
KinoMori: The StarHit of Maphina

Konoha Yadama was a average 16 year old girl. But, despite being young, she met her dreadful ending. Now she is reincarnated as the first princess of a matriarchal country. Can she survive THIS time?

Kinoha_JECA · Fantasy
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19 Chs

KinoMori: Ranyllia

It's so cold.. geez.

I wonder if the egg hatched yet. I haven't checked on it for a while. I stood up and went to my cave.. which I made by using explosive magic.. I'm still not used to having horns and tail.

The egg!

It hatched. A white fox...

I hear it's whimpers and it backed away from me. It's scared..

"It's okay, little guy! Or gal.. I'm your.. err.. owner!" Well, I'm the one who took it, it might as well be mine now.

"Ahh– are you hungry?" I asked, the fox was now at little ease.. at least.

The fox had a moon symbol on its forehead. I don't care one bit.


[ Nameless Arctic Fox ]


[In order to see full detail. Please name it.]

"Uhh.. Jilyar– no... Nilli– no... Rayry.. no.. Kaye.. no.."

After minutes of thinking, I finally thought of it! I gently place my palm on the fox's forehead.

"Ranyllia" the glow appeared between my palm and Ranyllia's forehead.

I smiled and pulled away.. hmm. The moon symbol on her forehead seemed to change color. It went from black to light yellow.

Even so. It's still cautious... Good grief...

I did analysis on her again.

[ Ranyllia — HP: 20/20

Level: 0 — MP: 100/100

Healing —STR: 10

Ice —AGI: 20

Light —EXP: 1 ]

Ahahaha... Amazing... 100 mp.. ahahaha...

Well. Gotta feed her...


The next few days. I've been training and feeding Ranyllia, she's a behaved fox. I've also unlocked a skill called [Combination] and [Craft]

Well. I can make sh*t now... Ranyllia fights off monsters by striking towards it and biting the monsters, even so. It can't use magic, it doesn't know how to anyways, but what's up with showing her attributes? Or it's just buffs.

Ranyllia is currently sleeping on my lap... She's a normal sized fox... Gladly.

She's lvl.9 now. I have to train her more if I'm going to fight the.. Foulbound.

The Foulbound is a blood Fenrir. It's name is "Foulbound" due to... I don't know. I once encountered it... But I hid because I'm honestly a pussy.

"Hey, Rany..." Rany looked at me with her head tilting. I noticed something, she has hazel eyes. Rany is super adorable too at that fact.

I grabbed Rany, "I wonder if you understand me... But if you do... Wanna sign a Familiar contract?" I asked.. she froze for a minute but she nodded... So, she can understand me.

I pull Rany until both our foreheads touch.

Glowing was shown...

And it stopped. It was done. Ranyllia is now my familiar. I smiled. I was happy... At least someone or something is accompanying me now, I won't be lonely now.

"Now! Let's fight off some monsters, eh?" I stood up and let Rany rest on top of my head. Gee, she's so cute.

After walking for a while, we finally encountered two.. er... What is that. Frog..men? Let's just call it frogmen for now.

I'm hungry, soooo–

I took out my dagger and start striking towards it, Ranyllia will deal the other one.

The frog dodged and attempted to hit me with it's bat, I dodged but I was hit a little, I see both Rany and the other frog dodging each other's attacks. I got a little distracted and got hit by the frogs bat "Ngh!" My nose my bleeding... I stood up again but the frog hit me again. Damnit...

I tried to stand but the frog kicked me hard that flew towards the wall... Rany can't help me right now... She's dodging the attacks of her opponent.

Gee... My ribs hurt... I held my dagger tightly and quickly stood up. I saw the frog striking towards me, and decided to strike towards hi–.. it to.

The frog hit me by the other rib with it's bat but I managed to stab it with the dagger. It's unconscious right now... The only reason why I'm not using magic, is because I wanna increase my combat skills.

Looks like Rany bit the frog and now it's.. dead.

"Rany." I called out for her. She quickly ran towards me and jumped into my head. I grabbed both frogmen.

The rest of the night.. or day. We spent together eating... Of course. We didn't eat it raw... I roasted it using fire magic... Haven't thought of that yet...

I place my cloak on the ground and laid down on it... I sigh.. it was relaxing. I hugged Ranyllia as I slowly drift off to sleep.

— & —


Huh...who.. who is calling out for me?.. Ngh...

I opened my eyes but it was blurred.. I rub my eyes and I can see clearly now..!

Ehh... Who is this?

I see a... Demi-human?! It has ears and a tail! It's a demi-human! Wait.

White hair.. hazel eyes.. moon symbol on the forehead...

"RANYLLIA?!!" I shouted

"Yes, master~?" She said.


I see her tail wagging. And.. she.. she's naked!!

I backed away and closed my eyes... My face was heating up.

"I– uhh!"

I feel Ranyllia hugging me... Mmmmm!!!! She's naked and she's hugging me!!

"Ra-.. Rany.."

"Master~ you don't have to close your eyes, you know!" She said.

I opened my eyes... This time, her hair was covering her chest...

She was... Beautiful. Long hair too...

Her tail haven't stopped wagging yet... Is she... Excited?

"Master~! I can finally feel your warmth properly now! And I can fight a long side you too!"


I grabbed my cloak and dressed her with it.

"Uh... You have to cover yourself..." I see her eyes sparkling.

"You're such a gentlewoman, master!" Even a man would cover you up too!

Wait. I wonder if I can craft her clothes too... I still have the crystals after all.

"Rany. Let's wait here for a minute."

After 3.. no. 6 whole hours. I was finally done with her clothes.

"Here. Put it on Rany.", "Only for you, Master~!" I watch her as she put it on. I wonder... How old is Rany.. her body seemed like a adults but... How old is she, really?

"Master~!" She exclaimed. I looked at her, as my face heated up again... Beautiful and stunning... But! Not as beautiful and stunning as Putri-sensei! Once I get out of this labyrinth I will find her and protect the country!

"Master..~ what do you think?" She asked shyly, even so, her tail is noticably wagging. For what? She was softly smiling... Cute.

"Adorable and stunning." I complimented her. Her tail started wagging more.

"Master~!" She yelled happily as she strike towards me to hug me. I grunted.. that hurts...

"And also... How did learn how to talk?" I asked her a stupid question, "Because I was born with the knowledge of this world! So that means I know everything!... Well... Not everything everything... If you know what I mean, Master!" She explained, "A-ah.. I see–"

"And uhm.. how did you.. Erm.. become a demi?" Now that was something I'm actually intrigued off. "Well. When an animal becomes a familiar of someone with noble or higher blood, their familiar will aquire a humanoid form! But. You must be Lvl.10 to do that."

"Ahh... I see– wait. You're Lvl.10 now?", "of course, Master! I became Lvl.10 after fighting off that Lowmain!" Mm... Lowmain... Looks like the frogmen were called Lowmain. Stupid.

"But! I can protect you properly now, Master~!" I exclaimed happily. I was grateful for her, I'm not lonely anymore.. I'm so happy.

She put her hand on her chest, "I swear on my life that I..! Will protect you! I am your shield!"

I rubbed her head, "Rany, you're not a object–you're my companion." I smiled at her. I don't like thinking people as objects, let alone being a shield.

"... Master~!!!" She hugged tightly. Even though I can't breath a little, I still smiled.

I found myself already fond with her... Matter a fact.. I was already fond with her the moment she hatched from the egg.

Ranyllia.. I won't let anyone or anything harm or kill her.

guess who's back!! :33.

Next Chapter: Rany, The Loyal Familiar

(That chapter will focus on Ranyllia and Maphina hanging out and fighting together. And find out Rany's skills)

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