


El miedo es la madre de la previsión ~ Thomas Hardy


Look at the vast blue ocean that we call sky. The best places to have a good lunch were always on the terrace or behind the school.

"Exactly what are we doing here?" Kazuyo took me out of my thoughts, he had already finished his lunch and was looking at me confused.

I took a bite of my cake before answering, "What do you mean?"

"Well you said something about creating a gang but all you're doing is lying there looking at the sky"

"That was just yesterday" I frowned, in fact yesterday we had just agreed to create a gang after that epic fight.

"So how exactly do you plan to recruit people? Do you even have a name yet?" Kazuyo scolded me angrily.

"You seem more excited than me." I shrugged my shoulders and stood up "well let's go and observe"

I walked towards the stairs in silence, Kazuyo simply followed me.

We got down completely and started walking towards the soccer field.

"Hey" a high-pitched voice stopped us halfway and we turned around to see who it was.

"my name is "Himari and I'm the president of the student council, nice to meet you," he said, bowing politely.

"Do you need us for something?" I looked at her with a friendly smile.

"It seems like you are first years and I wanted to know if you have already thought about some of your club options" he gave us a small smile "But of course they have all week to think about their options so there is no rush."

"Okay" Kazuyo and I nodded.

"Well, I'll say goodbye, see you around," he said, winking at us.

She disappeared from our field of vision and I ended up sighing "what club are you joining?" I looked at Kazuyo out of the corner of my eye.

"I guess the music one"

"wait to?" She turned around surprised, "do you like music?"

"Is that something strange?"He gave me a strange look.

"of course it's not just that you know you know your- your personality doesn't help anything you know"

"What is it about my personality?" Kazuyo frowned at me.

"Nothing, let's go and look for our third member" I said, quickly leaving in a direction to get out of the situation.

Kazuyo's footsteps followed me shortly after and we arrived at the field.

"Who do you think looks strong enough?" I looked at Kazuyo.

"How about him?" he said, pointing to a guy who was talking to some girls who were wearing cheerleading clothes.

"That's fine with me" I said walking towards a purple haired boy who was reading a book with a dark cover.

Kazuyo growled behind me but ended up following me.

"Hello!!" I said happily making the guy jump in fright.

He turned to look at us and ended up controlling his breathing, "Do you need anything?" He asked with distrust in his voice.

"Kazuyo, try it" I turned my gaze to Kazuyo with a half smile.

Kazuyo sighed and then kicked towards the purple hair.

The boy's eyes widened in surprise and he quickly raised his arms up in an attempt to defend himself. The force was enough to throw him to the side, making him roll.

Kazuyo put his foot down and looked at him. The boy stood up and dusted himself off. "What the hell is wrong with you!!?" He looked at us with surprise and anger.

Some applause behind Kazuyo caught the attention of the purple-haired boy.

"very well done, you are impressive" I applauded louder.

"you're crazy?"

"To be able to stop a kick without even paying full attention is incredible" I stopped clapping and gave him a friendly smile, "tell me what's your name?".

"My name is Kenshin" he spoke in a low voice.

"How did you know he knew how to fight?"

"Look at him, he looks completely like a real fighter" I pointed to Kenshin.

Kazuyo turned around and scanned him up and down.

Old shoes, a jacket that's bigger than it should be, discolored headphones on his neck and dark circles under his eyes.

"Are you going to tell me what you want?"

"I want you to join us" I looked at him happily.

"Join? What do you mean?" he asked with a confused look.

"it's our little group of misfits"

I heard the growl behind me but I just ignored it.

"And why the hell do you think I would join you?" He raised his voice in fury.

"Well that, I think that can be fixed" I said grabbing the book I had on the floor.

"Wait, that's private property." His face turned pale and he quickly tried to take the book from me.

"But what do we have here?" I said, avoiding their attempts to steal it from me. "What do you think the girls will think when they see how you take photos of them while they are practicing?"

His face became even paler "wait, let's make a deal please" he said kneeling down.

"I'm listening" I closed the book and looked at it happily.

"I'll join your group if you don't tell anyone about this."

"Perfect" I dropped the book in front of him and he quickly grabbed it, hiding it in his jacket.

I turned to the side so I could go look for another member.

"you are the devil"

"Did you say something?" I turned to Kenshin.

"nothing" he spoke quickly.

Kazuyo looked at us and clenched his fists remembering the guy from yesterday.

"Do you want to end up like you sister?"

"It was just that mafia guy."

Kazuyo opened the door excitedly "sister I'm here!" She spoke with a smile on her lips and went in search of her brother.

I hear some knocks from someone in a hurry at his sister's door.

Her door opened and she was sweating with her hair messed up.

"Kazuyo, I didn't hear you," his voice sounded brittle, it seemed like he wanted to fall to the ground and cry.

"sister something happens-"

Arms from behind hugged Kazuyo's sister.

"so this is little kazuyo, huh" he said licking his sister's neck.

She shivered in fear and Kazuyo could only clench his fists in anger.

The smile, his smile, that guy, I hated him, I hated him, I wanted him dead, so if I had to use this guy Shiro, He would use it for his own benefit and to destroy the stupid smile of the guy who hurt his sister and made her life hell.

"Kazuyo?" A voice woke him up from his thoughts.

"You were too quiet," I said, tapping his forehead gently.

"Come on, let's go" I offered Kazuyo a smile and started walking next to Kenshin.

"where we go?" Kazuyo asked, reaching us quickly.

"Let's go to this guy's house" I pointed to Kenshin.

"What!? Who the hell gave you permission to go to my house?"

I rolled my eyes "We need a base, you know?"

He gave a sigh of resignation "you have no sense of privacy, do you?"

"Did you say something?" I asked innocently.

"It doesn't matter" he spoke finely and began to guide the way towards his house.

We walked for some time and then he stopped in front of a simple looking house.

"Wow, is this your house?" I asked, looking at the house in amazement.

"Yes, but don't do anything strange, my mom is home," he spoke with a tired voice.

"I see the truth I thought it was going to be bigger" I said with disappointment.

He clenched his fists angrily but decided to just sigh and open the door "come in and don't break anything."

"Excuse me" I quickly entered, looking at every corner of the house with enthusiasm.

"Kenshin son, are these children your friends?" A woman asked coming out of the kitchen with a friendly voice.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Kazuyo and I bowed politely.

"But how adorable, let me make you some cookies. I'm very glad that my son does have friends." The lady spoke in a soft voice and left the room, heading to what was possibly the kitchen.

"Come, let's go to my room." Kenshin took us to the second floor and opened a door with a do not disturb sign.

"come in"

"wow" Look at the various posters of Chinese monkeys plastered around the room.

I climbed up the bed and started jumping happily.

"Hey, get off there" Kenshin tried to get me out of bed but failed miserably.

"Are you going to continue playing or are we going to talk about serious things?"

We stopped in our tracks and looked at Kazuyo.

Kazuyo sighed and explained.

"Shiro, you said you were going to create a gang but it doesn't even have a name, am I right?"

"ah, I-I have a name" I spoke trying to quickly search the room for a name.

"Like this? Then tell us which one it is" he spoke to Kenshin with an arrogant smile.

"Ah, huh, co-white fang" I spoke quickly after a few seconds of hesitation.

"White Fang?" Kazuyo asked, starting to think "not bad, not bad."

Three knocks on the door caught our attention.

"Come in" Kenshin spoke.

"Son, I didn't know you had such a beautiful friend."

"Mom, what do you mean?" Kenshin asked confused.

"Hello and sorry ma'am, but could you let us do the talking?" a girl with dark hair asked kindly.

"But of course" the lady laughed kindly and left the room, closing the door behind her.

The girl turned towards us and studied each of us, staying a few more seconds in Kazuyo before Kenshin spoke "who are you and why are you in my house?" his voice showed nervousness.

The girl gave us a mocking smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Nori."
