
Kiss me black & blue

When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. Amber Carlos, an American-spanish 24 year old rockstar has always wanted the chance to the top but how could she do that when she's an unknown musician? She's from a low class family where they barely feed three square meal a day. Things got harder the more when she lost her Dad, Rodrigo Carlos in a plane explosion. After Rodrigo died, Amber decided to move from her town in Spain, straight to Los Angeles CA USA, to search for a good job in addition to her musical career. Who wants to die of poverty? Amber left Spain to L.A to make impact in her music career but unknowing to her that just one track of her song was going to make her a number one top best celebrity in the whole of America, but it didn't happened overnight, it was with the help of someone. On the other hand was a big fan and lover of music, Gavin Warren, a native of Los Angeles CA USA. Gavin is an handsome, beefy, buff, strict, cruel, cold, grumpy and arrogant renowned, famous and well-known 27 year old businessman. Whom was born with a silver spoon and lived a peaceful and respectful life. He gazed into her beautiful eyes, caressing her cheek with his thumb finger, he smiled. "You are one of the most valuable gifts I have received in my life. I consider myself the luckiest man alive to have you as my woman. Knowing that you are mine and that I am yours is the best feeling in the world. You're such a darling angel and I value every bit of you." P.S: the cover does not belong to me

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Urban
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Boredom to excitement

"But doctor you know my bestie is a celebrity and there's no way the medias and press won't interview her even if she's indoors, they'll still find a way to locate her" Evelyn said.

"If she's gonna attend to the medias and press, then she should wear sunglasses to prevent the flashlights from penetrating into her iris and for the first two weeks, she'll better stay indoors for her eyes vision to recover quickly." The surgeon explained.

When Evelyn nodded her head, he added, "Meanwhile a contact lens is goin to be placed on your eye as a bandage for four to six days while the epithelium of the cornea re-heals." The surgeon explained.

Nodding his head, Gavin sighed, "okay doc, thanks"

Still holding his hand firmly, Amber said, "Amor what about Mom and Diego? Am I not goin to see them for two weeks?"

"Baby you're goin to see them, infact when we get home, I'll ask them to come and visit you, okay?"



A week later

Elliot's apartment

"No I like this one, it's so beautiful with the diamond stones on it" Lizzie squealed while looking at the beautiful pictures in the wedding gowns magazine.

Flipping the pages, Tasha said, "what about this one?" pointing at a beautiful white 'trumpet style' wedding gown, she added, "This one has glittering sparkling allover it"

"Ahh it beautiful, Mom infact am confused, I don't know which to chose among them. Either the trumpet style or the column (or sheath)"

"I will advise you to go for the trumpet style, it'll look good on you and you will look more attractive and cute when you put it on"

Joining her hands together, Lizzie squealed excitedly, "really!"

"Yes dear and infact my son is gonna look like a dumbbell when he sees you in such beautiful wedding gown"

"Aaaah! Oh my God, I can't wait for weekend, I really want to have my wedding done and dusted, I can't wait to have a romantic honeymoon with my darling Elliot"

Curling her lips upwards, Tasha gave Lizzie a sweet peck on her forehead, brushing her hands on Lizzie's brown hair. "I can't wait too dear, it's every mother's dream to see their kid grow up and get married someday. And now I am having a beautiful and soon to be daughter in-law sitting right beside me"

Lizzie wiped the tears off Tasha's eyes and gave her a big hug. "Thanks Mom, you're the best future mother in-law every girl wants, thanks for giving me a chance to love your son"

Pulling away, Tasha chuckled, "no I should be the one thanking you for bringing happiness into my son's life. You took away the boredom out of his life and brought excitement into his life, you're an amazing angel sent to my son's life" Tasha smiled.

Curling her lips upwards, Lizzie chuckled, "aww thanks Mom" pausing for a while, she added, "I need to call my friend Amy Rockie, she n–

Widening her eyes in shock, Tasha gasped, "Rockstar Amy Rockie is your friend?"

Vigorously nodding her head, Lizzie laughed when she saw the shocking look on Tasha's face, "uh huh, she's my colleague at work too"

Still in the shock, Tasha inquired, "oh my God, are you kidding me Lizzie? Amy Rockie is my favorite artist" pointing at herself, she added, "am a very big fan of Amy Rockie infact I have best of her songs in my phone and laptop"