
Kingly adventures

This story is a fanfiction of the webnovel, ' The King of The Worlds'. The protagnist travels to different worlds and conquers them, in order to take their unique resources and advance his own kingdom. This is my first work so reviews are desired. For advance chapters, you can go to my Patreon page; P A T R E O N. C O M / novicewriter This book is also being uploaded on wattpad and Patreon. ______________________________________________ Discord Link: discord.gg/em6yY2d Disclaimer: I only own the MC and my unique ideas in relation to this fictional work. ______________________________________________ Self Promotion by the author: My original story, 'The Forsaken Son' is being uploaded under Eastern Fantasy Genre.

novice_writer · Anime & Comics
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135 Chs

Chapter 120: The Campaign (Part 1)

Alexander was brought out of his cultivation session as someone poked his nose. He opened his eyes in irritation and saw Rose standing before him with an embarrassed expression. Alexander said nothing as this was the way Rose woke him up daily as dragons and he in particular, was a very heavy sleeper. He stretched his massive body and looked towards his bodyguards, who were watching the whole scene attentively. Alexander could see traces of amusement in their eyes and said, " Not a word or a video should be released about this matter or I will personally prepare a track for you all. Believe me, you will not enjoy it. Now, what happened, Rose?"

Rose replied in a serious voice, " Master!!! The next batch of Cultivators is ready and Huang Xiaolong has taken birth. The preparation for the invasion is also complete."

The atmosphere turned serious and Alexander nodded and said, " Tell them to assemble all the Cultivators, in front of the realm gate. Also, call a meeting with the generals of the army. I will arrive in a few hours."

Alexander then gave out an order of return to all the cultivators present in the origin verse. Alexander could sense the grumpiness of some of his subjects but didn't react to that. He was not a petty ruler and knew that it was not possible that all his orders would be well received by his subjects. He didn't further dwell on the thoughts of his subjects and shifted above the realm gate.

His sudden appearance caused quite a panic in the city and a few turrets were fired upon him. The planet destroying lasers bounced off his scales, and created quite a mess around the city walls. Thankfully, nobody was harmed. The lasers were capable of destroying planets of lesser worlds but the density of origin verse was very high. The turrets only make a few metres deep craters in the ground when fired at full power. The weapons employed by the kingdom forces were under upgradation in order to achieve their previous lethality but it would take decades to achieve this. Alexander had forbidden the use of experimental weapons in live situations till they are tested thoroughly.

Alexander snorted and said, " While I appaluad your reactions, I had hoped that you would be able to atleast recognise your king. And what's with this unnecessary panic, all of you are powerful Cultivators, yet you got afraid of a 20 kilometer long and 2 kilometer tall dragon, we have faced bigger beasts in the deep oceans of cultivation worlds. Well, the veteran forces have. I will need to rectify this. Continue your work, new orders will be given soon."

Alexander took one look of the city and entered the realm gate. On the other side, he transformed to his human form and shifted to his room. He freshened up and took a short nap and arrived in the war room, just on time. Alexander watched as 14 men and women saluted him and waited for his commands. There were no chairs or tables in the war room. Alexander waved his hand and a hologram activated showcasing 14 white orbs. The biggest one was in the centre while the rest surrounded it. A few spots on the biggest orb and another one were coloured in gold.

Alexander spoke up, " The golden spots are the areas conquered by us. Since a decade, we were fully focussing on the conquest of the origin verse. We have conquered 5 percent of zone-1 in these ten years as for zone-2, we have conquered not even one percent of it. As for Yellow Dragon Universe, we have conquered 1,000 galaxies in it. Now, the next batch of 30 quadtrillion Cultivators in God Realm and above has been prepared. I have recalled our forces present in origin verse back to the realm city. At first, I was going to send the newbies on campaign but now, all the military power of the kingdom will be focussed on this venture. You were given dossiers on the campaign plan. Do any of you have any suggestions?"

A scarred middle aged man's rough voice sounded in the room, " Your Highness!! A majority of our troops have no experience in fighting a war. We, ourselves, don't know the proper way to utilise the might and numbers of our troops. None of us here, have the exprience to direct the 2 quadtrillion personnel under us. We also don't know the about the way these Cultivators fight in large scale wars. We also don't know the exact situation of the 12 universes. I have only one suggestion. We should deploy all our 30 quadtrillion rookies in a single universe and swiftly conquer it. Then, focus on others one by one."

Alexander spoke up, " This is not the matter of rapid conquest. I am preparing to train ourselves in fighting long-drawn out wars, on multiple fronts. In the vast existence, some top-tier cosmic entities and their armies, are constantly fighting for trillions of years, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly; sometimes openly, sometimes in shadows. Their single command decides the fate of trillions of multiverses. They command legions of kings who vastly overpower me. Even the lowest soldier of their forces is capable of singlehandly laying waste to our kingdom. That's why we need to train ourselves."

One female general asked in a serious voice, " Your Highness!! You told us that the cosmic entities don't like someone weaker spying on them and they surely attack the other party. So, how did you come to know about this?"

Alexander sighed and spoke, " They are so powerful that they don't care about ants like us watching them. Even I, as a king, is no worth to them. They let us watch them in order to create fear, awe, respect, etc. in the mind of weaker life-forms. You all, should remember this, nothing is eternal in this existence. It is entirely possible that an insignificant combatant can become a very importance piece in their massive wars. They let us watch so that some sort of impression is left behind on the onlookers. It doesn't matter if the impression is negative or positive. These old fellows are extremely skilled in manipulation and planning. Their plans comes into play after eons of waiting, so we cannot even guess their end goals.

We need to focus on conquest of this world right now. I plan to have 4 quadtrillion Cultivators attack every universe while the rest 12 quadtriliion will remain on the mainland, in order to provide backup. I will open the realm gate to a secluded corner of the universe. After the whole mortal realm is conquered, you will all return back to the origin verse. We will not launch our attacks on higher realms right now. It will take us decades to conquer the mortal realms of the 12 universes. The attack must be swift and deadly. We must not give the locals a chance to gather their forces. Also, beware of any formations laid down at the headquarters of any force, it doesn't matter, how insignificant they appear to be. It's a guarantee that not all our soldiers will return but the conquest must not stop, till we have gained significant foothold in all the universes. Now, prepare yourselves, you all are going to be participating in a long conflict. We will move at dawn."

The generals nodded and left. Alexander turned off the hologram and sighed, " I will have to conquer some planets in the 12 universe, in order to act as bases."

He shifted to the realm gate and arrived in one of the twelve universe. He swiftly conquered 5,000 miles in area and left. He then, shifted to the other 11 universes and proceeded to do the same. Since, all the 12 universes were part of the same universe, eons ago, they had the same space-time signature so his bloodline didn't count it as going to another world. This was the new thing that he had discovered. Every universe, multiverse, omniverse and omegaverse had it's own unique space-time signature, which helped in differentiating it from others. The cosmic entities used these signatures to navigate the void between the universes. The void had it's own dangers also but Alexander was not able to investigate them as his probe was not able to go deep into the void. He was not foolish enough to force the matter so he stopped his probing lest he attracted some unwanted troubles.

He returned to his room and took a short nap and arrived on the same floating platform, from which he had witnessed the campaign of the origin verse. He watched the vast ocean of people waiting for him. Alexander was personally going to address his people this time. He let out a breath and came to the edge of the platform. He said, " My people...."


For advance chapters go to P A T R E O . C O M/novicewriter