
Kings Of Speed

Maja Piwonska is the daughter of a former rally driver. You can say that the bent for fast cars is in her blood. Of course, after the girl learns that illegal races are taking place in her area, she decides to go watch them. But how much fun can give watching? She takes mother's Ibiza and goes on tour. There he meets the kings of the surrounding routes - the Olszanski brothers...

Alex_Ritter · Action
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14 Chs


Robert always explained that he had no time. However, that day he invited Ania to the lake, or rather agreed to meet her. They both left the chasers in the parking lot and went to cross the lake.

"I am glad that you agreed to spend some time with me" The girl hugged his shoulder.

"I have something important to tell you."


"As you recently noticed, I didn't devote too much time and attention to you. That's why I think it's time to break up." He stopped. "I think it's time to break up."

"What!? The girl jumped away from him. " You have to be joking!?

"If you were more intelligent, you would notice that I have been ignoring you for some time. In such situations, girls usually made me quarrels, after which each of us went our own way. And I think that today is a good time." He smiled.

"Are you breaking up with me!? And you still smile !? You really didn't feel anything for me this month?

"Have I ever told you I feel something for you? No. We were fine together for a while and that's it."

"What they tell about you is true!" She hit him in the face. "Bastard!" She ran away crying.

The man massaged his cheek.

"Nice hit." He heard behind him.

He turned around. A boy emerged from the bushes.

"And it's only you." It was his younger brother.

"Do you have another on your eye? It's a pity, because she wasn't ugly."

" And good in bed, but I had enough of her."

"So why are you dating all these girls?"

"To have fun." He smiled mischievously and patted his brother on the back.

" I'm bailing."

"Are you already hunting?"

"I'm going to drink and I want to take a break from women" His brother wanted to follow him, but when they were out of the woods he got something in his head.

"Ahh!" It hurt.

He turned to see what it was. It was a ball. He managed to bend for her, and he heard a woman's voice next to him.

"I am so sorry." Said the pretty brunette. "I can get the ball back." She asked.

"If you give me your number, why not?" He smiled mischievously.

"If you want it so badly, you can keep ball. " She turned and was about to return to her friends who played volleyball.

"Okay, hold it." He put ball in her hands. She smiled in thanks. "But I deserve some compensation, finally my head suffered. So if you don't invite me for a drink?" - He made goo-goo eyes.

"So the person who hit you should make an appointment with you? " He nodded. "Well, I'll talk to Bartek, maybe he'll go to the bar with you."


"I just came for the ball, and the culprit is the boy in the dark T-shirt with a disco ball print." She pointed at him. The blond face twitched in disgust.

"No thanks. I would prefer nicer company."

"Your loss." She shrugged and started walking.

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