
Kiss Me Already!

At Hoshizora High School, Aiko Hoshino and Ryo Tanaka are known for their constant teasing. Aiko loves manga and is the head of the manga club, while Ryo, a talented pianist, leads the music club. Their playful rivalry begins when they meet during school festival preparations. Aiko and Ryo often poke fun at each other, but their chemistry is undeniable. They make a bet on whose club will have the best booth at the festival. If Aiko's manga club wins, Ryo has to dress as a manga character. If Ryo's music club wins, Aiko must perform a piano duet with him. As they prepare for the festival, they spend more time together and start understanding each other better. They discover shared dreams and support each other in unexpected ways. The festival ends in a tie, so both must fulfill their bets. During their piano duet, their feelings come to light. After the performance, Ryo confesses he likes Aiko, and she admits she likes him too. "Kiss Me Already" is a sweet teasing romantic comedy about two high school students whose teasing turns into love, showing that sometimes, love starts with a little bit of fun, So can you Kiss Me Already Ryo?!

o_sakalkar · Eastern
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234 Chs

A Night of Surprises

The final evening of the cultural exchange program was marked by a grand farewell party organized by the host school. The gymnasium was transformed into a dazzling venue with twinkling fairy lights, a DJ booth, and tables laden with delicious food. Ryo, Aiko, Kenta, and Hana entered together, the excitement palpable.

Ryo glanced at Aiko, who looked stunning in her dress. "You look amazing," he whispered.

Aiko blushed, smiling up at him. "Thank you, Ryo. You clean up pretty well yourself."

Kenta and Hana joined them at the punch bowl, where Kenta couldn't resist teasing. "So, are you two going to dance, or are you too busy making googly eyes at each other?"

Aiko rolled her eyes playfully. "I suppose one dance wouldn't hurt."

Ryo grinned, offering her his hand. "Shall we?"

As they moved to the dance floor, the music slowed to a romantic melody. Ryo pulled Aiko close, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony. The teasing glint in his eyes never left, though. "You know, Aiko, you still owe me a real dance after all those DDR matches."

Aiko laughed softly. "And what makes you think this isn't a real dance?"

He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. "Because I haven't had the chance to sweep you off your feet yet."

Just as Aiko was about to respond with a witty retort, the lights dimmed, and the DJ announced a special surprise. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our surprise guest performer of the night!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as a popular J-pop singer took the stage. Ryo and Aiko's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No way! It's really her!" Aiko exclaimed, her excitement contagious.

The singer performed a few of her hit songs, the energy in the room skyrocketing. Ryo and Aiko danced enthusiastically, their earlier conversation forgotten in the thrill of the moment. After the performance, the DJ resumed playing more music, and the dance floor filled with happy, dancing students.

Kenta and Hana found them again, Kenta nudging Ryo. "You guys missed the best part. Hana and I got a selfie with her!"

Hana nodded, showing the picture on her phone. "She was so nice!"

As the night continued, Ryo and Aiko slipped away to a quieter part of the gym, finding a spot near the bleachers. The music and chatter faded into the background as they sat down, taking a moment to catch their breath.

Ryo turned to Aiko, his expression soft. "This night has been perfect. I don't want it to end."

Aiko smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Me neither. But we still have a few more surprises left, right?"

Ryo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? What kind of surprises?"

Aiko reached into her purse and pulled out two small, beautifully wrapped boxes. "I thought it was only fair that I gave you something too."

Ryo opened his box first, finding a sleek wristwatch inside. He smiled, recognizing the significance. "So I'm never late for our dates?"

Aiko giggled. "Exactly. Now open the other one."

Ryo handed her the second box, watching as she unwrapped it to reveal a charm bracelet with tiny charms representing their favorite memories—an arcade machine, a café cup, a tiny star, and more.

"It's beautiful, Aiko. Thank you," Ryo said, fastening it around her wrist.

Aiko admired the bracelet, her eyes shining with happiness. "Now I have a piece of our memories with me always."

They shared a quiet moment, the noise of the party a distant hum. Ryo took Aiko's hand, his voice serious yet filled with affection. "No matter where we go or what we do, we'll always have these memories. And we'll make so many more."

Aiko nodded, squeezing his hand. "Together."

As the party drew to a close, they rejoined Kenta and Hana, who were busy planning their next adventure. The four friends made their way outside, the cool night air refreshing after the warmth of the gym.

Kenta slung an arm around Ryo's shoulders. "So, what's next for us, team?"

Ryo grinned, looking at Aiko. "How about we start with one more adventure before we head back home?"

Aiko's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm in."

As they walked down the street, the city lights twinkling around them, they felt ready to face the future, knowing that whatever came next, they would face it together, with laughter, love, and plenty of teasing.