
Chapter 20. Don't be like that

  My mind was trying to melt the fact that Jason was at the bar, where I was going with my friends, leaving me numb at my place.

  “Tell me you are not going to hook up with the birthday boy?” Stacy followed my gaze.

  “Why shouldn’t she? He seems nice,” Anna eyed their table.

  “The rich prick in a blue shirt who is telling a story right now?” I shook my head to show her I would not even think it is possible to go out with Jason.

  “No, no! The birthday guy is the one with the mustache. I find mustached men disgusting.” Stacy showed us her tongue in a repulsed grimace.

  So William had a birthday today, not Jason. I thought that his wife’s birthday was coming, not his. Anyway, this wasn’t the problem. I was stuck with Jason in the bar with my friends. It would be strange if he tells that I went to him for a job, or that we almost did it in the fancy place he took me.