' with kissing emoji. Anna shook her head amazed at her cunning boyfriend.

*Revenge loading...* She texted him. In less than a minute, he had called her back.

"Hey baby!"

"You left me, Papi" She winned like spoilt kid.

"I got an emergency, darling! Wear the clothes I chose for you and come at the café for breakfast. Gab will be there in a minutes to pick you up. I got to go." Liam said in a serious tone that Anna had never heard him use.

" Okay!" Anna said and he ended the call. She pouted but he couldn't see her anyway, she was used to his endearing tone but not this. She first cleaned the room in a hurry then had a bath. By the time she was done dressing up, Liam's car had pulled over at her front door.

"Hello" She greeted the previous bulky driver guy whom Liam had given her at the mall.

"Hi" Was all he said. Anna warmly greeted her neighbours and went to pay Fiona. She asked for her phone number and then left.

"You bitch" Was the first thing Anna uttered as soon as she entered into the café. She grabbed Christine's upper arm and dragged her from the counter to the their dinning room. She shoved her on the chair but not so harshly to get hurt. All their colleagues came after them confused as much as Christine was on Anna's sudden rude behaviour. Good enough, there weren't costumers as it was after breakfast and before lunch time.

"How dare you spy on me for all that while without telling me anything, wasn't i supposed to know as your friend...." Anna chastised but Christine cut her short with a happy shrill.

"So you finall hooked up?" Christine asked, she got up of the chair and jumping happily around. "Yes, mission accomplished! When you came here the other day with that phone, I freaked out thinking that you had gotten someone else. Never had I known that it's my sweet boss. Congratulations to me for doing my work greatly and wisely."

As Anna raised a brow at Christine's self praise, their friends where gasping in shock.

"Wait, do you guys mean that Mr Balaji is into you?" Paul asked.

"Or maybe Mr Edmond himself" Comfort asked as well.

Anna and Christine stared at their friends with furrowed brows. "Our boss is not y'all's boss, okay? I mean, me and Anna."

"What do you mean?" Paul asked

"It's along story...."

"Cut it short" Comfort said impatiently.

"Okay" Christine started with a sigh. "Y'all know our costumer, Liam Salvatore; Mr Edmond's nephew. I was working at his family's mansion; Salvatore Mansion as a house maid where my dad works as a butler. I had worked there for three years until Liam gave me a promotion. He told me to start working here as a waitress but mainly as his informer to the girl he liked and so I did. But as time went on, Mr Balaji reported my hard-working and the love I have on my to Mr Edmond so he chose to pay me too. I get double salary per month, from a cleaning maid to a well paid waitress in a fancy café. All thanks to you, I even went back to school, on my salary."

As a softhearted person Anna was who always yearned to help the needy, her eyes moist. She hugged Christine whose demeanor had changed from ever dramatic to serious. At least because of her, someday was happy.

"That explains why it was always you who served him everyday. But you also liked him, don't? you" Paul commented.

"No, it was just a foreplay to entice Anna into the game and to see her reaction. I like somebody else" Christine said.

"Well well well!" Comfort said clapping, "That's how I kissed my future husband goodbye" Everybody laughed, "So, you've been in honeymoon all this while young lady, 'cause you can't fool us that our previous vaginity is still intact, does it?."

"Why do you think she's sick?" Paul asked to which others agreed on.

"Of course, can't y'all tell from her dressing code nowadays? Only short skirts and realing tops. She's in love" Christine said, her dramatic self back already.

"I got tea to spill on our social media friends. I think their 'is she single?' question is now answered, isn't? Hope you wouldn't mind telling them today, would you?"

"We sometimes get tired of your question tags, don't we?" Frank said for the first time. They all giggled in unison.

"We do, right?" Anna said amidst giggles.

"I take that as a yes then, isn't?" Comfort said turning on her heels then left. Even the boys left leaving Anna and Christine alone.

"He likes you, a lot" Christine said after some seconds of silence.

"I know. I figured it out already." Anna replied. Frank brought her breakfast even before she ordered.

"Bon appetite, boss lady." Frank said with playful courtesy.

Anna smiled, "Thank you, Mr French man"

"The fake one" Christine commented but Frank just winked at her as he retreated.

"So, when do you study?" Anna asked.

"Well, I study on Sunday. It's just a simple course."

"Wow, I never thought that you're this intelligent and hardworking. What a great woman we have here!" Anna said.

"I'm not a planned kid or a planned girlfriend like you so, I have to work hard to change my background. I have to wise up and hustle for my wellbeing."

Anna chuckled, "Planned girlfriend you say? You talked about liking somebody, is he a Salvatore as well?"

"Kinda but not really, it's Gab"

"Oh! You mean Liam's driver?"

"Yes but no" Christine said, "He's not his driver. Gab is a brother to Max"

"But Max is their bodyguard, right?" Anna asked

"No, Max and Liam are longtime best friends. They have a saddest story I've ever heard which I won't tell you about. Liam will tell it to you someday. That family is so rich beyond your expectations. And Liam has alot of workers including different drivers but he confides in only his best friend and brother for your safety."

Anna lowered her head, "All this seems like dream, no one..."

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Anna's heart skipped a bit when she saw the caller ID. Christine excused herself to let the lovebirds talk to eachother in private.


"Have you gotten breakfast yet?" Liam asked from the other side of the phone.

"Yea! Are you alright? You don't sound happy." Anna asked

She heard him sigh, "Nothing much, I will be there at noon . Take care."

"Okay" Anna said, "Love you"

"Love you more, bye" Liam said and hang up again.

Anna sighed in distress and refocused on her business. After taking breakfast, she started doing all her work she had missed. Comfort gave her all the report she needed and later handed it in the managers office.

She did her work perfectly as usual not subsiding in her effort because her boyfriend was her boss or rich. After like one hour, Comfort went up at the rooftop bar where Anna was inspecting.

"Seems like somebody's guy has come to see her!" Comfort said in riddles.

Anna's heart picked a race, she started checking herself out if she was still clean and on point. She went in the restrooms and applied a shiny colourless lip gloss on her natural lips. She turned around and winked at Comfort who had been silently recording all along. She went downstairs and straight to him.

"So, you decided to change the sitting spot?" Anna said nearing him, he opened his mouth to say something but Anna placed her index finger on his lips.

"You have a police case, sir." She said, "First of all, you left without giving me a morning kiss. Secondly, you banged me all night without my consent, now my barbie doll hurt like heck. And thirdly, you chose this skimpy outfit for me to wear. Who does that?"

She said all the above accusingly leaning near him but the shocked look in his eyes confused her. She looked around to see if there was anybody he was scared of hearing them but there wasn't. She raised a questioning brow.

"Are you being shy all of a sudden, Papi?" Anna said but the guy's eyes widened more.

"Papi?" He asked.

"Is it your first time of hearing it, why are you acting weird today? And what happened to your voice? It's not as deep as....." Anna was still talking when someday grabbed her waist from behind. She turned around in rage to see who dared touch her inappropriately but to her dismay, it was another version of Liam.


Anna, as much as all people around them including customers and her colleagues gasped in pure shock. Anna turned to look at still shocked guy she had called Liam and then at real angry Liam with an agape mouth. She had flirted with Liam's twin brother. Shame and fear set her nerves on fire and her knees gave away but Liam held her steady.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell her or walk away?" Liam asked Lewis furiously.

"Bro l--l, y-you have a girlfriend?" Lewis asked, contrary to Liam's rough expression, his face brightened up and his eyes sparkled in joy. "Dude, you fucking have a girlfriend? And hadn't told us about it?"

"Does that answer my question? What brought you hear to start with?" Liam growled, Anna turned around and hid her ashamed face into Liam's chest.

"I'm sorry, puppy." Lewis said teasingly, "But it's not my fault, though. Uncle called me here. Can you now introduce us?"

"To hell will l" Liam said and left the café with Anna.

"I'mna tell everybody at home that you got yourself a girlfriend." Lewis said but Liam ignored him.

Comfort who had captured the entire scene dramatically collapsed on the counter. Paul whistled shaking his head while Frank stood akimbo speechless. Christine just smiled at the comedy unfolding before her, she herself couldn't identify the Salvatore twin brothers regardless of the time she had worked for them, she left the counter to greet Lewis.

"Did you kiss him?" Liam asked, they were currently sitting in his car.

Anna just shook her head in denial, for all the vulgar words she had said, she wasn't sure if Liam would forgive her. She herself was mad at herself.