

Lumielle never slept much. The morning sun was up and she was already in her bed, a book in her hand. Evangeline always sighed, claiming that she should get some more rest but it was in vain. Smiling, she looked to see the door had opened.

"Eva?" She queried but instead, she saw a white-haired male.

"Did you know entering a woman's room without permission is quite rude?" Lumielle inquired as Asterias didn't move an inch.

Grinning, the male ran his fingers through his tousled locks, "I didn't enter. I'm waiting for permission."

Closing the book that she was reading, she placed it by her nightstand table. "Then, I suppose you'll be waiting for eternity."

"Didn't you enter my room without my permission once?" Asterias hummed, he had an innocent smile on his face as Lumielle sighed.