
wind-like depression

the wind howls

i hear the tree branches begin to move

the leaves sway in the wind

a storm is coming

the wind pushes against the windows of my bedroom

the windows cave in

the whole house begins to fall down around me

i remain trapped underneath the rubble

there is no escape

my thoughts are consuming me

as i lay here unable to free myself more thoughts fill my head

my body feels empty

an endless expanse of nothingness

i can't take it anymore

but there is no escape

these thoughts are not mine

these feelings are not mine

these emotions are not mine

i share this body with others but their words are louder than my own

my voice is merely a whisper

there is no way to silence them

i long for the state of mind i once had

i yearn for peace and quiet

This was the first poem I wrote in 2020. While I was writing it there was a storm going on outside so I took inspiration from that and infused some of my emotions. I'm not very fond of this one, but take it as you will.

sp1eekstercreators' thoughts