
Kira :Goddess Of Death

Kira was unfortunate enough to witness the death of her mother when she was only seven and none of the villagers helped her, instead they cast her out, forcing her to fend for herself at such an early age. She was forced to live on the streets till she was lucky enough to be found by the king and was brought back to the palace. Her luck however soon ran out when the Crown prince tried to take advantage of her causing a violent reaction from her. Faced with the charges of attempted murder against royalty, she was sentenced to death but was pardoned and eventually sold into slavery and ended up in the household of Eren Ackerman.

Bae_Suzy_5425 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter two

"Where are we going dad?" That would make it the fourth time she would be asking her father but he didn't answer. He woke her up over an hour ago and told her to go west and just keep going till he told her to stop.

Kira felt her knees getting weaker and she was short of breath. "Dad,"

"Okay stop."

She collapsed to the ground, trying to steady her breathing when she noticed some people approaching on horses. "Dad?"

"Don't be scared, they'll help you."

She sat up, still tired and moved back so she could rest on the tree behind her. They were getting closer and closer but it didn't seem like they were going to stop but her father assured her they would, so she didn't move.

"HALT!" The rider in front called out and he alighted from his horse and approached her cautiously. "Young girl, why are you here?, And where are your family?" He asked, his voice bold and loud.

Kira tried to sound helpless and scared and her tiny voice made it easier for her. "I don't have a family sir, I'm afraid I'm all alone. I've been that way for quite a while now."

Another man walked up to them and from the way he looked, Kira could tell that he was rich. He had a furry cape around his neck, and his gold necklace and rings screamed wealth. "What is your name child?" His voice was gentle and kind as he spoke. "I'm Frederick."


"Nice to meet you Kira." He smile and she returned the gesture. "Would you like to come with me?, I could give you a new home." She watched him for a second, as if debating his offer before slowly nodding. "Excellent."

He extended a hand and she slowly took it and he helped her to her feet. He headed back to his horse and she followed. He lifted her and placed her on his horse before helping himself on and they rode off.

Kira was shocked when they entered the capital and her fear only increased when they got to the palace. The horses came to a halt on front of the palace and they all alighted their rides and took them to the stable.

Frederick took Kira's hand and led her up the stairs and into the main halls of the palace, Kira had never seen a place so amazing. The stone walls were decorated with different sophisticated paintings, the ceiling with beautiful golden chandeliers. Beautiful statues were aligned along the hallways adding more beauty to the already perfect palace.

A young lady, probably in her early twenties eyed her as she approached Frederick. "Your majesty," she knelt in front of them and Kira's jaw dropped, Frederick was the king. The king who killed her father, the king whom her dad had been telling her about, she freed her hand from his and stepped back. "The Queen has requested your audience in her chambers."

"All right. Take Kira, get her cleaned up and bring her to the queen's chamber."

"Yes, your majesty."

"My name is Rose, I'm the serving maid to princess Nina." She introduced herself as they left the halls.

"I'm Kira."

"So, are you here to work?"

"I don't know, the king found me and brought me here."

"King Frederick is a very nice man. He found me when I was about your age and he brought me to the palace. He gave me a new life, I don't know where I would be now if it wasn't for him."

"So he has a daughter?" Kira didn't want to share anything about her personal life and she didn't really care about Rose so she decided to change the subject.

"Yes, and a son. Princess Nina, and her older brother, prince Phillip. So, are you from the capital?"

"What are they like?"

"Oh well the princess is a sweet girl but her brother, not so much. He's too cocky, and he looks down on people a lot. Your bath water is ready."

"Oh okay, thank you." She waited for Rose to leave but she didn't move, instead she smiled and offered to help her undress. "That won't be necessary, I can bathe myself."

"Okay, here is a clean dress for you to change into. I'll be outside." She smiled brightly while kira just nodded.

She didn't undress herself till she saw Rose leave and shut the door, then she slipped out of the filthy dress she was putting on and got in the bath. She sat for a second, just enjoying the feel of the cool water on her skin. A minute passed, two, three and she just sat there thinking about why her father led her to the king and why he hadn't said a word to her since. "Dad?" No response.

"Dad, are you listening?" Still no response. She sighed in frustration and submerged her head in the water. After a few minutes, she got out, dried herself and wore the dress Rose had left for her.

It was a simple blue long sleeve dress but it was loose fitting because she was much smaller than Rose. She went outside and saw Rose waiting for her. "Wow, you're so beautiful." Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she smiled at her.

"Don't try to flatter me, I look like I'm wearing a sack." She pouted and looked down at the dress.

"No that's not true. You look very cute." She clapped excitedly. "Now come, the king wants to see you." She took her by the arm and dragged her to the queen's chamber. She knocked three times and waited. "Come in." She pushed open the door and they went in, the king smiled when he saw kira but the Queen just stared at her like she wanted to drill a hole in her soul.

"Who is this?" Her voice was icy and every word she spoke were like spikes stabbing your skin. She wasn't really beautiful, with her slightly small head, full lips and pointed nose. Her brows were thin and arched and her eyes were small, like she was squinting at the sun and she had a slender body. Unlike the king who was big all over, she didn't know what the king saw in her.

"Dear this is Kira, she'll be staying in the palace from now on." King Frederick glanced at her and smiled.

"Ugh!, Do have to pick up strays whenever you go hunting?" The Queen complained looking irritated. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Kira, your majesty." She bowed her head in respect and it seemed to please the Queen because she smiled briefly.

"Kira. Well, the king wants you to stay here and there's nothing I can do about that. However, if you want to live at the palace, you have to earn your stay."

"I'll do anything."

"Very well. Rose, she will be your assistant from now on."

Rose bowed and the Queen waved her hand and they both exited the room.