
Kirameku Sukāfu

In Japan, under the cherry blossoms, Yamazaki Kinari, a sixteen-year-old boy enters high school. This year will be special for our hero who, thanks to his meeting with Anzu Shimizu, will forge an identity he had never dreamed of. Anzu is the exact opposite of this young boy, she is smiling and sociable. Whereas Kinari is unsociable and listless. But this meeting will turn his life upside down.

Romansuu · Teen
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32 Chs

Meeting with useless activities.

The sun rays light up my room. I open my eyelids and wake up Aneko. She gets up slowly with a smile then stretches and declares with a tired voice.

—Good morning, darling.

—Get dressed, silly!

Damn, she really slept naked, two metres away from me…

—Give me your underwear!

There are some words missing here.

We could keep them for a while, Kinari dreams in love.

Go back to the hospital, you pervert.

—Here you go.

—Thanks, honey.

It's tempting to just take a peek, am I allowed?

It's all public here, silly.

Oh, boy.

—I'm coming down, Aneko.

She grabs my arm and whispers.

—Wait for me.

What a pain in the ass.

After this adventure, we join my sister who prepared us our breakfast.

—You have lunch in your underwear?

—Yes, do you mind, darling?

She has a huge chest. Is it legal to look at something that big at this time of day?

Suddenly, the door opens.

—Are you ready, darling?

His gaze immediately landed on Aneko.

—DARLING, what's going on here?!

Damn, what an ordeal.

—Get dressed Aneko, we have to leave!

—Yes, president!

What kind of crazy morning is this again… I'm already tired and not doing anything…

On the way here, I got closer to Masuko and whispered to her that I would explain why Aneko slept over.

The letter that Aneko received intrigued me. We must solve this case as soon as possible. I don't want to put Aneko up indefinitely and seeing her so scared is not especially pleasant.

It must be someone from school who gave her this, but who?

I absolutely have to talk about it with Anzu and Masuko, we could find the culprit together. They must know much more than me about Aneko's potential enemies.

—Thanks for your help with the diary darling!

—Did you manage to finish it?

—Yes, we did. I'm going to go give it back to my mum, wait for me in front of the gym gate.

She runs off.

—I can't wait to see the play!

—What play is it?

—A reinterpretation of Sleeping Beauty. Didn't you check the program, Kinari?

Sleeping Beauty, great.

—No, and what is this afternoon, anyway?

—I think it's a concert organised by the music club.

And a concert… What a shitty day.

Masuko joins us, then we cross into the building.

The reception of the high school students was prepared by a multitude of rows of seats in the gymnasium. We sat next to each other and waited for the theatre group to make their entrance. After the curtain rose, we watched the play. They seemed to have practised well. The hand-woven costumes, a real professional job. They made no mistakes and knew their lines perfectly.

The girls were getting impatient. They quickly tapped their index fingers on the side of their seats.

What the hell are they doing?

The boy playing the role of Prince Charming advances towards the sleeping young woman. He gets closer, and closer. His face is five centimetres and three millimetres away from his beloved's. His lips slide over those of her. His lips slide on those of the beauty.

A kiss?

Aneko grabs my hand and squeezes it with all her strength.

—It is too cute, darling!


The more the scene lasted, the more she became crazy. Her palm contracted without me being able to do anything. This pressure made me think of what Chizu told me.

According to her, when two people are in love, their hearts beat much faster in the presence of their beloved.

It beats quickly there, her heart?

The theatrical performance ended with a lot of applause.

— Darling!


—We can eat on the roof together this lunch, please?

Considering what she's going through right now, I owe her that much…

—Yes, if you want.

I hastily warn Masuko and Anzu that I would have lunch alone, with Aneko. This last one intertwined my fingers all the way.

In the corridors to go to our destination, we crossed Yamaguchi and Maeda that we haven't seen for a few weeks. The two boys, with arms flailing, try to dodge our gaze as much as our presence. We did not greet each other. Something was different, very different.

Brrrrh, that dark look and scary expression, they are worse than Ryūji Takasu.

Is it because Aneko is holding my hand? I don't know, and I don't even think that deep down I care.

Anyway, first we have to solve Aneko's problem. It is more than a priority, her attitude and behaviour have changed. She seemed to be afraid of everyone, smiling not for happiness, but to camouflage her dismay.

We kneel down to take our meal. This time, we have the same thing to eat. Chizu had prepared two identical bentos for us.

Sis, what would we do without your kindness.

I noticed that we were being watched, even spied on.

Is that Maeda behind the door? Nah… No way, I must be hallucinating. Why would he be watching us? It doesn't make sense.

To clear my doubts, I ask Aneko.

—What do you think about Maeda-kun and Yamaguchi-kun?

— Maeda-kun? she sighs.

I've struck a chord… Great.

She lowers her eyes to the ground and adds.

—During our vacation, Maeda's making me make a statement. But don't worry! I rejected him really, because the one I love … c...

She closes her eyelids, clenches her fists, her face contracts, then she screams.

—It is you that I love, darling!

Damn, I'm going to faint… Why is she screaming that crazy woman!

My heart beats fast, it beats fast, too fast…

I keep silent, letting my body shiver.

I take a deep breath, then she continues.

—From then on, we never spoke again. I'm sorry I didn't tell you … honey.

Could he be that vindictive?

The hour flew by. We have to get to the gym for the second half of the festival.

—Darling, did you see it's karaoke this afternoon!

The concert has become karaoke? sighs Kinari blasé.

We'll manage, younger brother.

According to our president, the music club will take care of the instruments while we sing along.

Choir, you idiot.

The word "chorus" sounds too much like a group activity to me.

The music flowed. I noticed pretty quickly that of all the tunes, I didn't know any of them.

Zero percent.

—Darling, listen! This is for otakus!

Period, from Chemistry, their best track! shouts Kinari otaku.

Finally, this karaoke is not so bad. Even an otaku like me can enjoy it.

I stand up, put my fist on my heart, then sing.

The strong bond that connects our hearts

It is something I'll never let go of.

I spent my time searching, and I finally arrived

At this place, in this time.

The warmth that mixed with love fills my whole body.

My memories will never fade again.

—You're scary when you sing with such conviction, Kinari.

Shut up, the heroine of normies.

The concert also ended with thunderous applause.

They also, they worked well.

I approach discreetly Masuko and Anzu, then whisper to them.

—I need to talk to you about something.

—You? Talk to us about something?' giggles Anzu.

I'm going to make him suffer the same torture as Kaneki did,' shouts Kinari in annoyance.

You didn't merge with Kinari otaku, did you, psychopaths?

Don't confuse me with such a weirdo!

We move away from the crowd, then I tell them the story of the letter and tell them my suspicions against Yamaguchi and Maeda.

—Seriously? Maeda is that out of control? I can't believe it…

—I know it sounds crazy! But it's the only lead I have…

We'll make a plan. Anzu and I will go watch Aneko's house, while the two girls go to the park. This was the place where the two boys spent most of their time.

I think this is the best way to confirm my suspicions.

—We start our tailing tomorrow, friends!

—What a presence, the otaku.

I think it's ironic.

Don't add to it, the nerd.

—Leave my darling alone, he's so classy!

The class … the class, hein?

We join Aneko, in tears in front of her locker. She holds a letter between her trembling hands. I throw my bag on the ground, run to her and recover the paper.

—I can't take it anymore, darling.

She collapses in my arms, puts her head against my shoulder, and adds.

— May I, darling?

—Go ahead.

She pours out gallons and gallons of tears.

Damn, I'm going to smash whoever sent her this.

I discover its contents.

Let go of that loser, he doesn't love you.

Who can write such horrors, it fucking disgusts me…

—I promise to do everything I can to find the culprit and calm him down.

He's a real class act sometimes, that idiot.

Period de Chemistry: Song of the group Chemistry.

Kaneki : The main character of the work Tokyo Ghoul.