"Seeing the team list you still didn't join, right?" Feyz stood before him upset.
"Hun?" Alan asked, "It's my choice. Who are you butt in?" he uttered blatant. "Moreover, teams are selected by Head coaches not me." he added walking to the middleschoolers who glared at Feyz.
Adam annoyed stood before Alan.
"Last time… it was you wasn't it?" Feyz looked at Seraph, "The boy who destroyed the tree with my ball?"
Seraph realizing his 'too much power' scenario looked away scratching his hairs. Suddenly a thump leaving his chest, he snickered, "Yeah…" his voice haughty, "It was me. Your delivery was so it made me laugh back then." he taunted.
Alan looked at him stunned beside the rest.
"Cleve persona?!" Cassiel thought baffled.
Seraph's gaze mischievous he walked to Feyz. Tracing his two familiar friends he warned, "Going for our Platinum before even facing us? You sure are on turbo aren't you? A little slow you idoits, or else you'll trip on your faces!" he jeered.
"You bastard!" Feyz glared burning red in fury while Seraph snickered adding fuel to the fire.
Evan keeping his hands on his eyes exhaled while the highschoolers chuckled along with Haitam, Romeo and Rovan. Kenzo elated dabbed Seraph's back proud, "Now that's King Kenzo ShahJahan's team!" he declared before Lahore. Helios delightedly agreed.
Ashura glanced at Alan and Rauf next haughtily.
"I bet he is going to curse his split personality once he realizes what he's done." Ryan assumed while Adam stared at Seraph with his checks blushing red in delight. "So cool!" he punched his fist in the sky instead.
"Don't disappoint me…" Ashura uttered stepping beside Rauf.
Rauf sneered, "Were you disappointed last time? No, right? So don't even say it. Raising your own ? Who knows what might happen this time." Ashura glared mad as Rauf walked away.
"We are heading to the top of the world…" he declared loudly.
All teams turned to him attentive.
"We are staking our lives to win…" he added as the highschoolers joined him by his side.
"We are bound to do it!" Alan walked next.
"And those who stand before us… despite being our comrades or rivals are all going down!" Rauf claimed poised.
Middleschoolers standing by their side at last, all declared war.
"Raise your bats up boys! It's time for action!" Alan pointed his bat at them.
"Haha!" Haitam laughed amused.
Ashura and Akbar glaring gravely left while Suleiman snickered arrogantly.
The mood dying down Rauf exhaled. "Pain in the neck…" he uttered exhausted.
"You did it because of that?" Isa asked speechless.
"I realized though." Romeo dabbed Rauf's back.
"What's the point of fighting here when you can fight in the stadium?" Zachariah asked over the pointless farce.
"Exactly, it makes them look childish." Elias added.
Suddenly a figure went past by Alan immediately hiding behind Zach and Haruf. "Oh my?!" Haruf glanced behind puzzled.
"Sh…! Please don't move or else they'll find me. I am tired." he cried. Tracing the person… who else could it be else than our lovely, charming idol 'Aaron'.
"Disadvantages of being an idol." Evan stated blatant.
"Oh come on!" Aaron retorted in a whisper.
"What is going on?" Poseidon and Ezekiel asked him behind Zach and Haruf.
"Fans…" Aaron replied beat.
"Pft! Haha! More like ladies." Alan teased.
"Right~ ladies." Ren, Noah teased again.
The middleschoolers glanced at each other speechless.
"Are there many of them?" Xavier asked concerned.
Suddenly a bunch of girls rushed around calling, "Leon! Oh Leon~ where are you~?"
Aaron hearing their voices shuddered while Haruf giggled amused.
"Pft!" Romeo, Aigou, Alan, Adam, Azazel and Ryan laughed.
"That's what you get for writing love songs." Kazuna pointed him responsible.
"Excuse me? I haven't even released that yet." Aaron retorted embarrassed.
"Rather than throwing a tantrum, comb you hairs down and wear your hoodie." Rauf advised.
"Yeah, right…" Aaron followed.
"Why didn't you come this time though?" he asked Alan.
"Huh?" Alan said.
"Yeah, I was missing my team. It didn't felt complete without 'Mars'" Aaron said.
"Mars?" middleschoolers thought clueless.
However, Ezekiel on the contrary stood stunned, "Mars…?"
"You are aware of it?" Poseidon asked.
Ezekiel nodded abruptly, "Aaron's joint idol group 'Mars', it isn't an official group however, there are two more people who stand on the stage beside him. One of them is the composer and the other one is the dancer along with Aaron as the singer, that group is known as 'Mars'." he explained.
"Heh~ you sure do know well." Aaron winked.
"Not this time. You looked matchless on the stage alone. I enjoyed that sight. I'll help you in the world cup." Alan replied.
"Don't tell me… you are a part of Mars?!" Heber uttered baffled.
"Of course, I am." Alan shrugged his shoulders unfazed, "You all didn't know?"
The middleschoolers stood with their mouths a gape. "Moreover, amongst the highschoolers there's one more in Mars. Can you guess?" Alan asked.
"Another one from the highschoolers?" Ezekiel blinked.
"Yup." Elias smiled. The middleschoolers stood speechless once again.
"Who can it be?" Azazel studied the highschoolers inquisitive.
"Dancer… it must be a dancer. The last member's height is also tall." Ezekiel guessed.
"Right, Alan is the composer while I am the singer. As for the dancer…" Aaron turned to the Senri.
"That's me!" Senri winked.
"Unbelievable…" Kenzo smacked his forehead.
"I am seriously quite envious of people attaining more than one aim in their life." Seraph added not even surprised anymore.
Xavier chuckled beside Cassiel and Helios.
"They are tiring in their own way." Gabriel complained.
"Wow." Adam clapped his hands beside Ryan who well… what can you expect would be like? It was as if every middleschooler was born to stand flabbergasted before them.
The highschoolers on the contrary giggled entertained. "Your match is about to commence soon right?" Alan asked Romeo.
"Yeah, we'll take our leave now." Romeo replied.
"Best of luck." Alan encouraged him.
Romeo nonetheless exhaled, "Rather than wishing me luck. I suggest you better pick up your pace and think of a way to ask for sparring your life since…"
All of a sudden something hit Alan's back harshly 'Smack'. All of them immediately turned around. Romeo kept his hand on his forehead obvious instead.
"Ouch! Who the hell…!" Alan angered turning around to find a shoe resting on the ground. However, right behind it, a 4 wheeled metal chair appeared. Over it a beautiful, young lady sat. Her hairs wavy, long and caramel brown, eyes sky blue with a complexion fair white. She wore a long silver white gown.
Her cheeks puffing red, she glared at Alan displeased. A slipper resting in her other hand, she once again smacked his back, "You little brat!"
'Smack' went the noise again.
"Yikes!" Feng flinched hiding his eyes while the rest looked at the sight baffled.
"I only witnessed my mama doing that…" Heber whispered.
"Correct, got beaten with a slipper." Cassiel agreed.
"You all went through that?" Kenzo asked amazed.
"Yeah, you idiot king. No one even touched you. How'd you know that?" Ryan mocked. Kenzo twitched his brow annoyed.
Romeo on the contrary smiled confused yet lovingly.
Alan not even flinching a bit stared at the girl wide eyed. "Maria…?" he whispered.
"Hmph! Now that's what you get for being arrogant and disobedient!" she scolded sitting straight taking a deep breath. "Always making me worried." she complained.
"Maria?" "Lady Maria?" highschoolers from both team pointed surprised.
"Yup, it's me. Good to see you everyone." Maria beamed waving (a sudden mood swing).
"Wow, how pretty you've become." Aigou complimented.
"And sweeter." Isa added going over.
"Hehe, no need to flatter me. You all have grown up quite fine-looking too." Maria chuckled.
"Haha, a high-five for that." Senri gave his palm which she clapped.
The middleschoolers gasped. "Pretty…" Adam complimented blushing. Azazel too looked at her slightly red.
"So she is Maria." Helios realized.
"But…" Poseidon asked wary.
"Yeah, she just can't walk." Aigou read his mind. Kenzo looked stern.
"She underwent an accident when she was five. Her spinal system suffered quite a damage which resulted in (A paralyzing disorder that causes both legs to stop working). She has been like that since then." Nagi informed.
Poseidon shuddered, "Just like… me?"
Helios glanced at him anxious.
Looking at Alan who stared at her stern, Maria puffed her cheeks again, "My shoes. I threw both of them at you, I need to get them."
Alan without a word knelt down picking them up. Maria confused stopped him, "Don't… I'll do it."
"It's alright. Just think of giving me a punishment." Alan smiled.
"Whoa…" Cassiel blinked.
Maria narrowed her gaze. "Do you even know how many times I called you just to ask how you were? A million times! Just ask Romeo if you don't believe me." she scolded. Her voice as light as a feather, "And here you were asking who the hell I was?"
Alan silently unfastened the shoe strap, putting her shoes on apologizing, "I'm sorry…"
A sudden sympathy and guilt arising in her heart Maria exhaled, "Don't be, Alan. I was earnestly worried. It's been two years already. No call, no messages nothing. I even asked Romeo to contact Rauf."
Alan apprehended his mistake.