
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Truly Yours

Death climbed the stairs to the mansion and paused at the third one thinking about the bizarre thing that happened with Ha-Yun's weird friend. He swore he heard her say that. How come she's denying the fact of never saying such a thing?

He cocked his head sideways in thought. Could I have imagined hearing her say that? How possible is that? Is she the one that backs down after saying things she did not intend to say? Hmm, what did I miss?

Death recalled every single detail of being with her. The tone in which she said it. It was different. More like someone else was speaking from her at that point. It was unusual.

He stepped into the mansion and found Lucifer sitting behind her desk writing her letters to Hell as usual, and he narrowed her eyes at her in suspicion.

Come to think of it, this particular thing has happened to him before many years ago with a monster be was moments away from slaughtering. He suddenly said something out of the blue like he wasn't himself and later denying ever saying that.

"You're back early," Lucifer spoke softly not raising her head to acknowledge her presence. "I was starting to think you'll stay with her forever and never come home."

Death moved around before settling on one of the armchairs in the room facing a shelf filled with old books.

"Why do I have a feeling that you are up to something?" Death said from where he sat.

Lucy smiled while pushing her glasses up her nose. "Why are you suspecting me? It's not my thing to force people to live or die. Once they want too, I back away and just mind my business. After all, you said I will be fine without you around." She glared at him through her glasses without raising her head completely.

Death sighed and leaned back on the chair. His head thrown back, and he closed his eyes feeling the devil's eyes on him.

"Something weird happened to me today," he opened his eyes while staring at the high ceilings of the room. "She said something about Ha-Yun having a very short lifeline on her palms, and then she denies it straight to my face that she said nothing like that. How can a human be so quick to forget or am I hearing things now that I'm dying?"

Lucy chuckled and continued to write away. "If I were you, I wouldn't be so concerned if the person indeed said that or not. Instead, I will reflect hard on what I heard not minding how I heard it. Who knows, it could be a message from a well-wisher." She turned to a fresh page of her letter and continued to scribble down words of warnings and rebuke.

It was Death's turn to gaze at her from where she sat. "Now, you're acting weird."

Lucy smiled again as she remembered what Ha-Yun told her the moment Life stormed out of the room.


Lucy shook her head the moment she walked out in anger and turned to the human to apologize for her misbehavior.

"She's always like that. Excuse her behavior."

Ha-Yun nodded and noticed how she began to stare at her palms remembering what In-hae told her about her lifeline.

"What's the matter?"

"Uh, it's nothing." She wore back her gloves and pushed back the look of worry on her face.

"Come on, tell me. It's definitely something." Lucy urged.

"It's just this friend of mine latest obsession with palm reading and zodiac things. She told me I have a very short lifeline. And how coincidental is that when I have just been given three weeks to say goodbye to everyone I love to die for the one I love. That makes me think that even if I refuse to do this, I will die anyway soon one way or the other. So, why don't I just die for him than end up dying for nothing instead?"


Lucifer raised her head to see him already falling asleep on that uncomfortable chair. She leaned on the table and thought what harm would it cause if she hinted him indirectly that the one he is willing to give up everything for doesn't really have a long life?

She is destined to die anyway soon. How cruel is that?

She called for Damon, and he came walking in moments later bowing his head.

"Please take him to a more comfortable room to rest. I can't bear to see him sleep like that. He must have had a very long day."

Damon nodded and proceeded to do what he was ordered to do. Lucy watched as Death was being dragged out of her private study area to a much more comfortable room.

Sometimes, even as powerful immortal beings, we tend to be so unlucky and go through shits. Shits we cannot stop with our powers or wish them away like we want too.

"I am after your happiness as a friend. It's just sad that you had to sacrifice a lot to be happy again."

Soon after, Ha-Mi Ra walked in wearing one of her dresses again. She frowned in displeasure because those clothes worth a fortune and shouldn't be messed around with.

"Should it be until we start throwing each other punches before you realize that my wardrobe and basically, everything in my bedroom is off limits?"

Life scoffed before walking around and doing a Cinderella spin in front of the devil to make her angrier.

"I can't be wearing one clothes all the time. Don't tell me you are that stingy to share. I even found out that you shop for my mate almost every week. Spoiling him with worldly things. Are you sure you also don't have a crush on him like we do?"

Lucifer went back to writing her letters. It's useless trying to talk to her.

"My mate is very irresistible, I get. That even a dumb mortal is read to give up her worthless life for him. How romantic." She rolled her eyes.

"How many times should I remind you that he is not yours? I get you are very delusional. What you stole can never be truly yours."

Life moved from the shelf she was leaning on to purposefully sit on the edge of the table Lucifer was working on and grinned. "If he is not mine like you claim, then who does he belong to? The seductive human or the devil that admires from afar?"

Lucifer started having a headache. "He is not an object you claim or own or something you toss around. And for the last time, he is just a good friend. I understand you don't know what it means to have a friend. That relationship is something you can never experience. That's why you think everyone is like you moving close to people with ulterior motives in mind," Lucifer stood up gathering her papers in her hand. "The next time I see you mess around with my things again, I will seek ways to make sure the curse takes only you when it wears off and the human and "your" mate lives happily ever after. You've been warned."

Life glared as the devil walked out of the room. If looks could kill, Lucy would have drop-dead by the door.

"It's not like you wouldn't die soon too." She said folding her arms across her chest.