
Kings And Queens

21++ Mature Audience Only Why? Why he doesn't want to touch me? I've already become his wife?" Helena doesn't know how to act, feel sad or happy? The man is married to her, didn't even glance at her on the first night. How lowly is she in the eyes of King Aarez? If not for Queen Revania's request, Helena would not want to marry King Louis. A man of all perfection, Even King Louis Aarez already has a beautiful Queen and two empresses. e He is an idol for the people of Aarez."

Sita_eh · Teen
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178 Chs

In The Bathroom: The Second Time With King Aarez

Actually, in Helena's mind, she was thinking..., doesn't King Louis know that her fingers are still in bad shape? Or was this the new punishment handed down to her?

"Why do you look so weak? I can't feel your massage at all, Empress Helena," Louis pouted deliberately.

"Oh yeah? Maybe because my ten fingers haven't fully recovered yet, have you forgotten that you once intended to cripple me, Your Highness?" Helena was silent with her words. She stopped massaging Louis' shoulders. Aware of her uncontrollable speech.

"Oh my... what did I just say just now?" Helena's face started to become panicked.

"So..? It's all my fault, what do you think all along, Empress Helena?" asked Louis, slowly starting to turn around.

Helena feels more awkward. She quickly hid her hands behind her back. "Your Highness, that's not what I meant, I beg you... don't misunderstand again."