
Kiss me!

Elvira, the unique daughter of a very rich couple is the synonym of perfect girl. Blowing in her 17years she's beautiful, intelligent, athletic,... the kind of dream girl most of the boys and men wants but arrogant with a breaking heart hobby she remains unreacheable until that day. A young guy with nothing special passby Elvira.

LangeF · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: School Time

As soon as we enter the store someone graps my hand. I turn towards the person with a <hello> then our eyes just cross each other, it's just another flirty.

<<hi beauty>>

The guy says and as a response i ignore him and continue walking with Celia.

celia: Was he your type?

Me: Nope

Celia : Normally you were suppose to brutalise him without looking or perhaps were you expecting someone else?

Me: Euh...expecting, NO WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU

Celia : Calm down, i was just joking

The shopping starts and we separate to the dresses that attract us but questions fill my mind; why did i not punch that guy? while was i so disappointed? i wasn't expecting the guy we just cross by with our porsche, why am i thinking of him in this situation ?

<<Miss what do you think of this gown?>>

This is the sentence who brough me back to reality.

Me: It doesn't sweet me it's too bright

The helper : and this one?

Me: Let me try it

I take the gown and go to the dress-up space then come out.

The helper: Waouh, it's so elegant

me: it's?

The helper: I meant you...you're so elegant

Me: hum ok

The helper : Do you mind testing other clothes

Me: Why not?

The helper made me wear a bunch of clothes.

The helper : Oh all clothes suit you, are you a model?

Me: Nope

The helper: Do you mind becoming our model? you increase the value of all the clothes you wear...

me: Nope

The helper : We shall pay you high 100 000XAF per day

me: Not interested

The helper: okay per hour

me: sorry i need to go

The helper : okay, take the clothes for you its free and...

me: Am not willing to take any of the clothes, oh and don't mind giving me your card, i wouldn't take it b'cos i wouldn't change my mind.

I leave the helper and go to find Celia, she is enjoying her shopping time and her smiling face contaminates me.

Another flirty approach me, <do you mind me having your number>, i ignore him

me: Celia, let's take a selfie

celia: Yeah

I go near her and we snap but the flirty insists <let me help you for a full body photo> . I still ignore him and we continue our selfies.

The flirty then made an error, a tragic sin holding my hand. Time went super fast, it was a reflex action, i kicked hard in between his legs and looked his argony.

<<How dare you touch me?>>

Celia takes my hand and we continue our shopping.

Time passes, In the sky can be seen a depressive sun moving apart. Celia and i move to the porsche with all the bags of clothes Celia bought.

<<Mister let's accompany Celia home before going home>>

The car start's moving;

Celia: Elvira you bough nothing!

me : Yeah, nothing was really adding my beauty

Celia: If you keep that mentality you will never buy clothes, no cloth can increase your beauty

me: All the interest in shopping is not buying, it's okay when we have fun

Celia: Yeah, (with a tired face) tomorrow we shall go back to study pfff

Me: Don't make that face Celia, highschool is not jail

Celia: Yeah for genius students like you is quite a game

me: Oh my Celia,(holding her jaws) think positively you will see Brayan

Celia: Oh the handsome Brayan

me: The commonly handsome Brayan

Celia : No, the Super handsome

The discussion continue until we reached, Terminus Mimboman; the street of Celia. The porsche then return home.

After taking a shower and eating, i then go to my study room to read my biology notes.

After what, i go to bed. The bed offers relaxation and well-being, what more can make it better? maybe looking the tv now or playing music or chatting with the guy with a black jean and an old blue t-shirt... what am i thinking about. Have i just imagine the two of us on the bed chatting? am i weird? ahh while did i had to think of him? After some time i fall asleep.

My eyes open, my clock shows 6:20. I jump from bed. I must have though too much of useless things before sleeping, now there is no time for studying. I go out of my bedroom throught the green door; the door to my bathroom. I take a shower in cold water, dry my hair and go back to the bed room to wear my school uniform.

A white long sleeve t-shirt with a blue knee level skirt, to my school uniform i add long white socks with a random nike shoe from my shoe cabinet. My hairs are comb and sent on my left shoulder by the front.

7:10 i leave the house after taking breakfast with the house porsche.

At Nkolfoulou can be seen the school gate and written on it < S.Anderson College and highschool>. The porsche enters in and i go to my class <Lowersixth S2>.

Five minutes after sitting down, Celia makes me a sign to look at the door.

For every perfect work of art, there exist a fake copy and mine is just coming in my direction; Typhany Erere the demon with white wings. On her mouvement bit by bit the class interests is turning towards the two of us but i understand them. It's always fantastic to see the difference between original and rough copy.

Typhany : Hi Elvira seen my glasses?

Me: yeah, but what's the need wearing glasses when you have no eye problem? Do you want to confirm your fakeness?

Typhany: Euh ... you don't know glasses is the synonym of intelligence ? It's to ...

Me: (laugh) you think you're in 1990 or 2000? when after studying alot some could have eyes problems? nowadays with the modern instrument it's more distractions that destroys the eyes than...

Typhany: Stop blabering and watch quietly how my results will meet up with yours

Me: (laugh) meet up? you'll always be my tangent [¹]

Suddenly the teacher enters,

<< We shall welcome today a new student>>

[¹] : A is a tangent of B, if A tries to meet B but shall never succeed

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