"Say, Elias…" Alan's voice entered.
Elias turned around.
"Why don't we all play this match together?" he proposed.
Elias blinked, "Huh?"
"Hm, every single one of us on that field?" Ren continued.
Zach smiled while Nagi and Haruf nodded.
"Wow, I am invested. Honestly, how do we even do that? Break rules?" Orion proposed intrigued.
Seraph glanced at Gabriel and Kenzo perplexed.
Alan pointed towards the field where Helios bowled, "Old man Nidou, once told me that if a member of a team is struggling or feels that something is amiss. Something, that might become a heavy remorse for them in the future. Especially, if they're not on the field. We need to come together. We have to unite and support those who are fighting out there. Back then, we made this mistake while playing the world cup, our high schoolers never gave us a chance or accepted our advice. So now, why don't we change and Let's give it a try?"
Elias, silent for a while nodded as Nidou exhaled. "You remembered it?" he mumbled.
"We can't change the past but we can definitely change our present and future." Noah said.
Nagi turned to the middle schoolers, "How's it? You all in?"
"I don't know what it all means but until we win we're in." Gabriel replied sternly.
"Yeah, you all suddenly acting so worked up is bizarre. God knows what you all are going on and on about. Regardless, my team mates are in there giving their all. Anything for them." Kenzo stated.
Adam slightly surprised asked, "Were your high schoolers not good as well?"
Ren smiled, "To tell you the truth. We were stronger than them. Rauf, Evan, Haruf, Isa, Alan, Nagi, Zach, we all exceled in cricket in our own way. Who knows, when it created an over our high schoolers that they never liked us much. Rauf was in the hardest position of all. There was never a day when he wasn't beaten up by them." he recalled.
"Yeah, Evan used to prepare the first aid beforehand every day. The rest of us were sophomores and first years at that time. We did not have much knowledge, Rauf was our 'pick a fight with' person too, haha. Now it makes me laugh. Why did we even pick up fights with you?" Senri chuckled, patting Rauf's shoulders while tilting his head towards the right, trying to take his attention.
Rauf exhaled wordlessly.
"Any ways, with this our decision making wasn't even heard more or less implemented. And, they blamed us when we lost the world cup. Was Indian tyranny not enough?" Noah scratched his hairs annoyed.
Musa and Seles exchanged glances while the middle schoolers looked at each other silently.
"Well, Good for you, you won't get bored, right Alan?" Senri asked.
"Alan agreed, "Not even in ages. Let's help them. It's Islamabad after all. Rather than letting us go to the world cup they rather take the stage for themselves once more."
Rauf's expression hidden, he smiled, as if what he wanted to do was achieved effortlessly.
The last ball of the thrid over, Helios rushed towards the popping crease delivering a high, knuckle delivery.
Slower than his usual deliveries, it made its way towards Ibn Sena. "He suddenly went slow? Is this a mirage?" he thought however, sensing the ball's identical speed as Helios bowled before, Ibn Sena struck it high over Helios's head.
A sudden glint of light flashing through his eyes, Helios simply leapt, high and up, his hand stretching to his limit.
Ryan immediately ran behind a little away from the non-striker's wicket as Isa and Ibn Sena looked at him staggered.
"Oh… dear." Seon Yul gasped.
The ball high, grazing the tips of his fingers, Helios arduously pushed it back however, only managing to slow it down. He landed on the ground on both his feet stumbling backwards, and stopping his fall with his hand on the ground.
Ryan, grabbing the ball in the meantime didn't gave the batsmen a chance to run.
Life once again holding onto Ibn Sena's rapidly thumping heart, Helios grinned. However, looking back at Ryan an unconvinced expression suddenly enveloped his face.
"Beautifully executed! Helios Zadeh shakes Ibn Sena once again as he delivered a high, straight delivery which was returned the same way back. But with incredible finesse, he's managed to stop it dead with just his fingertips. That's a masterclass in control and precision—an outstanding display of skill to prevent any further run scoring. The ball's trajectory is halted and safe in Ryan's grasp, and the crowd appreciates Helios's fine touch and agility as we move towards the 4th over…" Maaz commented.
"Hiss…" Helios rubbed his arm as Isa asked, "Are you okay?"
Helios nodded, "Yup, just stretched too hard. Sorry, I couldn't get a hold of it."
"I think we'd appreciate it more if you don't push yourself too hard." Aigou said, slightly concerned.
Helios smiled handing the ball back to the umpire, "This is the only time to push myself the hardest. If not, then we can't assure our victory."
Isa sighed.
Poseidon coming up to Helios gave his hand.
Helios clapped it, feeling encouraged once more.
Ibn Sena narrowed his gaze at Helios puzzled, thinking, "Again. It's as if he's stuck on taking my wicket."
"The Third over concluding, Islamabad accumulates 30 runs on a wicket's loss. With the run rate of 10.00 and a boundary or six in every over, Islamabad is definitely on a good start. On the other hand, Karachi kings within this power play must ensure wicket taking and implement run ceasing strategies to avoid future pressure…" The commentators discussed.
As night fell, the floodlights flickered on all around illuminating the lush green field.
"Phew~!" suddenly the dressing room's door opened as a middle aged adult stepped inside Islamabad's pavilion. Wearing a long black coat under a white t-shirt and blue jeans, he hung onto his brown Fedora hat. The other hand grasping a bundle of files. Hairs golden brown and eyes grey, he smiled at boys settled before him.
"Well how's it going? An LBW appeal, a wicket, Elias's shot and a magnificent catch attempt. Are they playing with your anxious hearts?" he asked, curiously. "The catch attempt in the end got the crowd cheering real hard. The sponsors are all talking money, haha." he jested.
Soon, Basid replied alienated from the topic, "You are finally here, Amit. We were bored alone."
"Welcome back." Azam waved.
"It's quite fun out there isn't it? You're late Amit." Wasif added, "Ibn Sena and Seon Yul are rocking!" he showed a victory sign.
Romeo nodded looking around, "Come join us, Amit."
The last thing the man could expect from the bunch of kids before him as he immediately sighed, his brow raised and the smile on his face transformed to a neutral line, "Honestly, it's Hamit NOT Amit, first of all." he corrected walking towards them, "And, rather than correcting them you are on their side, Romeo? Unbelievable."
"Hehe…" Romeo chuckled.
"Secondly, quit laughing. I was the one who asked? Why are you questioning me back?!" Hamit asked in disbelief.
Juhan looked at Hamit with his arms crossed and said, "You seem pretty forlorn. Did Coach Nidou rough you up?" His tone was serious but laced with sarcasm that Hamit quickly picked up on. "What? What do you mean, 'rough me up'? Yeah, he needs all the work done despite his haggard and tired from the world appearance and mentality. You all are the main cause, geez." He adjusted his hat. "Any team's coach would do the paperwork for the match as soon as possible." he mumbled.
Basid, pretending to be hurt, chimed in, "Oh, are you fed up with us now, Amit? Have you lost your affection for us? Too bad we are not loved anymore, Emmad."
Hamit just stared at him, speechless, while Venus, Emmad and Rovan chuckled at the exchange.
"We are just joking, Head Coach Hamit. Please don't take it to heart. Karachi kings are undoubtedly strong but we aren't quitters either. We'll give it our all and win." Romeo assured.
Hamit smiled looking at the field, "I don't expect any less from you all."
Kazuna, Aaron, Senri, Isa, Nagi, and the middle schoolers discussed their power play strategies.
"Seon Yul is a pace ball returner. He will go all out in the upcoming three overs. As for Ibn Sena, he is one as well. He'll surely assist him," Kazuna said.
"He's right. He won't miss this opportunity, and if he does score runs, we'll be in for a huge target. Elias said we should aim to keep them under 170," Nagi added.
"170…" Isa considered seriously.
"How about I go in there?" Aaron proposed.
Isa shook his head.
"No, not right now. The pitch is still damp; it will be quite difficult for you to control the ball. Xavier took a wicket in his first over. If he gets another in this over, I'll send Poseidon next. How about it?"
"Why not Aaron?" Aigou asked, confused.
"I don't want to reveal everything right from the start. You are my last resort, Aaron," Isa explained, "As well as you, Kazuna."
Kazuna and Aaron nodded lightly.
Azazel looked at Heber and Ryan wordlessly.
"I don't have the slightest bit of idea when to interrupt." Feng whispered in Heber's ear.
"My sentiments exactly." Heber murmured back.
"I think Isa's right. Helios and Xavier's bowling is in sync right now. If I were in his place, I wouldn't disrupt their pace either," Senri concurred.
"Alright, good luck." Nagi patted Kazuna's shoulder as he walked back.
Isa's gaze traced Zachariah. Even from afar, he could see him smile—a smile full of support.
Isa smiled back, then positioned the field once more.