
(Part 4)

Suddenly a shadow flickered pass by. The boys looked around alerted, "Is someone there?" they asked each other confused. "Might've been a bird…?" suggested Azazel. "Are your eyes marbles or have you lost your brains? Which bird flies at night?" asked Kenzo slightly vexed. "Oh they do… like bats and owls." replied Seraph straightforwardly.

"Excluding those! Moreover, Will you keep your mouth shut?!" Kenzo responded frustrated. "But from my instincts, they might not be birds at all…" whispered Poseidon, "Can you hear the rustle around?" "But, I don't see anyone on the audience seats…" eyed Gabriel.

Suddenly, something flew past by once more. Ryan eyeing it in time pushed Adam down, "Watch out!!" he exclaimed. Soon the rest of them sensing danger held their bats in their hands. "Hey, don't tell me we are getting another surprise?" Ezekiel gulped. "Make a circle, you lot. And don't separate from each other!" Kenzo ordered as the boys instantly formed one.

"Keep your eyes open, that thing might fly past us again…" said Cassiel as another one went past Helios. Getting a hold of the object which flew right beside his ear shocking him and falling on the ground. He picked it up gazing gravely. "What is that?" asked Heber while the others surrounded looking keenly. "A ball?" they murmured together. "Oh my god! Now even balls are attacking us out of nowhere. Is this some kind of a special judgment day today?" Feng uttered flabbergasted.

"It's not any ball. This is a white Duke Ball. This ball is only used in international cricket tournaments." explained Xavier. All of them looked at each other in wonder. "An inch closer and it would've injured my face." added Helios cross, "Just who in the world is doing it?" "Stay alert! There are more coming!!" called Kenzo as he saw another one approaching. "Ah~ my queen was carving for this! Come on!!" he called while smashing the ball back with his bat. "Haha! A six!" Cheered Adam gleaming.

"Watch out, Heber!" called Azazel as Heber turned around and smashed another one. "Brother Feng!" called Ryan hitting again. "A six~?" called a mischievous voice. "That was an out!" approaching onto the audience's seat and settling himself down, with the ball bouncing up and down in his hand. A golden badge glowed on his jersey's top. "Huh? Who is that?" asked Ezekiel. "Look, look! He caught King Kenzo's shot!" Adam pointed out. "Tch! Now who is that rascal?" Kenzo questioned eyeing the hidden figure annoyed.

"No Kenzo, there isn't one, there are more." Xavier informed hitting back. "Tch! Troublesome!" Gabriel uttered looking above. "Not half bad, Ren. At the very least they are returning our balls." smiled Noah standing beside him. "It's no good. They don't satisfy me, tch! What a bunch of weaklings. Catching their shots is like catching rabbits." commented Orion catching the ball effortlessly, shot by Helios.

"Say… should we increase our levels a little?" questioned Nagi coming inside from the other side. "Seems fun!!" replied Aigou delivering the ball again. "Say Kazuna… why don't you throw your ghost delivery?" suggested Isa. "That might as well end them." he sneered.

"Those bastards, who they hell do they think they are?!" angered Gabriel. "Don't lose your cool every one. They might be the so feared highschoolers we were desperately waiting to meet." disclosed Seraph. "Heh~ now I get it! Then what's there to lose? Let's face them head on!" ordered Kenzo.

"You're right, captain! How much I wanted to ball." Azazel took his position aiming towards Ren who sat leisurely. "Ah! Looks like they already know about us. Doesn't it makes things more interesting?" asked Senri walking forward, twirling his bat.

Kazuna taking a deep breath ran forth aiming his ball towards the boys on the stadium below. "My Ghost delivery your highness? They are 100 years too early for that!" he called releasing the ball from his grip as it flew towards Ryan and Feng with the speed of light. "Watch out!" called Xavier as Ryan slammed his bat towards it. "So Heavy!!" he thought taken aback. However, unable to hit back, the bat in Ryan's hand broke into two. "What the!" uttered Adam and Heber baffled.

The ball soon bouncing back injured Feng on his leg. "Augh!!" he winced kneeling. "Feng!" Xavier and Ryan rushed over. "What in the world was that?" asked Cassiel baffled. "My turn! My turn!" called Aigou hitting the ball with his bat as the air surrounded it creating a big explosion.

The ball flung beside Poseidon and landed with a loud bang. "Yay!! I did it, I did it. It was good! Right Elias?" Aigou asked playfully. "Yes, it was good. But, I am afraid they weren't able to handle It." replied Elias smiling as he gazed at the stadium covered in dust below.

"Disappointing!" Zachariah spoke disappointed gazing at the boys below who stood back up shocked and bewildered at the same time. "Is this the level of the high schoolers?" questioned Seraph, his hands trembling. "Unbelievable…" Gabriel wiped the sweat off his face.

"Something tells me… that facing the outside world won't be that easy." added Helios standing back up. Poseidon walked forth swinging his ball before him.

Ryan too getting back up, threw his broken bat away while grabbing a ball from the ground. "Hey… you bunch of lunatics. The person you hurt there was my senior brother. And, that really pissed me off! That ball I wonder what was its name again…Yeah, Ghost delivery or whatever, let me show you something much astounding than that!!" he exclaimed running forth as he spun the ball between his middle fingers and whoosh it went straight into the gaps between the audience stage right where Kazuna stood. "Wah~ what guts!!" Ren clapped his hands amused.

"Way to go you brat!!" claimed Kenzo. "Looks like, I might as well join the fun." Xavier smirked twirling the ball between his fingers. "Haha! That's right! Let us return some more of their lunatic balls my Queen!!" exclaimed Kenzo, aiming his bat towards Aigou, Zach and Elias. Poseidon sat down, helping Ezekiel and Feng. Helios eyeing him gently patted his shoulder. "Don't worry Poseidon, I'll play on your behalf. Take care of Ezekiel and Feng will you?" he asked caringly.

Poseidon nodded, "Of course!" Helios assured picked up his ball walking ahead. Striking like thunder, Ryan's ball went past Kazuna however, at that instant Kazuna lifted his right palm and grabbed the ball with his bare hands.

"Weak!" he uttered throwing it back again. "Yippee!! Give me that Ghost delivery as well, I want to hit it too." beamed Adam jumping up and down. "Really, I guess it's finally my time to shine." Senri walked beside Kazuna. "Those little freaks have gone into rage mode." he added.

Adam instantly hit the ball thrown by Kazuna right back as Senri who stood above rallying against him. "Say~ I am tired. Those boys are tired as well. Let's, put them to sleep. I am not enjoying this at all." Isa looked at his finger nails disspointed. From the start he had'nt even moved an inch.

"Me too. I am bored. Looks like not letting them sleep made them really weak. That Rauf!" Ren added. "No way! I haven't even played against them!" cried Orion pointing his finger towards them. "Do you want to send them to the hospital playing them like this? Look some of them are already exhausted. It's well if we end It." debated Nagi, "Moreover, Rauf is watching us. We have no choice but to stop here."