
Kiss Me Already!

At Hoshizora High School, Aiko Hoshino and Ryo Tanaka are known for their constant teasing. Aiko loves manga and is the head of the manga club, while Ryo, a talented pianist, leads the music club. Their playful rivalry begins when they meet during school festival preparations. Aiko and Ryo often poke fun at each other, but their chemistry is undeniable. They make a bet on whose club will have the best booth at the festival. If Aiko's manga club wins, Ryo has to dress as a manga character. If Ryo's music club wins, Aiko must perform a piano duet with him. As they prepare for the festival, they spend more time together and start understanding each other better. They discover shared dreams and support each other in unexpected ways. The festival ends in a tie, so both must fulfill their bets. During their piano duet, their feelings come to light. After the performance, Ryo confesses he likes Aiko, and she admits she likes him too. "Kiss Me Already" is a sweet teasing romantic comedy about two high school students whose teasing turns into love, showing that sometimes, love starts with a little bit of fun, So can you Kiss Me Already Ryo?!

o_sakalkar · Eastern
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105 Chs

Unveiling the Masterpiece

Aiko and Ryo's cultural exchange project was nearing its grand unveiling. The weeks leading up to the event were a whirlwind of activity, with final rehearsals, last-minute adjustments, and countless meetings. Despite the chaos, their excitement and anticipation grew with each passing day.

The night before the big day, Aiko and Ryo found themselves alone in the exhibition hall, making final preparations. The room was filled with beautiful artworks, intricate sculptures, and stunning musical instruments, each piece a testament to the blending of Japanese and French cultures.

Aiko stood back, admiring their work. "It's incredible to see everything come together like this. I can't believe the opening is tomorrow."

Ryo nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "We've put our hearts and souls into this project. It's going to be amazing."

As they continued to make final adjustments, their playful teasing surfaced once more. Ryo picked up a paintbrush and dabbed a bit of paint on Aiko's nose.

"Hey!" Aiko protested, laughing. "You're going to pay for that."

Ryo grinned, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "You're right. Let me make it up to you." He leaned in and kissed her gently, the paint still on her nose.

They spent the rest of the evening reminiscing about their journey and how far they had come. By the time they left the exhibition hall, they felt a deep sense of accomplishment and readiness for the big day.

The next morning, the hall buzzed with excitement as guests began to arrive. The opening ceremony was filled with dignitaries, artists, and enthusiasts from both Japan and France. Aiko and Ryo welcomed everyone, their nerves mingling with exhilaration.

Monsieur Dubois took the stage to introduce the project. "Ladies and gentlemen, today we celebrate the fusion of two rich cultures, brought together by the creativity and dedication of Aiko and Ryo. Please join me in welcoming them."

Aiko and Ryo stepped onto the stage, greeted by applause. Aiko took a deep breath and began. "This project started as a dream, a way to bridge our cultures through art and music. It has been a journey of learning, collaboration, and love."

Ryo continued, "We hope you see the beauty in the merging of these two worlds. Thank you for joining us on this special day."

The exhibition officially opened, and the guests wandered through the hall, admiring the displays. Aiko and Ryo moved among them, answering questions and sharing stories behind the pieces.

At one point, Aiko noticed Madame Lefevre examining a painting closely. The senior artist looked up and nodded approvingly. "You've done well, Aiko. This is truly impressive."

Aiko felt a surge of pride. "Thank you, Madame Lefevre. Your guidance has been invaluable."

Throughout the day, Aiko and Ryo's friends and colleagues expressed their admiration for the exhibition. Each compliment and smile reinforced the success of their vision.

As the event drew to a close, Ryo pulled Aiko aside. "I have one more surprise for you."

He led her to a secluded corner of the hall where a piano stood. "I wrote a new piece for you. It's inspired by our journey."

Aiko's eyes widened with surprise and emotion. "Ryo, that's amazing."

Ryo began to play, the melody soft and poignant. Aiko closed her eyes, letting the music wash over her. Each note told their story—their challenges, triumphs, and love.

When he finished, Aiko hugged him tightly. "It's beautiful, Ryo. Thank you."

As they stood together, watching the last of the guests leave, Aiko whispered, "We did it. We really did it."

Ryo nodded, his eyes shining with pride and love. "And this is just the beginning, Aiko. Together, there's nothing we can't achieve."

Hand in hand, they left the exhibition hall, ready for whatever adventures awaited them next. Their journey was far from over, and they were excited to face the future together, with love, creativity, and a lot of playful teasing.