
Kiss Me Already!

At Hoshizora High School, Aiko Hoshino and Ryo Tanaka are known for their constant teasing. Aiko loves manga and is the head of the manga club, while Ryo, a talented pianist, leads the music club. Their playful rivalry begins when they meet during school festival preparations. Aiko and Ryo often poke fun at each other, but their chemistry is undeniable. They make a bet on whose club will have the best booth at the festival. If Aiko's manga club wins, Ryo has to dress as a manga character. If Ryo's music club wins, Aiko must perform a piano duet with him. As they prepare for the festival, they spend more time together and start understanding each other better. They discover shared dreams and support each other in unexpected ways. The festival ends in a tie, so both must fulfill their bets. During their piano duet, their feelings come to light. After the performance, Ryo confesses he likes Aiko, and she admits she likes him too. "Kiss Me Already" is a sweet teasing romantic comedy about two high school students whose teasing turns into love, showing that sometimes, love starts with a little bit of fun, So can you Kiss Me Already Ryo?!

o_sakalkar · Eastern
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105 Chs

The Playful Teasing

Aiko and Ryo's decision to take on the cultural exchange project added a new layer of excitement and challenge to their lives in Paris. As they dived into planning and preparations, their bond grew even stronger, fueled by their shared passion and commitment.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day of meetings and planning sessions, Aiko and Ryo decided to unwind at their favorite café by the Seine. They found a cozy corner, ordered their favorite pastries, and settled in for some much-needed relaxation.

"This project is going to be amazing," Aiko said, taking a bite of her éclair. "But it's also exhausting."

Ryo nodded, reaching across the table to brush a crumb from her cheek. "True, but we're in it together. And we always find a way to make things fun."

Aiko grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Speaking of fun, how about a little challenge?"

Ryo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What do you have in mind?"

"Let's see who can come up with the best teasing kiss," Aiko suggested, leaning closer. "The one who makes the other blush first wins."

Ryo chuckled, leaning in until their faces were inches apart. "You're on. But be prepared to lose."

Aiko smirked, her heart racing with excitement. She leaned in, her lips just barely brushing his. The touch was so light, it was almost imperceptible. She pulled back slightly, her eyes locked with his, waiting for his reaction.

Ryo's breath hitched, but he quickly regained his composure. "Nice try," he said, his voice husky. He leaned in, his lips grazing her earlobe before trailing a line of soft kisses along her jaw. His breath was warm against her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

Aiko felt her cheeks flush, but she wasn't ready to give up. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer, her lips hovering over his. "Is that all you've got?" she whispered, her breath mingling with his.

Ryo's eyes darkened with desire. "Not even close." He closed the remaining distance, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both tender and electrifying. His hands slid to her waist, pulling her even closer.

Aiko melted into the kiss, her heart pounding. She responded with equal passion, her fingers threading through his hair. The café around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in their own world.

When they finally broke apart, both of them were breathless and flushed. Aiko giggled, her eyes shining with triumph. "Looks like I win."

Ryo laughed, shaking his head. "I think we both won." He leaned in for another kiss, this one softer but just as intoxicating.

They spent the rest of the evening in a haze of laughter and teasing kisses, their bond growing even stronger with each shared moment. As they walked home hand in hand, the city lights reflecting off the Seine, they felt an overwhelming sense of contentment and love.

Back at their apartment, they curled up on the couch, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment. "We're really doing this, aren't we?" Aiko said softly. "The project, our lives here… it's all so incredible."

Ryo nodded, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her arm. "Yes, we are. And I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else."

Aiko leaned in, her lips finding his in a sweet, lingering kiss. "I love you, Ryo."

"I love you too, Aiko," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

As they drifted off to sleep that night, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Their love and their shared dreams were the foundation of their extraordinary journey, and they were ready to embrace every moment of it.