
Kiss me And Survive

WARNING: Crazy Possessive and Villainous Characters. "I want to kiss you!” The man's movement suddenly stopped. He raised his deep beautiful eyes that shone against the light. On his face was a hint of surprise. "You want to kiss me? Did I just hear you say that?" ----- What would you do if you find yourself trapped in a world full of danger. And only death awaits you? Well, Fan Xiaoying is that unlucky girl, finding herself in game were she has to play and survive by flirting with Mr. Villain. 'Did I hear that right?' Fan Xiaoying mentally slapped herself. "I'd rather die than kiss him!!!!"

Yepeyey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

I'd rather just die!

Fan Xiaoying thought that she must've been scared insane. Otherwise, why would she produce such an absurd hallucination when the scalpel is cutting into her neck? And it was about kissing this psychopathic murderer...Are you kidding me?!!

But the extremely realistic sound continued to be heard in her mind.

[This is not your hallucination. You are not insane.]

[It's okay if you continue to insist that it is. You should still give it a try. Try asking him for a kiss.]

[You also heard him. He said that he loves you. If you pretend to kiss him like you reciprocate his feelings, he might let you go. Of course, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work since you're already about to die. You won't lose anything. Go and just do it.]

Hearing those words, Fan Xiaoying's originally pale face suddenly formed a faint blush. It was purely from anger.

Who says that she won't lose anything? She will lose her own integrity as an innocent young lady! She hasn't been kissed by a man before yet and its asking her to kiss this damned psychopath?!

[Wouldn't dying without even having your first kiss be worse than kissing the psychopath? The other party is also better looking than any man you've seen so what right do you have to be so reluctant?]

Scram! Even if she died and is eaten by this psychopath she would never kiss this.. this..


A drop of blood rolled down the sharp scalpel and fell to the ground. The sharp pain at her neck pulled Fan Xiaoying's senses back and she could see blood slowly flowing out from her neck.

The cold blade of the scalpel reflected the man's cold smile. The shadow of death enveloped Fan Xiaoying's head and her face once again turned pale. With trembling lips, she blurted out a few words without a thought.

"I want to kiss you! "

The man's movement suddenly stopped. He raised the deep and beautiful eyes that shone against the light. On his face was a hint of surprise.

"You want to kiss me? Did I just hear you say that?"

'Oh my god', she thought.

Fan Xiaoying only now realized that she had actually said something out loud. Her expression contorted a few times. She actually said it. If she angered the murderer, she might end up dying even more.

The light in front of him suddenly darkened.

Under Fan Xiaoying's shocked gaze, the man moved closer and lifted her chin. He then planted his warm and soft lips onto her.

'Kthunk ..

The scalpel fell onto the ground between the two. With the other person holding onto Fan Xiaoying's face, she could clearly feel the other party's burning passion.

They really kissed....

Fan Xiaoying's eyes widened and she was extremely shocked. The man raised his hand to cover her eyes and then continued to kiss her passionately

Their lips intertwined, and the man kissed her both deeply and passionately. It was as if he wanted to just eat her up. Sucking onto her lips, he began to explore the inside of Fan Xiaoying's mouth with his tongue. It sent a numb sensation through every corner of Fan Xiaoying's body and she could hear wet sounds that it made.


Fan Xiaoying struggled desperately but her limbs were still tied up and she couldn't pull free. She was unable to catch her breath and soon she was kissed into confusion. Her hands and feet went soft and her eyes were misty as she allowed the other party to continue kissing him deeply.

An unknown amount of time passed when the man finally released her. He raised his hand and wiped away her tears with his fingers. Seeing Fan Xiaoying's breathless state and flushed expression, he once again planted a light kiss onto the corner of her mouth. With a low chuckle he said: "You're very cute."

Huff, huff.....

Fan Xiaoying lowered her head and gasped for air. She didn't know if she should be angry or afraid. She really wanted to spit out and swear a few times but she was afraid of angering the other person so she could only hold herself back.

...Just treat it as if you were licked by a dog...….But this is far worse than being licked by a dog!

She hung her head as her face flitted between red and white. What made her more flustered was that the man's actions didn't just stop there. Right before her eyes, the man reached out to her shirt and started to pop open her top-most button.

Fan Xiaoying quickly raised her head and asked: "What are you doing!?"

"You wanted a kiss, so that means our love is mutual."

As he said this, the man had already unbuttoned Fan Xiaoying's shirt. A smile rest on his lips as he looked at her deeply.

"Sonow we should do something that lovers do."

'Enough! Can't you please just be a psychopath with a little decency?!'

Fan Xiaoying's face changed colors a few times.

If she really needed to do that with this psychopath so that she could live...She would rather just die!!