
(Part 7)

"Hiss~ now this time the water felt refreshing~" Kenzo coming back to the lounge hissed drying his hairs. "You both are back?" asked Poseidon. "Yeah. We are." replied Helios. "See, I told you it was easy." Cassiel explained a question to Heber.

"Ah~ I never knew we could do it in that way as well." replied Heber astonished. "I still don't understand it though…" Ezekiel cried scratching his hairs with his pen.

"How about I teach you, if you don't mind Cassiel." Seraph asked Ezekiel and Cassiel. "No, I don't." Cassiel replied.

"Hey! Hey, what are you doing?" asked Adam jumping over Seraph's back. "Be careful. Don't jump around every time." Seraph uttered cross. "I will study as well!" exclaimed Adam, "Teach me too!!"

"But… it isn't of your grade." replied Seraph. "I don't mind!!" Adam replied. "I just want to write! Let me see…" Adam said as he grasped a pencil and turned the page of a workbook.

"No, not this. Nope. Too hard. Hm… this looks fine… no. How's that! How about I write ABC. I am quite good at it since, it's the easiest!" he claimed.

The middle schoolers gasped shocked.

"Phff… cough! Cough!" Ryan and Feng coughed together while Gabriel spilled the water dumbstruck. Ezekiel, Heber and Azazel gazed at Adam jaw dropped. "Oh my god…" Seraph slapped his forehead.

"Say, mind telling me how did, that brat even become a middle schooler?" asked Helios speechless.

Kenzo rolled his eyes uninterested. Xavier smiled at the sight before him coming out of the kitchen. A large tray resting in his arms. "Everyone, wrap everything up. Hot chocolate's ready." Poseidon called.

Hearing his words, Adam and Ryan stood up overjoyed as Ezekiel and Heber left their books aside. "Give me! Give me!" Adam asked impatiently. "No give me first!" urged Ryan. "No! Me first!" Azazel interfered out of nowhere pushing the two of them aside.

"Hey, go away I get first! The full filled cup!!" claimed Feng entering all of a sudden. Ryan and Adam clicked their tongues annoyed. Cassiel and Kenzo sighed while Helios and Seraph smiled at each other awkwardly.

"Calm down. Calm down." Said Poseidon fretful. The boys however, created more of a havoc.

Xavier who seemed to tolerate the ruckus for a long time kept the tray on the table. Taking a deep breath he suddenly slammed the table with a wooden spoon. "GONG!!" it echoed around.

The boys instantly froze, glancing at each other startled. Soon grasping Xavier's sight. Even Kenzo, Helios, Seraph and Poseidon looked at him stunned. Xavier however smiling lovingly, revealed a large wooden spoon cross.

"This little head of mine is buzzing all over, thanks to all the noise you're making. So kindly cease it down a little all of you!! Before I cease it for you. GENTLY…" he threatened.

Ryan, Adam, Feng, Azazel, Heber and Ezekiel gulped with the rest who shuddered. "Haha… thank you Xavier…" Poseidon gulped. "It's nothing… you're welcomed." Xavier replied once more smiling lovingly.

"Eh…? For a moment I felt chills going down my spine." Seraph gulped. Gabriel, Cassiel and Kenzo gazed at each other wordless. "Here you go." said Poseidon handing the cup to Adam.

'Look! Look! I got a little bit more than you." teased Azazel. "Hehe… me too." pointed Ryan. Ezekiel, Feng and Heber sighed. "That's not fair! I want more as well." Cried Adam in a whisper making sure not to wary Xavier who smiled back at him the moment he looked.

"Ekk!! He's still watching!!" Adam shuddered.

"Look… they are still there." Helios pointed at the high schoolers from the window seated over the low hill. "Huh?" Kenzo walked over to see the same sight. "Huh? Who are they?" asked Azazel clueless.

"Those highschoolers! You dumb!" Kenzo uttered annoyed hitting his head.

"It hurts, captain~" Azazel cried rubbing it back. "They seem to be really enjoying themselves…" Xavier assumed. "Looks like it hun…" said Seraph. "I heard they all met Alan after 2 years." told Cassiel.

"No wonder they wanted to talk together." said Feng. "Doesn't it feels nostalgic, do you remember captain, every one of our club members used to talk like this before playing any tournament match." Ezekiel remembered eyeing Helios and Poseidon who endorsed. "Yeah…" replied Poseidon.

"Us too! But… we always sat around a grand dinner table." told Heber eyeing Kenzo who seemed to be enjoying the given praise. "We also make a circle like that! Right Seraph, Cassiel!" asked Adam happily. "Hm…" Seraph nodded patting his head.

"Us, too…" whispered Ryan gazing at the hot chocolate inside his cup. "Yeah, we would all create a mess. Joking around and creating a ruckus with Vice-captain Xavier and the moment Captain Hugo would join us everyone would go all silent. Really… it's been so long since then…" continued Feng.

Xavier silently gazed at the hidden silhouettes from the window.

"Of course… our teams might've split up and broken apart. Some amongst us have also changed their paths… however, the fact that the past we shared with them was unchangeable and it forever will be is undeniable." Poseidon said.

The middle schoolers nodded at each other. Xavier gazing continuously remembered.


"Shh! don't tell the captain. Hehe!!" chuckled Mikael as Theo and Luth nodded laughing. "Tch, seniors what are you talking about! Tell us as well!" asked Feng grabbing Ryan from his shoulders while Rex stared at them wondering. "Oh! You're already here! Come here let me tell you something!" chuckled Mikael pulling the three of them forward.

"Hey, let me in as well." asked Hadi also entering the conversation.

The boys sitting around whispered as Xavier interrupted sitting in between them all of a sudden, "What are you talking about? Mind telling me, I feel interested as well all of a sudden."

The boys grasping his sight shrieked. "Oh my god! You scared me!!" cried Mikael while Hadi and Theo took deep breaths keeping their hands on their hearts. "Vice-captain?" asked Ryan, Feng and Luth together.

"Hm?" Xavier asked back puzzled. "Geez, you scared us, come on let me tell you to." Mikael repeated pulling Xavier's arm and making him sit in between them. Mikael whispering into his ears chuckled as the others around him heard whatever he was about to say.

Xavier upon his words blinked his eyes soon chuckling. "Pft, Haha… what was that? Did it really happen?" he asked surprised.

"Yup it did! Haha!!" Theo and Luth laughed. "It's embarrassing to even hear…" Ryan tried to control his giggle. "Haha, I bet captain would be furious after hearing about it." Feng laughed while Rex ignored.

The boys including Xavier laughed as a figure suddenly interrupted. "What's going on here? And what is it that I would be furious on?" it asked. The boys seizing their laughter suddenly stood straight.

"Captain?!" freaked Ryan and Feng. "Ah… Hugo's here…" whispered Mikael evading his gaze. Hugo looked at them stern. "Oh my god! He's angry for sure!!" hustled Hadi while Luth sighed. Xavier smiled standing up.

"Don't fret it Hugo… they weren't messing around. I was the one started it. My bad." He apologized. The boys looked at Xavier dazed. Hugo twitched his brow.

"I'm serious. I was the one at fault don't get angry on them." Xavier corrected once more. Hugo at a loss of words sighed. "Forget it. Let's get the training sheets back from the club room." He asked walking away.

Xavier nodding turned around to look at the boys. Smiling at them he winked his eye showing them a thumbs up. "Wah~ Xavier saved us again!" cried Mikael hugging Theo. "He always does that." Hadi rolled his eyes.

"Ah~ I thought I was done for at that moment…" Feng breathed in relief while Ryan stared at Xavier who walked away.