
KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina

Konoha Yadama was a average 16 year old girl. But, despite being young, she met her dreadful ending. Now she is reincarnated as the first princess of a matriarchal country. Can she survive THIS time?

Kinoha_JECA · Fantasy
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19 Chs

KinoMori: The 2nd Prince of Luktarc, Elijah.


"Ah.." I looked at the mirror awkwardly. "You look good big brother, don't worry." Cris reassured me and gave me a thumbs up. I'm finally going to the Royal Academy next day... That means.. all people I knew will be there.

I notice medium size white fox already sleeping on my bed, "Lia, Seriously?" I exclaimed but softly smiled after... I'm glad.. I got to see her again. In this world... I'm glad I got her as my pet... And soon, she'll be my familiar.

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"No, but let's go already!! It's creepy here.." Fei said. Fei Kanako, she's my best friend. She is so obsessed with her looks, well, sometimes in a good way.

"Come on, Fei. We haven't gotten that far yet..." Ren, my best friend. He's one of my childhood best friend. "From what I know is that, we should get out of here. Quickly. Seriously. Please, I'm about to pee my pants.." Link said. Link, he's also my best friend.

We went out to hang out with each other, it was summer break. We decided to hang out, we bought a book called 'The 7 Stars and The 7 Grams' the only reason Ren bought it is because it looked 'cool' for decorations.

Everyone turned to me, "what do you think, Keizo-kun" now they're involving me? I sighed.. "I don't know.. bu–" I was interrupted by a sudden scream "over there! They're over there!!" Huh? "What the–" Fei was interrupted when she was...

Shoot.. she was shot.

Fei fell on the ground as she bleed out... We Ren, then Link.. then. My vision turned black.

The books ruby glowed bright red.

'huh..?' am I crying..? I opened my eyes to reveal a purpled haired woman with green eyes.. and a man with blue hair and eyes. He was standing next to the woman as she cradled me... Why can't I stop crying...

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"Huh? What's this?" I asked... I was reincarnated as the 2nd Prince of Luktarc... Blue hair and eyes.. just like my father! And it's 11th Birthday!

"It's an egg, my little one." Father said with a bright smile. "Ehh..." That means.. I'm getting my own pet!! I couldn't help but smile brightly at that fact. "What egg is it?" I asked, I was curious.

Father smirked, "The Wind Kitsune's egg."... Kitsune? Egg? Foxes don't lay eggs... "Uhm... Father.. don't foxes give birth? Not lay eggs..?" I asked, I was confused.

"My son. Kitsune and foxes are different species when it comes to reproductive systems. A kitsune has both sex no whatever what gender they are, male or female. They lay eggs, not give birth to it, while a fox gives birth to it and stick with their gender's sex." Father explained. Woah... I was amazed and surprised.

"A egg actually takes years to hatch. We actually had this egg when your mother was still 8 months pregnant." Eh? What?

"The knights explored The Divine Elisinora Labyrinth. They found this egg but... They were attacked by what seemed human. But it was a demon... Black horns and tail. They couldn't see her face, but what they know. Is that she has red hair. And what's more... She is just a child." I was stunned by my father's words. A demon? A child?

"Take care of the egg, little one" I nodded to reassure my father. Red hair...

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"Hello there!" I said. The baby white fox opened it's eye, and I realized it's eyes widen. 'Kei-kun..?' huh?. Telepathy..? Did the fox use the [Telepathy] skill on me? And Kei-kun? There's only one person who calls me that: Fei.

I looked shock. I tried to use [Telepathy] skill too. '... F-Fei..?' The fox's eyes widen more, than jump on me. I've never felt more relieved before...

Despite that... I missed my girlfriend... Eva... It's really time to move on.. huh?

"Big brother... Is that the pet?" I feel a tug on my shirt. Ahh.. Crissolette. Cris has always been with me. She has purple hair and blue eyes. I saw a pouty face on Cris's face, "Big brother... You're not going to replace me with that pet, right?" That question surprised me, but I quickly recovered and gave her a reassuring smile, "Of course not".

'That's your little sister?' Fei used [Telepathy], I nodded.

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"Kaphyllia!" I exclaimed. The medium sized white fox turned to me. "Yes?" Lia said. Not long after. Fei or Kaphyllia manage to speak.

"Are you ready to go with me to school??" Kaphyllia titled her head, "pets are allowed?" I nodded "Well, as long as your behaved well!" I feel Kaphyllia sigh. "Let's go... Though.. is this my punishment?" I turned to look at her, "What do you mean?", "I mean—come on! You saw me make fun of Konoha-san... Is this what I get?" Right... Konoha and her...

I walked towards her, "No of course not! You've been given a 2nd chance because you deserve it. It doesn't matter if you were reborn as a human, or fox, or animal. What matters is that you were given a 2nd chance to live." I told her. I don't like seeing my best friends being down, so I'll do my best to cheer them on!

"You're the same as ever, Kei-kun.." I smiled at her, "You too, Fei."

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"please!! Believe me!! I didn't do it! I didn't commit any treason!" The princess yelled and cried as she is being dragged towards The Divine Elisinora Labyrinth, the princess's eyes widen in pure horror. She turned to her mother. "Mama.." her mother turned away.

"Please realized that I'd sacrifice anything for my country.. even if it means hurting myself. You've committed an unacceptable crime, what's worse is that you're the heir to the throne." The queens words stabbed daggers to the princess's heart. The princess turned to her father, in which he simply turned away.

"Why won't anyone believe me... Please... Mama.. papa..." The princess pleaded...

"Elves has it's tradition to never lie, Erolrin would never lie.." the king said.. he was sad rather than being disappointed or mad.

The knights pushed the princess to the activated magic circle. The teleportation circle.

The princess didn't have time to react as the magic circle teleported her to the lowest Nora: The 7th Nora.

Elijah is also a "Protagonist" but Maphina is the OG Protagonist, so we'll be focusing on her more. Here's a little secret: Elijah's POV = Present – Maphina's POV = Past. By the way, when it says 'Nora' it means 'Ground' or 'Floor'. 'Nora' is ONLY used for Labyrinths. Like '7th Nora' means '7th Floor' or '7th Ground,'. Hope that makes sense! and thank you for reading my book! I promise I will improve my writing skills, characters, and story! Thank you very much!! And sorry for the late update!!

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