

I was upset to say the least.

Today he was going to his first day of high school 'another monotonous day like any other'.

I gave an exasperated sigh.

I opened the door that led outside and walked toward the prison we call school.

I looked up to see the entrance and with a bored step I passed the entrance 'I hope we don't have too many things to do today'.

I walked a little before suddenly some nearby voices from the back caught my attention, I turned around and stood behind the wall.

"Hirakawa, don't play dumb and pay the money for the can you threw away". Said a boy with brown hair and a rather intimidating build.

"Come on, you don't want to keep us waiting," said a boy with dark hair, quite short.

'Bullyngs?" I looked behind the wall with little to no interest 'I better get out' I said with a sigh but before I could speak the boy who was being bullied suddenly spoke up.

"Get off" he said with a serious look.

"or what ?" The taller one said, grabbing the boy by his shirt and lifting him an inch.

Everything happened so fast when suddenly blood gushed out of the tall boy.

The knife wielded by the boy was stabbed into the other boy twice before he let go and screamed in pain.

"Damn son of a bitch," said the shorter boy, throwing himself at the other boy.

The aforementioned boy smiled with a manic look that made the boy tremble in fear.

I dodge the attack and grab him by the waist and then kick his legs and knock him down.

He grabbed his knife and stuck it in his right leg. The boy screamed in pain with tears.

The boy was going to stab him again when I suddenly grabbed his wrist tightly "I think you should stop here" I said with a kind and calm smile.

The boy quickly turned around and kicked my stomach.

I grabbed his kick and lifted him up making him fall face first onto the ground.

The boy quickly got up and tried to stab me in the stomach but I grabbed his wrist and squeezed it hard making him grunt in pain.

I quickly pulled my hand forward and grabbed him from behind, turning him around while putting my hand behind his back and on top of him, immobilizing him.

"You're pretty impressive," he said with a sigh of relief.

"Get off,"The boy said, moving violently.

"calm down" those guys already left a long time ago "so there is no reason to fight anymore and I am not your enemy"

I said with a smile on my face "you are quite interesting, I like you let's be friends" my smile grew very big as the words left my mouth.

"that?" The boy looked at me surprised

"I think I should release you now," I said, loosening my grip and taking a few steps away.

The boy quickly stood up, putting away the knife he had in his hand.

"do you really want to be friends?" He said cautiously.

"Of course, my name is Shiro" I said extending my hand towards the "Shiro takaeda"

"Kazuyo Hirakawa" he said, squeezing my hand cautiously.

"From now on I declare that we are going to be friends"

The boy just nodded as my smile grew bigger.

I guess it wasn't going to be so boring after all...


Norrcreators' thoughts