
Kiskindha Chronicles: The Enigma's Journey

What would happen if you get teleported to another world? Have to clear many trial, where one mistake means death? And At the age of fifteen In a place where these fifteenth-year-old kid has to live by following the rules of the jungle. Well it happens in the world of Kiskindha. There every kid of this age gets teleported. But do it ends there.....?! Well....who know....?! And then there's this one kid. Arya his mother died when he was twelve, as for his father other than a letter he didn't knew anything about him. And the look at the play of fate, his mother took a promise to not read till he fill some condition. So, Join Arya on his enthralling journey as he solves the mystery of his father's past, becomes the strongest, and faces incredible adventures in both worlds. The story also involves an epic revenge tale, but I won't spoil who it's for or who's behind it. Enter the mesmerizing realm of "Kiskindha Chronicles," where the mystical energy of 'Jiva' courses through every being, endowing all with the extraordinary power of Tantra. Join our young hero as he embark on a quest of self-discovery, revenge, mastering their unique abilities amidst a world teeming with diverse characters and ancient secrets. In a land where everyone wields Tantra, our protagonist must navigate intricate alliances, unearth hidden truths, and confront formidable adversaries. Prepare to be swept away on an exhilarating journey of magic, courage, and the enduring quest for identity in the enchanting universe of "Kiskindha Chronicles."

Inner_peace · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Inner Level [4]

The fight continued, the parties killed as many kobolds as they could, but no matter how many they killed. It's like there's no end to them.

Seeing the difficult situation Arya suggested something to the party leaders Setanta and Hutiya as he said.

"We will die if this goes like this, this all started when the Kobold king started singing that strange song. I think we should kill him."

Setanta and Hutiya too know that killing the king is the only way, but if they decide to focus on the king the kobolds will kill all the other party members.

Even right now, Setanta and Hutiya were the ones who were creating opportunities for others to kill. If they even think of focusing on the king, others will die.

Arya who also knows their difficulty, decided to take action. However, he wants to hide his ability to use that kind of attack as Setanta told him.

But if he was not even alive, then what is the benefit of having such attack?!

"Setanta, Hutiya make a way for me. I will kill the King!"

Arya shouted at Setanta and Hutiya who listened to this, knowing they didn't have any other way. So they nodded and created a way for Arya to pass through the kobold soldiers' sea.

Setanta fired a rain of arrows at the Kobold soldier in a straight line.

Hutiya used his sword to create a narrow path between the soldiers and the king.

As Setanta and Hutiya took action, Arya too Focused on his Jiva and poured it into his spear.

He poured and poured till he couldn't. This caused his spear to shine.

Then he opened his eyes and saw the path they had created for him.

He knew this was the moment, it was all now or never.

He sprinted through the soldiers on the path.

As he moved through the path, the kobold soldiers filled the path back. And now Arya can't even turn back

As they saw Arya pass through the sea, they knew it was now, they would either die or maybe Arya would be able to kill the kobold king.

The Kobold king to have his soldiers remain in that bloodthirsty state and had stay motionless and sing the song. As this was a condition his tantra have.

If not they will lose the power they had in this state. So he remained in that position while also healing himself slowly from the wound Setanta and Hutiya made on him.

Arya who was sprinting towards the Kobold king saw him recovering and busy with singing that song.

Thinking this is the right movement before the kobold king can act, he knows he has to kill him.

He pulled his spear with one hand towards the back over his shoulder and then he came to a sudden halt.

This caused a torque to get generated and then he transferred all the momentum he built into his hand.

And He throws that spear infused with Jiva to its brim.

The Jiva is a Golden Brown energy in color, so this caused the spear to shine.

As the spear moved like a shooting star, its light caused everyone to come to a sudden halt and focus on it

Be it the Kobold king who was singing, as he turned when he felt that Danger.

Or the Kobold soldiers who lost their power, when the Kobold king stopped singing.

Or the party members who were having many emotions like confusion, shock, jealousy, and even happiness.

Confusion, As how can someone who just joined the trial around a week ago can use something like this.

Shock, As how cansomeone in the first year is strong as someone in the second year if not the third year.

Jealousy, As why can't they use it, when he can.

And happiness as this attack will surely kill the Kobold king and they will not die.

The Kobold king who saw the attack knew this attack would kill him for sure.

He tried to move but the momentum in the spear caused its speed to be very fast and before the kobold king could move backward or get away from the path of the attack.

The spear reached him and hit the same spot. Where Setanta and Hutiya had hit before caused that wound.

As the place was already wounded.The spear Pierced through the kobolds king and came out from his back. Creating a bid hole in his chest.

Blood sprouted from the Kobold king's lifeless body and he soon fell.

And that's how the kobold king died.

Seeing their king die, the kobold went into a frenzied state and sprinted in whatever direction they could.

"Kill them," Hutiya shouted as this was the best time to kill as many as they could.

During this whole they lost four members, and all four of them were from Hutiya's party.

So they killed these kobold to take revenge for their friends.

And the more they kill, the more blood it will scatter in the region which will stop any other beast from coming here.

As the kobold soldiers were focusing on running away, not on defending, they killed as many as they could.

After no living kobolds remain in their surrounding. The humans fell due to fatigue and decided to rest.

Arya who fell to the ground after throwing his attack can't even move as he used all his jiva. As he exaggerated his reserves.

Setanta, when Hutiya and others were killing the kobolds went towards Arya, as he knew his condition.

He when saw he had fallen on the ground, he helped him sit on his hips patted his back, And said.

"Well done, you did a great work."

"But, I showed that I can also....!" Before he can even complete his statement, Setanta interrupts him.

"It doesn't matter, that was the right decision. And what you did was the best thing possible."

After listening to Setanta, Arya nodded and stopped speaking.

Though both of them were sitting and weren't talking there was a calm atmosphere that wasn't awkward.

They just won a war and they were happy and wanted to enjoy this sensation.

Soon others joined and sat around and started resting as every one of them ware tired.

After a few hours when they rested enough, Setanta and Hutiya looked at each other and said.

"We have our differences, but today when we fought, we were allies, and I respect that, so we will go out of our ways."

"But after today we will be back to enemies."

They both said and shook their hands and started walking towards the middle level but in different parts.

The party members decided to follow their leader, without saying anything as this was their way of showing their respects to both their leaders Setanta, Hutiya, and other members who shared this life-death situation.


After walking for a while the party decided to move in a diamond formation as they never know what danger they may face.

Soon they crossed the middle level and reached the outer level of the forest.

There they released their guard stopped the formation and started chatting with each other and talking about the future.

While talking Arya decided to ask Setanta.

"What is the relationship between you and Hutiya? like do you guys know each other from outside the trial?"

After listening to the question Setanta didn't replied but faced Arya, then again turned his face towards the front.

As no one was speaking it created an awkward atmosphere.

"Well, you don't need to tell. I was just curious!" Arya Said to make the mood light.

"Nah, it's fine. And Yes we know each other from outside of the trial. But I can't tell you our relationship." Setanta replied

As he had already made his stance clear as he wouldn't tell about the relationship, No one asked.

Soon they crossed the outer level too and reached the gate where they had met Arya.

"Well, Even though we faced many difficult situations, but in the end, we are alive and stronger than before. So it means this Hunt was successful." Setanta said this to all the party members.

This caused a little smile to appear on their face. As what he said was true.

Then Setanta faced Arya and said.

"Well you have a trial next week and till you come back you may not find me as my last phase is also next week and after that, my trial will end.

And If we all lived past this trial maybe we will meet in the future.

But till than you can come to my living quarters whenever you want in this Little time span. If you want to ask anything"

After saying this Setanta paused and then said one last thing.

"So, I would like to formally disband the party."

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