
KINNPORSCHE The Novel Eng Translation

The second son of the Mafia, Kinn Theerapanyakul, is assaulted by an enemy causing him to flee from them until he meets Porsche Kittisawasd - a young student who was hired as a part-time waiter at an entertainment establishment. Porsche saw the scene in the entertainment establishment but didn’t pay much attention to it. But then, Kinn made an offer. If Porsche could save him from his enemies, he would pay a certain amount in return. Porsche, who has the best martial arts degree and is a national judo champion, decides to get involved and helps Kinn escape. Due to his striking combat skills, Kinn wants to hire Porsche to be his personal bodyguard. Porsche was opposed and rejected Kinn, who would do anything to get what he wanted. After being terrorized by Kinn’s enemies and Kinn, he had no choice but to agree. Porsche didn’t want to be a part of this dangerous world because he was afraid that the only person he loved, his brother Porchay Kittisawasd, would get hurt. Porsche accepts Kinn's ridiculous agreements and moves in to live with him. There is still a mystery that Porsche has to face with some very unexpected events. Moreover, the intimacy with Kinn creates a turbulent feeling in their hearts that starts to shake and become love. That path will not be easy because of the many problems and many obstacles that will come to test their love - he must stand up to endure all the problems he faces.

coffeesiuss · Action
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63 Chs

11: Insanity


"Porsche! I didn't like last night's movie."

"Isn't it fun?"

"Yes, it was fun, but it was a little scary in terms of storyline and the acting wasn't that good." I smiled while looking at Khun who was sitting on the sofa and continuously changing the TV channel, without turning to look at me.

I don't know if he is embarrassed or something. What's certain is that this crazy guy has been a little weird since last night. Another bodyguard said that he was very calm despite watching such hot scenes.

Is there something wrong with him? At his age, would he still prefer to ride a unicorn and play in the lavender fields? Has Khun even brought a woman to his bed? If all he has been doing up to now is just singing and watching, I can tell that he is crazy.

After last night, we were kicked out of the room. Khun was addicted and continued watching two more stories, for the reason that made me laugh. It was because he said that he had never watched such a genre. He fell asleep at four in the morning.

When morning came, we opened our eyes to joy and exhaustion. Strange questions arise from the young master who is still curious about what he watched last night. Such as:

'Why did that woman have to be tied up?

'Why do you have to do it secretly under the table?

'Why does that woman struggle when she ends up screaming in pleasure?'

"Are you really going to watch this film? Are you sure?"

Arm poked my back. As usual, the four of us sat in the same place, waiting for Khun to choose the title of the film we were going to watch.

'The love of the mistress in the sugar cane next to the forest'. Just reading the title made me roll my eyes tiredly because Khun said he didn't want to watch something like yesterday. Come on, haven't you ever thought about doing anything else? At least, give me something that a guard like me should be doing. I am a bodyguard who will protect and fight those who intend to harm him. I was not hired to accompany him to watch, sing, or anything like this.

He must be very lonely!

"Uh. Mr. Khun," I called out softly even though inside I wanted to say, 'Hey, idiot!', but I cannot. The other bodyguards did not respect him as much as they respected Kinn, but at least he wasn't as rude as Kinn in the way he treated me. At least it is only my head that hurts. My physique and heart were still safe, so I had to show him a little respect.


"Sir, aren't you going out anywhere?"

I felt so stiff, yet he seemed so relaxed. If he keeps up with this nonsense of just watching drama series all day long, will he even think about feeling the sun on his skin or socializing with people?

"Nothing requires me to leave here," he said honestly. His gentle face stared at me with sparkling eyes. His face resembles Kinn's but with rainbow fashion and a lavender field spread across the background.

"So, Master won't go out, uh-" I had not finished my words before that bastard interrupted me.

"Are you bored?" He said while sitting next to me.

"Uh." He pressed the remote and turned off the TV as he turned around and his gaze collided with mine.

"Then let's just sing!" Simultaneously loud sighs sounded unstoppable from the other bodyguards.

Oh! I am about to lose it and go crazy!

"No, I don't mean that. Master should go out for fun and challenges," I said in a normal tone, watching him go to open the cabinet, pulling out the microphone and audio system.

"Don't you like to go out drinking?" I wonder what could have kept him from sitting all day with a bitter face.

Coming out to enjoy what I love feels very normal in my life. But dealing with this guy, it feels like we are prisoners who are imprisoned in a whirlpool of retarded people.

"No! When I go to a bar, I always run into enemies, and they will set up a trap for me."

I was reminded of the fancy bar that I went to with Kinn. Even though those who came belonged to the high society, we still met a group of people who wanted to attack him. Seeing how they got their wealth; it is no wonder they have so many enemies.

"You shouldn't go to that bar. Try a new place where those people won't go, it will be more fun." He turned around to look at me with a frown.

I convinced myself to speak well to persuade him. Because afterward, I realized, to live here, you must survive the madness.

"Where?" That bastard asked me.

"It is a nice place with lots of people, you definitely won't find anyone who will hurt you," I said smiling.

He walked up to me and asked in a low voice. "What are you trying to do?"

"Don't you want to go out and open your eyes?" I said back. He acted like I was up to something.

"I want to, actually I am a little tired of watching series and karaoke." Hearing that, I looked away slightly and gave a wicked smile. Well, I am going to take him to a new world.

"So, let's go, I guarantee it is completely safe there."

"Are you sure no one will hit me on the head?" He stands, crossing his arms, and looks at me doubtfully.

"I guarantee we are just going there to mingle. It will be so much fun."

The bastard nodded in response, even though his expression was noticeably unconfident.

"If it isn't fun and someone hits me, I will ask Father to kill you!" I nodded slowly.

I am sure all the enemies of this family must have been investigating and stalking the places they used to go, so wherever he goes he will meet people who are after him. That is why they should be looking for a new place, where the enemies would not think that they would go.

"You guys go get ready," He turned to speak to his subordinates.

"Wait a minute, we can't go dressed like this." He looked at me in surprise.

"We have to mingle. You guys change into casual but neat clothes." I saw them start to panic.

"Trust me," I said in a determined voice.


Everyone turned to look at him for an answer. Khun seemed to be making his thinking hard face, so I had to help convince him even more.

"We can't stand out, wear simple clothes so that no one will care. I guarantee it will be a lot of fun."

"Okay, okay! If it is not fun, I'll kick your ass!" Then he walked back into his bedroom.

I smiled imagining all the fun that was about to begin, my life won't be boring anymore. I ordered the others to change their clothes. I didn't forget to knock on the bedroom window to remind Khun to wear normal clothes, without the suit, if he doesn't want to be beaten until his head breaks.

I told everyone to gather in front of the house to prepare the car. The whole house is looking at me questioningly because this is the first time the bodyguards have worn only T-shirts and jeans when accompanying their boss to go out.

Plus, Khun in a white T-shirt and plain jeans, was completely new to them. At first, Khun was going to wear black trousers, but I told him to change into

jeans. Yes, if you go to a bar wearing a white shirt and black pants like a college uniform. The security will be intimidating and won't let him in, thinking he is a student.

Fortunately, there are nearly a hundred jeans that fill his wardrobe, so he can look more like an ordinary person.

After everyone gathered and got into the car, I instructed the driver to head into one of the bars that I was remarkably familiar with that I came to almost every day before. It didn't take long for the car to stop at the parking lot. The bodyguards were so nervous that I felt their lives were incredibly bland. But for me, seeing this alley brings joy. The whole street is a busy

entertainment place. Dressed up, full of fun, with loud music playing at every bar. I walked into Jaye's bar. The open front has bright lights to attract guests in.

"Shit Porsche!!!!Yai Nong! Porsche, are you bringing them in to destroy the bar again?"

As soon as I entered the bar, someone screamed

and ran to the entrance. Jade, who is wearing a Qi Pao dress, looked at me as her eyes widened, and hurriedly ran towards me.

"Why did you come? I just opened the bar a week ago." Jade raised her hands and shook my arm like crazy.

"Jade! Hey, listen! No one is going to destroy the bar today, I brought a VIP customer." I told Jade in a hurry and turned my face to the man behind me who was carefully observing the place.

"VIP customer?" She repeated my words in surprise.

"Wow! So Handsome, his face looks familiar." Jade exclaimed, looking at Khun from head to toe.

"The bag is heavy too! Give us a table with a good location." I whispered softly. Jade nodded and called for the staff to set the table up for us.

As soon as everything was done, I walked over and brought him to the table in front of the stage. I ordered the most expensive liquor in the store, Jack Daniels, which of course I had never tasted before due to its expensive price, a mixer, ice and Coke.

"Do you have wine?"He asked me.

"No. But with this one, I can make it taste better than wine."

I took a glass of ice, put it inside the mixer, poured a shot of alcohol in it and a quarter of coke then did something that I am most skilled at in my life. Well, I am the best bartender here. I guarantee that I can charm him.

"I will ordain you, Porsche!!! Jeez! I owe you this one."

Arm whispered at me. I know that his life has been embarrassing enough.

Hold on, I will save your life for today.

"Don't mention it," I whispered back as I mixed the drink.

They want to have fun so they each take a glass of drink and mix it on their own.

I handed my brew to Khun who was sitting across mine from the sofa, swinging his head to the beat.

"I have never been to a place like this." He told me, holding up his drink and crouching his face with the unfamiliar taste I had just served him before taking three or four more sips.

"Delicious!" He declared finally with a smile. I guess this is their first time coming to a regular bar like this.

"Porsche, I love you!" Pol hugged my neck, raised his glass, drank it, and refilled it endlessly. I am glad they like it.

"This is a nice song, come on down!!!" Khun turned to ask me.

His hands began to move in a dance pattern, the music playing loudly throughout the room made him move his shoulders to the beat of the music. Khun kept moving his body, enjoying the music on the dance floor. We laughed at each other; the drink I was preparing made them unstoppable and kept on drinking.

Is today the theme of country music or something?

Khun danced with his hands raised and shouted incoherently, even though he only had taken a second glass. Can he really drink? As for the others, they began to sway to the beat and laugh at the bastard's weird dance moves that sway freely.

"Pol, come and dance with me. You guys seem drunk. Wait, I will enjoy it myself." He shouted and beckoned the guards who were on the same dance floor.

I saw that everything was under control and there was nothing to worry about. So, I stepped aside and greeted my acquaintances all around the bar. Several customers whom I know run over to hug me and say hello, saying they missed my special drink as they loved it very much.

After walking around, I realized that I had left the table for quite a while. When I returned, I saw that the table was empty. They had all moved to the floor and were dancing to the beat. The situation was very chaotic, like a group of children dancing for joy on Songkran Day.

The other tables turned to look, shout and cheer them on. I saw that idiot teaching his guards a ridiculous dance that everyone swiftly followed. Fuck! I'm having a headache now. That dance move, Oh my God, what the hell is that?

"Are you guys drunk?" Jade came and asked Khun and the other bodyguards. He stopped his dancing, then looked suspiciously at Jade from head to toe, and then pointed at her.

"Oh, it's a homosexual, I have heard that there are homosexuals in our neighborhood, but I have never seen them!" He shouted and put a melody into his words that sounded weird. He must be drunk.

"Oh boy. I want to slap your mouth. I am a woman!" Jade pretended to take off her heels and slap him.

"Don't! Hold on Jade! That guy is crazy!" I stopped her while looking at the dingdong still dancing around the table.

"Handsome but insane!" Jade said, her face stiff and a little emotional.

"Come on."

"Who is he?"

"Phi Kinn's brother. Jade remembers Kinn right?" Jade puts a hand over her face in fear.

"Shit! I am dead! You brought the mafia and didn't tell me beforehand? Enough! I should have dealt with them better than this," said Jade before running into the stage and stopping the music.

Khun gasped, a little offended that the music had stopped suddenly, turned to look at Jade's face angrily.

"Come down, you hermaphrodite!! I want to dance!"

The bastard screamed while cursing until laughter echoed through the room. Jade bit her lip slightly cursing, before speaking a second later.

"Today is a rare opportunity because we have a VIP customer and we wanted to give this song as a welcome. Let us welcome and applaud." I nodded with my arms folded across my chest, looking suspiciously at Jade on the stage.

After a while, the song began to fill the room. Bastard Khun and his bodyguards continued to dance. I didn't think he would be like this. Next time, I will take him to a Mor Lam concert, with Band Valentine. He would be happy to see it.

Khun made a gesture like holding a gun in his hand. He looks at the gun then points his hand and aims it in my direction and pretends to shoot me. That shocked me but I could only laugh until I threw myself a few times as if I had been shot.

Damn, Khun. Gosh, I really enjoy his silliness sometimes. I really want his father to see the current situation.

Again, he made a gun-wielding gesture, aiming it at his bodyguards acting evasive, and then when he was startled and panicked, he ran and chased them around the table. Wow is he really the eldest son of the mafia family with his bodyguards?

"Porsche, come here and dance with me," Khun waved at me as he danced and laughed. Quickly, I tried to walk away.

He hugged my neck and swayed to the music. Looks like they have all become drunkards.

"Dance like me, wow! I love that." He kept dancing and rocking. The drunker he got, the more bizarre and ridiculous his dance moves became.

"Very well sir, looks like it is time for you to head home." Jade walked toward me and looked at Khun's dance with frustration. I pulled out my phone and saw it was almost two am and it was time for the bar to

close, so I understand.

The bodyguards were already collapsed on the sofa so I ordered some of them to go and get the car. Meanwhile, I carried Khun up and dragged him to the parking lot before putting him inside the car because he was unconscious. In the car, the guards chatted happily and praised me like a hero. I guess the experience was that satisfying.

After arriving home, Arm and Pol took Khun straight to his room.

"What is all this? Why is Khun like this?" Pete quickly walked over to me who was walking behind them. He looked very worried and scared seeing Khun unconscious.

"I took him somewhere to see the word," I said with a smile.

Pete was surprised. I saw him holding car keys, which made me ask.

"Where are you going?"

"To drive Miles home."

I look back and see a young man following behind Pete, he looked no different from yesterday's guest or someone who I had previously seen. I frowned and I saw a figure walking down the stairs, so I figured to escape myself and immediately turned around to return to my room, but a voice halted my footsteps.

"Where have you been?" I turned my gaze and saw Kinn in a black bathrobe walking toward me.

"I was busy," I answered.

"Hmm. The reek of alcohol is so strong, where did you take my brother?"

He leaned over and put his nose against my neck forcing me to step back.

"None of your business." I am not in the mood to answer him because right now my head is throbbing

and numb after drinking that much. So, I just let him be.

"Who told you that you could leave!"

He pulled my arm so hard that my body jerked and hit his chest. I quickly restrained myself by getting some distance from him.

"Follow me!"

I tried to jerk off my arm, but he squeezed tightly and dragged me into his room. The other bodyguards could only look at each other. Before I exploded, the door was closed.

"What is your problem!"

I looked at him and peeled off the hand that was holding my arm.

"I heard you went out with Khun and the others in your casual clothes." He asked while looking at me seriously.

I closed my eyes, suppressing my emotions accompanied by dizziness and nausea. I know he won't let me out of here easily. Of course, he did it on

purpose to piss me off, so I walked over and sat on the sofa with my hands on my temple, and then I glanced at him.

"Are you worried about Khun or me?" I asked.

He stopped in front of my face, he was too close so I quickly pushed his chest, but instead of pushing him, I accidentally pulled on the rope that ties his bathrobe. I thought he would be angry and immediately reinstate his bathrobe, but instead, he casually let it open and dropped it to the floor, exposing his boxers and muscular body.

I didn't think much about it because we are both men. It was just that I felt a little awkward at the moment when my hand had just pulled the rope.


I looked away because I was afraid I would get into trouble.

"Hmm. You want to see?" He looked at me with lust, his eyes darkening in the process.

"Why would I want to see it? I also have whatever you have." I answered.

"Oh, but from what I see, you untied my bathrobe,"

Kinn said with a smirk.

I am a little confused. Why isn't he angry and just giving me a naughty smile that's giving me goosebumps.

"Now, let's see what you have."

He approached me again, so in a panic to move away, I tried to get up from the sofa. But he forced me to stay by leaning on top of me. What is this?!

"Get off!!!"

I raised my hand to push him again but this time Kinn grabbed my wrists and threw my body until I lay on my back on the sofa.

"What are you doing bastard!" I shouted frantically as I tried to push his body using my knees, but he pressed hard on me.

Our current position looks very strange. I, who was lying on the sofa with both hands held by him on both sides of my head and his body that was on top of mine, locked my every movement without leaving any distance between us. Even air can't pass through.

"Answer my question, where did you go?!"

"If you want to know about that, why do you have to get your face this close?!"

He leaned over until I could feel his warm breath pouring down my cheek. I turned and shook my head left and right to avoid it.

"Let me go!!! What are you doing? I took your brother to a bar!! Kinn, let go!"

I don't understand what he was doing at all. I gasped when I felt the tip of his nose gradually press against the far corner of my neck.

Shia! What is this!

I heard soft laughter escaping his throat, even though I am sure my strength can match him, being locked like this makes me almost vulnerable.

"What the hell are you doing Kinn!! Don't bite my neck again!"

My body tried to fight back but to no avail. The tip of his nose moves from the jawline to my uninjured neck area. I tried to tilt my neck to prevent his movement, but Kinn's palm immediately locked my chin so I couldn't move my head.

His breath tickled my neck as he inhaled from it as if scenting me. I was giddy, unable to understand what he was doing but not long after that, I felt goosebumps all over my body when I felt his lips kiss and suck my neck. I trembled and my heartbeat was extremely fast. The pain in my neck continued for a few minutes until I screamed and cursed.

"Shia, Kinn! Don't bite me. Hey!"

After that Kinn opened his mouth and bit my neck, not just doing it once, but multiple times. He rained tiny bites along my neckline.

"Let me do it just this once."

A strange feeling was brought by the warm breath that was still flickering along my neck. The tip of his nose continues to sniff, followed by kisses from his traveling lips while occasionally licking his tongue gently along the surface of my neck until I begin to unconsciously melt in his arms.

Something strange is building up inside me, but I don't know what it is. The hands and body that struggled to escape, started to feel weak due to this

unfamiliar feeling.

Until the walkie-talkie's voice brought me back to my senses.

[This is Pol. Where is Porsche, mister? Ow. Aw! You guys hurry up and help me!]

Pol seems to be having a hard time with Khun. I struggled with all my might to push Kinn away and quickly got up to get away from him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed.

I still cannot understand and hold back my anger, because I know in his head, Kinn must mean to tease and annoy me. If only Pol's voice had not bothered him, I do not know what would have happened.

"Argh! I shouldn't have let Miles go yet," he said, tightening his robe, as if covering something I didn't notice, then picked up the belt that had fallen to the ground and tied his bathrobe.

I don't know what to do with him. I was only able to vent my anger by hurriedly standing up and turning around to kick the sofa. He laughed so hard that I lifted my middle at him before closing the door. Is that crazy bastard so happy to see me pissed off like this? Why does he like to bite my neck like that? You will see, I will find a way to get revenge and I will make sure you bleed.


"What happened to your Neck?" Pol asked as he poked it.

Bastard! I hurriedly put my hand there and went straight to the bathroom. I saw a few red marks appearing along the skin.

Shia, Kinn! Do you think you can suck on my neck? Embarrassing me in front of people's eyes? Damn it!

I walked out to the bathroom with a frown.

"Yes! When I was in the bar, I secretly let a girl suck on it."

If it were a girl, I was proud! But if it was that brat, who teased me to agitate me, ugh, never mind. The two of them mocked me. I ignored it and turned to look at the bastard who was passed out lying on the bed. Who would occasionally raise his arms and legs, dancing, and murmuring songs?

Huh! I'm so frustrated with this family.


I went to work early but had nothing to do. The bastard was lying on the bed all day. All of us were walking around, playing around the house, smoking, some playing games on our devices.

Every time I walked past Kinn's bodyguards, they were always on edge because they didn't like me. Especially this bastard named Big. He is one of those who likes to act above others.


I and the others walked back into the house from the dining room. And suddenly we heard a loud noise, and everybody rushed.

"Get a gun and shoot over there."

The images I saw took my breath away. Khun drew a gun from one of the bodyguards in the house and aimed it at the other bodyguards then pretended to shoot and the guard followed his game by leaning his body on the ground. I burst out laughing seeing him.

"All of you, raise your hands and throw your weapons here!" The guards around him raised and crossed their arms above their heads and begged for mercy.

"Wow! I am cool."

Then he dropped the gun to the ground and ran screaming until he saw his father who was standing looking at him in front of his office.

"What are you playing?" Khun Korn asked in a deep voice. Khun just laughed and raised his hand to

cover his mouth.

"Where did you go last night?" Khun Korn asked his son.

"Come here," He motioned for us to come closer.

"Pa, I went to have fun with Porsche and Arm."

He sang a song from the Valentine Band he heard at the bar. His father seems concerned about the behavior of his eldest son.

"I took Mr. Khun for a walk last night," I said smiling beside him and answering Khun Korn's question.

"All right, all right, go out and open your eyes to new things, as long as it is safe, and you will come home with your body intact," said Khun Korn as he turned and walked back to his room.

"Today we will go again, I liked it." He walked over and shook my arm. So, I nodded in response. He raised his hand in joy and deep down inside, I am excited to do it again as well.

"Where are you going? I am coming!" A familiar voice rang out. I hurriedly turned my head to look at the approaching Kinn, who is smiling as his eyes were lifted into a naughty grin.

FUCKING KINN! I really want to hit him!!! I really want to hit him in the face. He is responsible for all the tape around my neck, even though he just asks where we are going, I'm so fucking pissed. Shia!

"Okay. It would be fun!" Khun answered him and I stood in shock. No way!

"All right, we will see!" Kinn smirks and leaves as I look at him in annoyance. In my head, I already cursed him a hundred times more.


At two o'clock, we arrived at Jade's bar. Today there are additional members, Kinn and Pete who are dressed casually just like me. Regarding Pete, Pol told him about this, so he wanted to come and join in too. According to Pete, today is like a dream come true. I am also happy to hear that, but I am secretly annoyed that Kinn is joining us.

He was wearing more mourning clothes, a black shirt, black pants, and a face that was calm and pretentious. I called Jade to book a table earlier, saying that there will be additional people. So, I asked her permission again and she said she was incredibly happy to receive a visit from Kinn and would arrange the best table for them.

"Tem and Jom are waiting at the table," Jade said as soon as she saw me.

"Hello, welcome! Did Khun Kinn come too? I have prepared the best place for you." They said hello to Jade.

"Hello hermaphrodite. Ladyboy Lady. Lady. Lady."

"You!" Jade gritted her teeth, trying to hold back her emotions as she smiled at me.

I laughed, trying to pat her on the shoulder to comfort Jade. However, she still provides the best service. She prepares the best drink and Khun asked her to

play the same music as yesterday. Even though we came in casual clothes, many raised their hands to pay respect to Kinn. Maybe they saw the crowd of bodyguards around them. Even though we just came for fun.

"It's fun, is it not?" I asked Pete with a smile. I threw a glance at Kinn when he suddenly sat on the same sofa as me. He slumped himself beside me.

"Go sit somewhere else," I murmured softly.

"Why? I like sitting here!"

"I don't want to sit near you!!!" I snapped back.

"I can't believe you brought that bastard to a place like this. If anything happened to him, what would you say?"

He leaned comfortably on the sofa, dismissing our topic.

"It is safer than the places you go often," I said, sounding nervous and frustrated that Kinn kept staring at me.

"Pete, go and get Time and Tae." Kinn turned his head to order Pete who was sitting next to him.

Everyone at the table knew that I was the best at concocting drinks and asked me to give the best drink like yesterday. As for Kinn, he looked around curiously. His brother had been here before, but not with him.

"Porsche, make a cocktail for Khun. It should be delicious!"

Kinn asked me to get a drink for his brother.

"Phi Kinn, really? He doesn't have to ask, right Porsche?" Someone whispered to me. I laughed at this while my hands continued mixing drinks.

"Well, he is something like that," I said before placing the glasses on the table as I saw some bodyguards rising from the sofa and dancing with cheerful movements.

"Make something for me too." Exclaimed Kinn, who crossed his arms. His request made me smile slyly.

Hmm, now you want something from me.

Lazily, I shuffled the drink and then poured it into the glass to make the coke mixture and handed it to him.

A few moments later, two friends walked in a little dumbfounded seeing. Khun and Kinn appearing in a bar like this! How could a noble brother who used to walk the red carpet come and enjoy a bar like this?

"Pete, sit over here, I'll be sitting there!" I said while pulling Pete's wrist to sit beside Kinn.

"Why are you pulling me? I will go and bring more chairs."

"I told you to stay! Continue to mix drinks for me." Kinn grabbed me by the arm.

"I am not your slave that you can command!" Instead of getting angry, he just smiled and kept pulling me until I sat back on the sofa.

"Always with the spicy mouth!" He said.

After that, I ignored him and just continued to mix liquor and serve the people at the table.

"Tae, Time, come dance with me now!" They stared at Khun and his men in amazement. Seeing that, they asked Kinn why he told them to come to a place like this. Really!

I looked at them with a little dissatisfaction, but I must admit that Kinn's friends were indeed from the upper class who were not used to this place. Today, our tables are the loudest in the entire room. Not only because of the good looks of the people at the table but because of the dance Khun and his bodyguards were doing. It has caught the attention of all the visitors to this bar. Plus, my two friends also finally got up to dance like crazy too.

Thang thang thang. They. Thang thang thang.

The song continues until the two rounds of liquor are done, but they keep ordering while dancing cheerfully, except for Kinn who kept looking at me as I continued to mix drinks for them.

"Looks delicious, doesn't it!" I turned to look at him.

"Did you know? When you shuffle that mixer with alcohol, you look very sexy and delicious!" He grinned, staring at me from head to toe. I furrowed my brows, looking at him in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" I kept pinning the ice into the glass, I don't care about Kinn and his crazy way of looking at me.

"Boys, Jade has a special menu for you to try. B-52. Porsche, take care of this."

The glass bottle was filled with a layer of a dark coffee liqueur at the bottom, a silver-colored cream in the middle, and rum at the top., it was put on our table with twenty glasses. Then Jade gave me matches because I know how to serve them.

"Wow, wow, that looks delicious!" Khun's eyes shone as the glasses lined up on the table.

"I will light the glass, then you must hurry and drink it in one gulp."

I arranged a tube to hold it. Lali, one of my ex-co-workers, brought out a match for the adjustment of the alcohol in the glass. I poured the liquid into a glass in front of Khun and lit a match to set the alcohol in the glass on fire.

When the match was lit, a burst of fire ignited over the drink in the glass, and Khun immediately drank it up using the tube making a gesture of immense pleasure while asking me to light the second glass.

"He is very drunk. Mr. Khun don't drink anymore,"

Pete warned because he knew this man didn't hold his alcohol really well.

"Boring, I am not drunk!" Pete quickly took the third glass from Khun's hand and drank it.

"Pete!" Pete didn't care.

"Enough! You can go dancing first, then have another drink later." I exclaimed as he was about to raise the fourth glass. Khun listened to me more than Pete, so he got up and continued dancing.

"I want one too."

One by one, they asked me to give them the drink. I sighed a little. Taking a glass from the tray, I put it in front and lit it.

"All at once!"I said before I started the fire as they suck and then make a strange face while drinking the liquid.

"One more glass," I put glass after another then started lighting it all at the same time as they leaned over to chug it up.

"I want to try lighting one for you!" Said Kinn.

I was having a good time and felt too lazy to argue. So, I handed him the matches and put the glass in front of him. I put the straw in my mouth and leaned my face closer.

As soon as Kinn started the fire. I sucked it all up. It feels familiar to my taste, and I know how intoxicating it is. This drink has a sweet chocolate flavor, is easy to drink, and without even realizing it, you'll be having a lot in no time.

"Oh, one more time," he said as he took the glass and placed it in front of me once more. I am not against whatever he planned to do so then I drink up everything in the glass. Kinn looked satisfied about it, he kept lighting the fire until the fifth glass and I started to feel numb.

"Ah, water."

He gave me a glass of water which makes me feel even dizzier than I didn't even notice when it began. He seemed to be giving me another liquor.

"Shia, Kinn! You intend to get me drunk!" I said and swallowed the dark brown water down my throat forcefully.

He laughed as I started to feel dizzy. Even seeing double vision. Meanwhile, as the night gets deeper, the music and dancing get more enjoyable.

And it was so much fun that they lost consciousness.

Khun grabbed Pol's shoulder and then he made Pol hold the shoulders of the person in front of him until Pete and Jet, two of Kinn's friends, including Tem and Jom, also followed this madness by doing the 'Dragon Parade' by going all around the room, shocking anyone who saw it.

Seeing the whole room starting to take part in the 'Dragon Parade,' the singers on the stage changed the melody and sang along with them. I took another drink into my mouth as everyone smiled and laughed at this madness, almost all the tables watched their movement.

"Do you like it?" Kinn asked and I turned my head to see his face smiling, taking turns glancing at Time and Khun.

"Certainly." I looked away while smiling and sipping the drink in my glass. Even though I am dizzy, and my head hurts because of B-52, I cannot stop drinking.

"Oh, then have it again." He placed another B-52 in front of me. I let out a sigh as I shook my head.

"I do not think so."

"Drunk?" He sneered, then returned to sit with his legs crossed. I watched him impatiently. Like me, he doesn't get drunk easily!! Come and duel with me bastard.

"You think it's that easy? Let us have a duel!" When I am drunk, the thing I hate the most is being challenged.

Kinn puts all the drinks in front of me and every glass. He grinned with satisfaction. I light the fire and we suck it up at the same time. We keep running like this for about five glasses, to be honest, I already feel the world spinning until I want to throw up, but I won't lose with Kinn who is still very relaxed and squints as he keeps smiling at me from head to toe. He is really

acting crazy.

"Damn! Porsche, are you drunk?" Tem walked over and gave me mineral water.

"No, I am fine."

I am trying to regain my consciousness as much as possible. Seeing my friend sweating, I greeted him.

"Have you finished the Dragon procession?" I asked as the people began to sit at the table, looking all tired and exhausted.

"That is enough, no need to drink anymore." Tem comes over to take the alcohol glass from my hand. I sat up straight and tried to flick my head a few times.

"Hey, come with me, I'll just go wash my face." It feels so much better when the cold water hits my face. I washed my face a bit for a long time.

'Don't get drunk. Do not get drunk. Don't get drunk.' I told myself a few times before Tem and I returned to the table.

"You two can't help him."

I watched everyone on the sofa with their heads resting on it. While Pol and Arm are trying to stand up, helping each other but failing miserably. But among them, only Kinn surprised me because he didn't look drunk before, but now he was spread out on the sofa.

"Hey Pete, is he, all right?" I asked Pete doubtfully.

"A while ago, Mr. Kinn and Mr. Khun had a duel drinking of B-52." Said Pete before calling me to help lift his boss.

"Whoa, you big baby!" I said as Pete and I grabbed him and walked to the parking lot, then put their

bodies into the van.


"Porsche, can you help Pete look after Khun Kinn?"

P'Jet's voice startled me.

So now Pete and I dragged Kinn to his room, opened the glass door, and put the corpse-like body on the bed followed by the other

guards who were on guard in front of the door. I meant to just throw him away and then leave, but Pete stopped me.

"You guys go, Porsche and I can take care of him,"

said Pete as he ordered them. Previously they had made faces when they were forced to leave but not today.

"Why me? You can ask them to do it, I will go." I got up and prepared to leave cursing Pete.

"I am sick of them. Hurry up and help me." He said then slowly adjusted Kinn on the bed. Pete, who saw me standing still and motionless, turned around cursing.

"Look what you are doing, come and help me. Go to the bathroom, bring a damp towel and a bowl." He ordered. I nodded and went straight to the bathroom to find a towel just as Pete asked.


"Pete you go out first," Kinn opened his eyes, which made Pete a little surprised to see Kinn still fully conscious.


"Get out."

Kinn repeated with great emphasis before Pete could understand anything, he looked at the person in the bathroom, grinning and following his boss' orders. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Kinn sprawled topless on the bed. I had never seen him work out, but he got a six-pack and firm skin around all the muscles. Plus, his skin is very white.

"Should I sprinkle it over him?"

I wanted to lift the basin and pour it all over him, but I must brush those thoughts away if I want to keep my job. So, I started wiping his body with a towel. From his arms, then got up over his shoulders and continued to do it to his chest.

After dipping the cloth back in the basin and wringing it out, I continued to wipe the ribs and stomach in a circular motion. Unintentionally, I looked back at his body and felt jealous of the muscles in his midsection. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't notice my actions halting. I stared in awe at his muscular body. Before putting the cloth in the basin, I struggled with my thoughts.

"Should I do this? Or just wipe off the top." I talked to myself, before thinking that maybe he was not comfortable sleeping in jeans.

Gosh. What am I worrying about? Just let him sleep like this. But then again, I finally gave in to my common sense and took off his jeans, and left the boxer stuck to his body.

"Look what I am doing, I will do something good for you!" I said it in front of Kinn's face who fell asleep.

I couldn't help but notice those beautiful lashes fanning his eyelids. How straight his nose is and his thin yet plump lips. I remember how it felt against my neck and I shuddered in the memory of the bite marks.

I put the cloth on his thighs and rub it down to his calf. I did it on both sides then dipped the cloth back in the basin and squeezed the water out.

I chuckled because I have deliberately not wiped his face.

"I will wipe your feet and then wipe it on your face," I said cheerfully. My hand was holding the cloth and was ready to wipe it on his face when Kinn suddenly moved and what happened next surprised me.

Kinn suddenly grabbed my wrist. I was pulled onto the bed and turned around quickly. Wait, what just happened? It happened so fast that I couldn't handle it and my body just floated up then got slumped on the bed. My head felt numb and started to ache when he pulled me tightly.

"Playing with me," Kinn said huskily. He looked far from being asleep at all.

I didn't understand the situation, before realizing that I was lying on my back, and he was straddling me.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted while pushing his chest with all my might. But it does not seem like

my push moved his body at all. My body reacted automatically when I saw Kinn's eyes open. Did the ten B- 52 glasses I drank start to work?

As I said before, I am not a bad drinker. It is just that the effect of that drink was lethal. It gets absorbed in my body gradually little by little.

"You are drunk, you lose!" Kinn said with a smile. His hands grabbed my wrists on both sides and fastened them to the bed.

"Let me go!"

I tried to fight back but the more I struggled, the reaction from the crazy drink continued to take effect. From the looks of it, I have returned to drunken mode. I closed my eyes tightly because the more I opened my eyes, the dizzier I became and the face in front of me became shaded with lust.

Am I seeing things?

"You lose, you must be punished." Kinn's laughter made me want to curse. I feel the weight of his body on top of mine.

"What loss? I disagree and I am not drunk either!" I said, my body wanted to get rid of Kinn, but he didn't give me the slightest chance.

"You are drunk!"

"No! Get off me!" I felt as if I was struggling with all my might, but that was not enough to stop him until I felt a warm breath hit my face, moving closer and closer.

Then something touched the tip of my nose before my lips felt the softness and the faint smell of alcohol touching my tightly closed lips. I also feel something so soft and warm that I cannot describe it. Something that was starting to make me feel suffocated until I ran out of air so I opened my mouth to take in as much air as I could until I felt a foreign moist object charging in, sweeping over the surface of my mouth and playing inside.

My brain really cannot process what is going on, all I know is that what I am experiencing right now is making my heart beat faster. My body was trembling with an unfamiliar tingling sensation swaying in my body subconsciously I responded to the action happening by replying to all the invitations the foreign object offered. Those lips greedily scooped up and

sucked mine and reinserted his tongue so that our tongues were twisted together, dancing in a beat of tune only us can hear.

I felt the moisture in my mouth being played with pleasure. My body relaxed and with my wrists getting freed, I raised my hand and placed it tightly behind the head of the person on top of me. Letting the person do more exploring, I didn't notice when the tape was removed from my neck. I only felt a familiar feeling as those lips began to brush against my cheekbones and jaw before their warmth spread across my

neckline which had turned moist from the light licking and kissing of those lips. Once satisfied exploring my neck, I felt nervous as he started to suck and bite the skin of my collar. I groaned with so much pleasure running all over my body.


Honestly, I feel so good that I don't want everything to stop. However, a realization hits my subconsciousness all of a sudden.

I am kissing Kinn! Fuck!

I hurriedly pushed him until he rolled to the side, I tried to get on my feet but dizziness got the best of me.

"Ugh!" I grunted as I fell to the floor.

"Shit Porsche!!!"

That curse was the last thing I heard before my vision began to fade into darkness and I didn't know what happened next.