
Kinktober: Bellamione One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Bellatrix/Hermione

silkenobedience · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Day 7: Merperson Bellatrix and Student Hermione

Day 7: Merperson Bellatrix and Student Hermione

It had been years since Hermione Granger participated in the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, yet she couldn't forget the eerie stillness of the water, the oppressive silence beneath its depths. The icy cold of the Black Lake had seeped into her bones, leaving her sluggish and weak. But more than anything, she remembered the strange, haunting gaze of one merperson—eyes that had watched her with a fascination that made her skin prickle, even through the numbing chill of the water.

In her dreamlike state, barely conscious as the professors brought them down to the bottom of the lake, she had seen those eyes. Dark, piercing, and intelligent. They had followed her, burning into her memory like an imprint she could never quite shake. At the time, she had thought it was just the remnants of whatever spell she had been under. But even after she woke, those eyes haunted her dreams, reappearing, always watching.

At Dumbledore's funeral, her gaze had drifted toward the lake, and she had seen them again—those eyes. The same eerie, dark gaze watching her from the water's edge, half-hidden beneath the murky surface, almost as if waiting for her. Waiting for something.

It wasn't just her imagination. Hermione knew that now. The merwoman was real. She had been real during the Second Task, and she was real now, watching her again. Hermione had returned for her final year at Hogwarts after the war, needing to complete the seventh year she had missed, seeking normalcy after all the chaos. But normalcy had a way of fleeing the second she stepped on Hogwarts grounds, whether the boys were there or not.

Hermione stood on the shores of the Black Lake, the cool evening air brushing against her skin as she gazed out at the dark, still water. The moon hung low in the sky, casting silver ripples across the lake's surface. She wrapped her arms around herself, the weight of her memories pressing down on her as she tried to make sense of the pull she felt toward the water. Something was drawing her here, something she couldn't ignore.

She took a deep breath, her heart racing as she stepped closer to the edge, her eyes scanning the dark depths. Was it foolish to think that the merwoman would come back? After all these years, after everything that had happened?

But then, as if in answer to her unspoken question, something shifted beneath the water.

Hermione's breath hitched, her eyes widening as she saw a figure rise from the depths, breaking through the surface with a graceful, fluid motion. The water clung to the figure's body, shimmering in the moonlight, and Hermione felt her pulse quicken as she realized it wasn't just any merperson—it was her . The merwoman from the Second Task, the one who had haunted her dreams for years.


Her name drifted through Hermione's mind like a distant echo, though she couldn't remember ever hearing it spoken aloud. The merwoman—Bellatrix—was beautiful, her dark hair flowing like ink around her as she hovered just beneath the surface, her pale skin glistening with water, her sharp features framed by the shimmering scales of her lower half. Her eyes, those same dark, piercing eyes, locked onto Hermione's with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

Bellatrix smiled—a slow, dangerous curve of her lips—as she lifted her hand, beckoning Hermione closer. There was something magnetic about her, something that pulled at Hermione's very core, and before she knew it, her feet were carrying her toward the water's edge, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You've been watching me," Hermione whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the water.

Bellatrix tilted her head, her smile widening as she rose further from the lake, her upper body emerging fully from the water. "I've been waiting for you," she replied, her voice low and seductive, the words rolling off her tongue like velvet. "I knew you would return."

Hermione swallowed hard, her body trembling with a mixture of fear and something else—something she couldn't quite name. "Why?" she asked, her voice shaky but steady enough. "Why have you been waiting for me?"

Bellatrix's gaze darkened, her eyes glinting with a predatory hunger as she reached out, her fingers brushing against Hermione's hand. "Because you are mine," she purred, her voice a soft, melodic whisper that sent a shiver down Hermione's spine. "You've always been mine."

Hermione's breath hitched, her heart racing as Bellatrix's fingers tightened around her wrist, pulling her closer to the water's edge. The pull, the magnetism, was stronger now, and Hermione found herself unable to resist. There was something about Bellatrix, something about the way her gaze burned into hers, that made her want to give in, to surrender.

"I can't..." Hermione began, her voice trailing off as Bellatrix's fingers slid up her arm, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. "I don't understand."

"You will," Bellatrix whispered, her lips brushing against Hermione's ear as she pulled her down to the water's edge. "You will understand everything soon enough."

Before Hermione could react, Bellatrix's lips were on hers, soft but demanding, and the taste of the lake and something dark and sweet filled her senses. Hermione gasped, her body trembling as the kiss deepened, Bellatrix's hands tangling in her hair, pulling her closer.

The water lapped at Hermione's feet, cool and inviting, but the heat between them was undeniable. Bellatrix's touch was electrifying, her fingers possessive as they roamed Hermione's body, claiming her with every caress. Hermione's heart raced, her mind spinning with the intensity of it all, but she couldn't pull away. She didn't want to.

"I've watched you for years," Bellatrix murmured against Hermione's lips, her voice a low, husky whisper. "I've waited for the moment when you would come back to me."

Hermione's breath hitched, her body trembling as Bellatrix's hands slid down her sides, her fingers trailing over the thin fabric of her school uniform, teasing, exploring. "Why me?" Hermione asked, her voice barely above a whisper as she gazed into Bellatrix's dark, mesmerizing eyes.

Bellatrix's smile was dark and knowing, her hands sliding lower as she pulled Hermione closer, her lips brushing against Hermione's neck. "Because you are my mate," she purred, her voice filled with dark satisfaction. "You belong to me, Hermione Granger. And now, you will never leave me again."

Hermione's body tensed, her heart pounding in her chest as the weight of Bellatrix's words sank in. Her mate? The idea sent a shiver down her spine, a mixture of fear and something deeper, something primal, stirring inside her.

Bellatrix's hands were everywhere now, her fingers sliding beneath Hermione's clothes, teasing her skin with every touch. The water was rising around them, lapping at Hermione's legs as Bellatrix pulled her deeper into the lake, her lips never leaving Hermione's skin.

"You can feel it, can't you?" Bellatrix whispered, her voice low and seductive as she pressed her body against Hermione's. "The connection between us. The pull. You were always meant to be mine."

Hermione's breath came in ragged gasps, her mind spinning as Bellatrix's words wrapped around her like a spell. The pull was undeniable, the heat between them burning hotter with every second. She could feel it—the connection, the bond that had been forming since that first encounter beneath the water all those years ago.

"I..." Hermione began, her voice trembling, but before she could finish, Bellatrix's lips were on hers again, silencing her with a searing kiss.

The world around them faded, the water rising higher, pulling them both deeper into the depths of the lake. But instead of the cold, oppressive silence that had once filled Hermione's nightmares, there was only warmth now, only the sensation of Bellatrix's body wrapped around hers, claiming her, marking her as hers.

"You're mine," Bellatrix whispered, her voice a soft, possessive purr as she pulled Hermione closer, her lips brushing against her ear. "And I will never let you go."

Hermione's breath hitched, her body trembling as the water closed in around them, pulling them both into its depths. She was lost—lost to the merwoman who had claimed her as her mate. The cold of the Black Lake should have been biting, should have chilled her to the bone, but all Hermione could feel was the warmth of Bellatrix's body against hers and the intoxicating heat of their connection.

The water swirled around them, pressing in from every direction, dark and heavy, but as long as Bellatrix's lips remained on hers, Hermione found that she could still breathe. Every time Bellatrix kissed her, it was like oxygen flowed directly from her, sustaining Hermione even as the depths of the lake swallowed them whole.

But there was something more—something deeper.

Bellatrix's lips moved against Hermione's, slow and possessive, and as their bodies sank further into the cold, dark water, Hermione's mind began to spin. Bellatrix wasn't just touching her; she was inside her mind, whispering through the connection that pulsed between them.

You will breathe when you accept the bond, Bellatrix's voice echoed softly in Hermione's mind, dark and alluring, wrapping around her like a spell. Only when you give yourself to me completely.

Hermione's eyes fluttered open in shock, the eerie silence of the water around them only amplifying the sound of Bellatrix's voice in her mind. Her heart pounded, her chest tightening as the water rose higher, pressing in on her from all sides. She could feel the pressure building, the weight of the lake pulling her deeper, and yet—Bellatrix's lips kept her alive, kept her breathing.

But only just.

You're not fully mine yet, Hermione, Bellatrix's voice continued, smooth as silk, her lips brushing against Hermione's in a teasing kiss. You have to give in. Let go of everything that holds you back and accept the bond.

Hermione's mind raced, her thoughts swirling in a chaotic mess as Bellatrix's words sank in. The bond—if she accepted it, she would belong to Bellatrix forever. The very idea sent a shiver down her spine, a mix of fear and something darker, something deeper. She had been resisting, hadn't she? Even as her body yearned for Bellatrix, even as her heart pounded with the thrill of being claimed, part of her had still held back.

But now... she didn't have a choice.

If you don't accept the bond, Bellatrix whispered through her mind, her voice darker now, tinged with menace, you'll die here, Hermione. You'll drown in the depths of the lake, and no one will ever find you.

Hermione's heart raced, the pressure in her chest building as the water closed in tighter, the cold seeping into her skin. But Bellatrix's body was warm, her touch was possessive and comforting, and the kiss that bound them together kept her just on the edge of life.

Let me claim you, Bellatrix continued, her lips still pressed to Hermione's, her voice a seductive whisper that filled every corner of Hermione's mind. Let me take you. Let me mark you as mine, and you will live, Hermione. You will live as my mate, forever bound to me.

Hermione's breath was shaky, her body trembling as she felt the weight of Bellatrix's words pressing down on her. The darkness of the lake was closing in, the cold stealing the last remnants of warmth from her skin. She could feel herself slipping, her heart pounding slower with each passing second.

You must let me inside you, Bellatrix's voice urged, her hand trailing down Hermione's body, possessive, claiming. Give yourself to me fully, and you will breathe.

Hermione's body was trembling now, her mind foggy with the lack of air. She could feel Bellatrix's hand slipping lower, her sharp nails grazing the tender skin of Hermione's thighs, and yet there was something oddly calming about the touch. Something that whispered to Hermione that this was right, that this was where she was supposed to be.

Bellatrix's fingers were not entirely human—they were fish-like, smooth and slick as they slid between Hermione's thighs, teasing her, drawing soft, involuntary gasps from her lips. Hermione's body arched into the touch, her breath coming in shallow bursts as Bellatrix explored her, her fingers cold and wet but somehow burning with need.

You want this, Bellatrix purred through the connection, her fingers brushing against Hermione's most sensitive spot, sending jolts of pleasure through her trembling body. You've always wanted this, even if you didn't know it.

Hermione's mind was spinning, her body aching for more even as the reality of her situation pressed down on her. She was sinking deeper into the lake, the water pulling her further from the surface, and yet—Bellatrix's fingers were sliding inside her, filling her, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fade away.

The slick, cold pressure of Bellatrix's fingers inside her was overwhelming, her body clenching around them instinctively, her hips arching into the touch as pleasure and fear blended into something far more intense. Hermione's breath came in shallow gasps, her chest tight as she tried to focus, tried to hold on, but the pleasure was building, rising like a tide that threatened to consume her.

You will drown if you resist, Bellatrix whispered, her voice dark and seductive as her fingers moved deeper, stroking Hermione from the inside in slow, torturous circles. But if you accept me, if you let me claim you, you will live. You will breathe.

Hermione's breath hitched, her chest tightening as the pressure inside her body built to an unbearable degree. The water was closing in, the darkness suffocating her, and yet Bellatrix's fingers kept moving, driving her closer to the edge, pulling her deeper into the depths of their bond.

Say it, Bellatrix commanded, her voice sharp in Hermione's mind, her fingers pressing deeper, harder. Say that you are mine, Hermione. Accept the bond.

Hermione's mind was foggy, her vision blurred as the water pressed down on her from all sides. She was drowning. She could feel it now—her lungs were screaming for air, her body trembling with the effort of holding on. But Bellatrix's fingers, Bellatrix's voice, were all that tethered her to life.

Say it, Bellatrix whispered again, her fingers curling inside Hermione, sending a wave of pleasure crashing through her. Say that you are mine.

Hermione's breath came in ragged, shallow gasps, her body shaking as Bellatrix pushed her further, deeper. The pleasure was unbearable, the need to breathe overwhelming, but Hermione couldn't hold on any longer. She could feel herself slipping, her mind fading as the darkness closed in.

And then, with one final, desperate breath, Hermione whispered, "I'm yours."

The moment the words left her lips, the pressure in Hermione's chest vanished, replaced by a flood of warmth that spread through her entire body. Bellatrix's fingers stilled inside her, and for the first time since they had entered the water, Hermione could breathe.

Bellatrix smiled, her lips still pressed to Hermione's as she whispered, "Good girl."

Upcoming prompts in case you wanted to add anything new get pumped up for anything:

Day 8 - CNC - Primal Play

Day 9 - Siren/Breeding Kink

Day 10 - Vampire Bellatrix

Day 11 - Alpha/Omega & Student/Teacher

Day 12 - Public/Voyeurism & Sub Bratty/Possessive Bellatrix

Day 13 - NonCon

Day 14 - Lovers & Enemies

Day 15 - Omega/Top Hermione & Academic Rivals

Day 16 - Professor/Student or Board of Govenors & Orgasm Denial

Day 17 - Cuddlefucking

Day 18 - Alpha Hermione/Omega Bellatrix & Size Kink, Bellatrix enjoys being degraded by a mudblood, Knifeplay

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