
Kiss me And Survive

WARNING: Crazy Possessive and Villainous Characters. "I want to kiss you!” The man's movement suddenly stopped. He raised his deep beautiful eyes that shone against the light. On his face was a hint of surprise. "You want to kiss me? Did I just hear you say that?" ----- What would you do if you find yourself trapped in a world full of danger. And only death awaits you? Well, Fan Xiaoying is that unlucky girl, finding herself in game were she has to play and survive by flirting with Mr. Villain. 'Did I hear that right?' Fan Xiaoying mentally slapped herself. "I'd rather die than kiss him!!!!"

Yepeyey · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Game Starts

The system said: [If you want to know the exact time, you will need to spend 1000 survival points at the marketplace to buy the "Countdown to the Instance" service. I can't tell you about it directly.]

A thin layer of sweat formed across Fan Xiaoying's forehead. Right now, she naturally couldn't afford this service, so she raced against time and immediately opened the forum. She quickly registered an account and started browsing through the posts.

The posts on the forum refreshed very quickly. Sure enough, there were many players participating in this game. At first glance, the forum looked no different to the forums that you would normally see. There were separate sections for Strategy, Trade, Friends, Misc. as well as sections sorted based on the region and the city. It was very rich in content.

Fan Xiaoying quickly opened up the "Strategy" page but what frustrated her was that almost every strategy post and experience summary post required her to spend some of her survival points to open. The top posts even required thousands of points just for her to browse through.

So expensive....

She was shocked and subconsciously glanced at the number of views the post had received only to find that it wasn't few. She made a rough calculation and was surprised to find that, with just this post alone, the poster has probably received more than one million survival points.

Fan Xiaoying continued to scroll down and realized that ths person called "Kizen" had published a number of strategy posts. He clearly is a high-levelled player and just through these posts of his, he would have already accumulated tens of millions of points.

But she recalled the system telling her that, so far, no one had cleared the Cosmic Escape game. Could it be that this Kizen person is like her and had not yet met certain conditions so despite accumulating enough survival points, he still cannot leave the game? Or perhaps this person had already died and only left these posts behind?

These thoughts flashed across Fan Xiaoying's mind, but it still didn't stop her from continuing to browse through the strategy forum. When she saw the Kizen most viewed post, her eyes immediately lit up. It appeared to be an extremely comprehensive beginner's guide and, more importantly, this post didn't require the use of any survival points. It was completely free.

Thank you master! I wish you a lifetime of happiness!

Fan Xiaoying internally voiced out her gratitude and proceeded to eagerly click open the post.

It could be said that it is no surprise that this beginners guide is the most viewed post on the forum. It not only very comprehensively summarized all aspects of the game that beginners should know about, it was also written in a way that was very easy to understand and started from the very basics.

When she had browsed through the posts earlier, Fan Xiaoying came across several terminologies like "Blood" and "Weapon". She understood the meaning of things like blood, physical strength and weapons as it was a basic attribute of most games.

But for other things like "Cursed Item" and "Cards", Fan Xiaoying had no idea what it did, and she didn't understand the difference between ability and skill. But according to Kizen, skills can be considered as a small attack whereas an ability is a special attack.

An ability is not something that everyone had and only a few possess it. Abilities are ranked with D rank being the lowest and S rank as the highest. The majority of abilities are of a B or C rank and the A level ability is naturally quite rare. S rank abilities are extremely rare and not many people in the game could get it.

Seeing this passage, Fan Xiaoying almost exploded. She sincerely suspects that the dog system had lied. How can that rubbish of a kissing ability be S rank?!

The system protested: [Rubbish. It's you who can't appreciate its worth. This is a super ability that allows you to directly clear an instance. You should kneel down and thank me!]

Fan Xiaoying heard this and just snorted before continuing to browse through the post. After reading about the beginner's gift package, she suddenly remembered that she was in too much of a hurry earlier to open the package that she had received earlier. She immediately opened it and checked the contents while referring back to the post one by one. As she slowly went through each item and was completely immersed, her phone screen suddenly turned blood red and a notification appeared.

"Fudge Cake!, it's already starting? This is too fast!" Fan Xiaoying couldn't hold back and directly blurted it out.

[Your current level is Level 2. You can choose an instance that is level 7 or lower.] The system said. [I recommend "Midnight Mansion". The boss in this instance is one of the bosses that you need to collect, and the difficulty is 'normal' so it won't be too hard.]

[Then I'll choose this instance.] Fan Xiaoying didn't have any objections. After all, she didn't have enough survival points so she couldn't ready any of the strategy guides...

[The player has selected the instance: Midnight Mansion.]

[Level: 4. Difficulty: Normal. Players: 5.]

[You are about to enter "Midnight Mansion." Countdown of five seconds.]

Along with the systems sound, the light around Fan Xiaoying suddenly dimmed down and the temperature also continued to drop causing her to uncontrollable shudder. With some nervousness, she balled up her fists.

The next moment, she found herself standing in a run-down and shabby courtyard. Dull moonlight shone through the pitch-black night sky and the sharp cry of a crow could be heard coming from a nearby gnarly tree. Weak chilly wind blew past and penetrated through her clothes. Before her was a large and worn-down western-style building covered with black vines. Shrouded in darkness, it seemed as if there was something terrible lurking inside.

"Is everyone here?"

A magnetic and gentle male voice quickly broke Fan Xiaoying from her daze. He was a little surprised for a moment before realizing that it was her teammate. He turned around to look at the man standing behind her.

The light was very dim, and Fan Xiaoying had not yet adapted to it. She could only faintly tell that the other party is a young man. With a hint of a smile in his voice, the man continued.

"Let's get to know each other and give a simple introduction."

"I am Gu Yong."

"Greetings." Both greeted.

Gu yongs mind :'I met her. Words can't describe my feelings right now.

I spent a lot of effort suppressing my urge to rush over and pull her into my embrace.

I want to hug her, touch her, kiss her, melt her into my bones. Every minute, every second, I want to possess her everything.

But I can't. I must remember to always act like a normal person, or she would definitely be scared off.

PS: She looks even more beautiful than she was a few years ago. She's also looks…���..more delicious .

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