
Kiss and No Tell: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatbuns.

Romantical4u · Fantasy
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Epilogue: Kiss and Run

"Kiss Me!"



"Remember to keep this a secret! Ha Ha Ha!"

That was the beginning of a stolen kiss.

Kiss and run.

A little girl with an evil cute grin was hassling away after forcefully kissing a good-looking little boy who look a bit older than her.

The boy in particular was shocked and unable to digest what had happened for a little while...

He was upset and pretty 'dang' mad but unable to express it freely.

He frowned and frowned, but still, he could not find any reason to express his anger.


After a while, he smirked...

'Revenge would be sweet...'

Afterward, they indulged in the 'kiss and seek' game. Is not about the kissing and is not about the game. But... it's all about 'sweet revenge'.

They were innocent and sweet with no regard for love.


Little did they know...

Many years later...

What started as a game of 'kiss and seek' was budding into something bigger... something stronger... something unforgettable...

They fall in love...




However, their love is not meant to be...

For reason unknown, their family became enemies within one night.

Then they split...

The girl's family moved somewhere far and unreachable...

She was no longer near in the eyes but still close by in his heart...

When the boy turned into an adult, he was looking for his 'one and only' love. He looked and looked and looked...

To no avail...

Until one day...

He received the news of her wedding...

That broke his heart into small little pieces, just like a big mirror shattered on a solid wall...

At that point in his life, he cried like a newborn baby...

But he could not change his love destiny...

The woman he loved was no longer his...

This became a turning point in his life...

He changed...

No longer a gentle soul.

He became a savage that disregard morality to forget his broken heart. He built a giant wall to shoosh all his family and friends. Successfully, he became the wealthiest man in the country. Then he indulged in free nightlife, changing one woman to the other just like wearing clothes, one night stand after one night stand, but still, he could not forget...

Her name is still branded deep within his soul...

He lived like a 'living dead'...


One day...

A car accident...


The savage man became a cripple, no longer able to function as a man...

He was a fallen dark angel...

Beautiful but break...

He was almost insane...

But he survived...

He had a strong will... even though living is painful... He wanted to live... Maybe one day she will go back to his side... maybe... perhaps... and so on... He is not willing to lose hope...

Please come back to me, my dear...


How would anyone describe her?

She is known as a gentle soul who never laid a finger on any living being, an embodiment of a goddess, a tranquil and peaceful entity...

But they were only 1/3 right...

She was indeed a red fox goddess in her other life, but she was not a gentle soul, not then, not ever...

Just like her fur color, she was fiery and full of life, and she takes no bullshit from other people...

She was born with the awareness of her last life; thus, she is still an intelligent witty impish girl with her cultivation, magic, and mental power.

Like any other fox fairy, she could charm any living being...

With her mental energy, she could create an illusion...

She was born with her last life cultivation talent; she could use magic power and could heal herself and her lover with the condition of dual cultivation...

Many people on this new world, Earth, called a loose woman a fox, but that was not true...

In fact,

Foxes were mated for life...

Some foxes even would go as far as staying single even when their mate die, but it was understandable if some foxes would remarry if their mate died, even humans would do the same thing so why they should judge a fox?

She was a royal red fox fairy and for that reason alone only, she could only have one mate for life or bear the consequences of becoming a pariah of the fox kingdom.

But her soul mate betrayed her...

And due to this...

She was no longer a true believer in love...


She used to believe in eternal love.

In her past life, she died for the sake of her lover...

Even when she knew that he had betrayed her and had another lover, and went as far as killing her to rob her of her fox kingdom...

That was why she was so heartbroken and choose a bad ending for herself, she let them kill her so she could learn the lesson the hard way, she burned her soul, hoping she would never be reborn again so she would not experience the same heartache...

The feeling of death was preferable to living...

The feeling of thousands of knives slicing her gut and soul...

But no more...

Since fate did not allow her to turn into dust and she was reborn instead...

In this life, she would only love me, myself, and I...


The little boy's aura and look reminded her of her past lover, so she was going to find out...

Not to reconcile her past love but for sweet revenge...

With her third eye, she could read other people's past and future, but it requires a bit of sacrifice... A kiss...


The reason she kissed the little boy many years ago was to read about his past life because she was curious about the good-looking boy that remind him of her past lover...

Of course, she could just kiss him on his cheek or even a finger, but the temptation was so big because the boy reminded her of her past lover that she ended up robbing a baby from the cradle...

Due to the incident...

The boy loved her to the death...

The so-called 'kiss and seek game' for his sweet revenge was just an excuse...

She knew at the moment they kissed; their fate was entangled...

He was chosen by destiny to be her mate in this life...

It was a mystery until today why she could only read the boy's future but not his past life so she could never find out whether he was her past lover...

And by reading his future destiny, she found out that she had to go away, or he would never spread his wings and died at a very young age...

For that purpose,

She created an illusion so both of their family thought that the other had betrayed them...

Then she left him far far away...

That should be the end of it...

She did not want a lover in this life...

Love is only for a loser in life...

But this time she would be a winner and avoid love at all costs...

Especially, there is a probability that he was the reincarnation of her lover in the past life...


When she heard about his accident, she could not sit tight.

Even though without the possibility of love, she was growing up with him, and inwardly she admitted that she cared a bit about him...

Not as a lover, but as a childhood friend...


She decided to save him this one time...

Let's count it as she pays a price for their friendship...

It is not for goodwill; she's not a saint, she has another plan in her mind...

She needed him as her dual cultivation partner...

When looking for her information, he found out about her marriage, but he did not know it was just a fake marriage to help both party causes.

And he need not know...

Because she would kiss and no tell...

In contradiction to the willingness to help him, because he reminded her of her past lover, she also wants an act of small revenge...

A heart for a heart...

This time around she would play with a man's heart and left him with a broken heart, a reminder from her past life, a lesson worth learning, and nothing to lose, because if he is the reincarnation of her past lover then take it as justice served but if he's not, then blame it on his bad luck for looking alike as her nemesis lover, but no matter what the situation is, as his reward, she would heal his body with her body, in another word, the dual cultivation would be a win-win situation. She would be able to break through to a higher cultivation level, and he would no longer be a cripple and there is a probability he could be a superhuman, or human with magic ability, for her dual cultivation technique could awaken his potential.


There is no free lunch in this life...

It would be...

For a price...

His broken heart...

Ha Ha Ha ...

What a sweet revenge...